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Ask Tikay?



  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay i won a a seat into the UKOPS MAIN EVENT if i win another one does the cash go into my account ??? your call centre staff dont seem to no alot about poker and were not alot off help ty for your time 
    Posted by HANSON
    hi hanson do you no if you can de register from main event and get money in your account
  • edited October 2011
    hi i have qualified for a spt for the first time-do i need to take id or something ?and of the 150 runners how many are likely to cash thank you.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi i have qualified for a spt for the first time-do i need to take id or something ?and of the 150 runners how many are likely to cash thank you.
    Posted by lerky
    Congratulations on qualifying for the SPT.  To become a member of DTD Nottingham you need to provide some sort of photo ID, usually driving licence or passport although I believe that you can also use a debit card with some sort of household bill as well.  As for the number of people who will cash, its usually 1 in 10 so assuming they max out at 180 runners then the top 18 will be paid.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi i have qualified for a spt for the first time-do i need to take id or something ?and of the 150 runners how many are likely to cash thank you.
    Posted by lerky
    Kiwi's reply (the Post above this) explains it perfectly. You MUST bring ID.

    As to number of runners, "alternates" will bring the total number of runners up to nearly or even above 200, so there MAY be more "places" paid.

    See you there!
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    i have a token for a £1000 gbp guaranteed, how do i find this tournament, have looked in tournaments but cant find it  thank you diane
    Posted by dianeh
    Hi Diane.

    To be honest, I don't know, but your best route for questions like this is Customer Care, who will be able to offer you an accurate & immediate reply.

    "Customer Care" are a much-maligned group of hard-working staff, & I met most of them yesterday in Leeds, great bunch of guys & gals all eager to please, so give them a call please. 
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay i won a a seat into the UKOPS MAIN EVENT if i win another one does the cash go into my account ??? your call centre staff dont seem to no alot about poker and were not alot off help ty for your time 
    Posted by HANSON
    Yes, it does.

    I think that's a little unfair on the call Centre staff, to be honest. They have a very wide brief, with demanding targets & KPI's, (which they meet or exceed regularly), & they DO know & understand poker.

    Be it in poker, or any other line of busines, Call-Centre staff are an easy target for peeps to complain about, & they seem about as popular as Traffic Wardens, Estate Agents, & even Accountants.....

    Pretty unfair, imo, but a reflection on our current society & attitudes I guess.

    Many congrats on winning the seat. Is it just you, or are the rest of the band playing, too?

    MMMBop, that was a Post from The Middle of Nowhere.......

    More excitingly, I suppose, Hanson also own these people. Fascinating stuff, any questions, fire away.....
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay can u tell me when playing 2 or 3 tables on cash can u get all of these tables on screen at the same time. thx
    Posted by kirky757
    At present, only with overlap, unless you have a chunky monitor, OR by using "Mini-View", in which case you can get 6 or 8 in vision depending on monitor size. 4 Tables on "mini-view" easily fits on a regular lappie screen. If you are unsure how to obtain Mini-View, just ask, & I'll give you the clicky things to click.

    However, all that will change, very soon indeed......
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi im jordan and my  name on here is holdem128 im just wondering if being agressive in the later stages of sit n goes is better then early stages thanks for your time ..
    Posted by ofarrell08
    Absolutely, yes.

    SNG's are very similar to DYM's, so there are 2 things you should read, which, I promise, if you learn & apply, WILL help you immensely.

    The first is HERE

    And to ask questions, which John will answer, see THIS

    Hope that helps. Your game WILL improve if you can absorb at least some of that.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?satellites:
    if you qualify for a ukops event via satellite and find you cant compete on that day can you de register and have the money in your account??
    Posted by pigsbody
    Have a word with Customer Care pigsbody, explain the situation, & I'm sure they'll sort it.

  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Good evening both Richard and Tikay A big congratulations to Julian Thew aka yo-yo - what a great ambassador to the poker community in the UK and on a global scale. On a smaller scale, played in my first 8k Sunday roller earlier and came 17th out of 54,, not bad... and in the mini event came 10th just missing out on the cashes. A frustration for all when you spend a few hours and then miss out on or near the bubble - still we move on to the next one and try and put the previous behind  and forget about it. Cheers POKEY2011 (Chris Jones)
    Posted by POKEY2011
    Thanks Chris, & a shame to bust so near the bubble.

    But that's half the buzz of Tourney poker really, start slowly, the excitement builds as we get nearer & nearer the money, sometimes we win those vital flips & progress, other times we go busto. That's the VERY ESSENCE of Tournament play.

    It's the near misses & failures which make the successes all the sweeter, & as a test of character, I abslolutely love it, as it tests our mettle, & backbone. Losing well is also as important as winning well.

    Stu Unger fanboys quote his "show me a good loser & I'll show you a loser" utterance, but as losers go, he sucked. Dignity in both defeat & victory counts for a lot in my book, but it's a book gathering dust these days, I fancy.

    Thanks for the support on the Table Rails & elsewhere, Chris. We had a right good sweat the other night when that Sky Poker Jackpot hoved into view, eh?
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi to everyone can anyone tell me if poker is luck or skill. i think it is luck ? all i see is luck and if you think it is skill please please show me or show me a hand what you call skill thank you. looking forward to your answer.
    Posted by hector45
    Its a mixture of both.

    Mr Hellmuth said "if it were not for luck, I would win every Tourney".

    Technically, there are grounds for saying he is the best NLHE player in the world, but if he played the Sky Poker Main Event 100 times, he might win it twice or 3 times at best, & cash maybe 15 or 20 times. The other times he'd bust before the cash.

    Skilful players will always do better, however, OVER TIME, than lucky players.

    If you play technically correct, & play enough cash poker, it's almost impossible to lose long-term. So skill WILL overcome luck in the long run.
  • edited October 2011
    hi tikay can you look at the community suggestions thread when you have time sir the one that bandini started regards to mentors and see what you think of the ideas we came up with plz thanks tk.
  • edited October 2011
    Hi Tony....... Kathleen and I would love to make the trip to Newcastle for round two of 2011/12 in December, am going to try and qualify through sat's...if unsucessful can i buy in at the last minute.....means we can book ferries etc. in advance.

    Cheers Colin
  • edited October 2011
    no more cash games 4 me beat last week ace flush and full house da ja vue just beat ace flush and full house wot a joke it is mission impossible could sky not just think me new player every week win a fortune so corrupt unreal sit and go s 1 player blitz every table time after time joke
  • edited October 2011
    dear tikay i would like to post a comment but ive stopped doing it now because of the sarcastic feedback [not including you]its a pity that some people seem to enjoy butting in with things like "if your poker is as good as your spelling" "donk" etc . When all you try to do is enter something that as occured or ask a civil question,im not a good poker player or speller . I have met through sky poker some good people who enjoy a laugh while playing , but still get abuse now and then while typing our bits and pieces in . why these people just dont turn of is beyond me .I have a couple of questions i would like to get advice on but im sorry to say i will not give give the responders the pleasure. yours booboo5205
  • edited October 2011
    The hand that won me the 10.30  £100 freeroll on 21 oct. There was 470 others who I would like to thank for there bravery and fantastic play lol nice wee £25 an a few hours of fun ( come on you pocket JJ ) 

    Quaversss Small blind  25000.00 25000.00 317274.58
    mahonedog Big blind  50000.00 75000.00 1650725.42
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    Quaversss All-in  317274.58 392274.58 0.00
    mahonedog Call  292274.58 684549.16 1358450.84
    Quaversss Show
    • 10
    • Q
    mahonedog Show
    • J
    • J
    • 8
    • 6
    • 4
    • 9
    • 4
    mahonedog Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 4s 684549.16  2043000.00
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    dear tikay i would like to post a comment but ive stopped doing it now because of the sarcastic feedback [not including you]its a pity that some people seem to enjoy butting in with things like "if your poker is as good as your spelling" "donk" etc . When all you try to do is enter something that as occured or ask a civil question,im not a good poker player or speller . I have met through sky poker some good people who enjoy a laugh while playing , but still get abuse now and then while typing our bits and pieces in . why these people just dont turn of is beyond me .I have a couple of questions i would like to get advice on but im sorry to say i will not give give the responders the pleasure. yours booboo5205
    Posted by booboo5205
    Hi boo,

    That's a very sad Post.

    I'm afraid it's a product of poor parenting, lack of respect, & people - usually the less erudite types - who take pleasure from being rude on poker Forums. The internet empowers people, but for better or worse, it empowers EVERYONE, good & bad. It won't change any time soon, so just try & rise above it.

    It might help if you take the view that sarcasm is not exactly hard - anyone can do it, & sarcasm is the main weapon used by trolls. We have 1 or 2 sad trolls on this Community - not many, really - but it's so hard to prove trolling, & they know it, so they snipe away with their cheap comments & jibes, & it sort of makes their sad little day. If we stand up to them, they soon back off, because they are essentially weak people. The odd thing is that when you meet them in the flesh, face to face, they are as nice as pie, & don't say a dicky bird.

    Sky Poker are trying their best to put a stop to it, & are dealing with it right now, but it's not easy, because they ache to become martyrs.

    I hope you will Post your questions on here. I'm not King Canute, I can't hold them all off, but I will not allow that sort of nonsense on this thread, trust me.

    I was on a Table last night, & one kid was just non-stop making sarcy, rude remarks, to all except one player, (his "friend" one assumes) but he was giving me "special treatment", with snidey comments after every hand. He was not even playing the Tourney! It's just a case of having to turn the other cheek sometimes. Poker is full of truly wonderful people, but the trolls make a lot more noise. Empty pots & all that.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    The hand that won me the 10.30  £100 freeroll on 21 oct. There was 470 others who I would like to thank for there bravery and fantastic play lol nice wee £25 an a few hours of fun ( come on you pocket JJ )  Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance Quaversss Small blind   25000.00 25000.00 317274.58 mahonedog Big blind   50000.00 75000.00 1650725.42   Your hole cards J J       Quaversss All-in   317274.58 392274.58 0.00 mahonedog Call   292274.58 684549.16 1358450.84 Quaversss Show 10 Q       mahonedog Show J J       Flop     8 6 4       Turn     9       River     4       mahonedog Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 4s 684549.16   2043000.00 Prev Close window Next
    Posted by mahonedog
    Well done you! Takes some doing to get past 470 runners.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Hi Tony..had fun at past SPT's...time is right for a return.:
    Hi Tony....... Kathleen and I would love to make the trip to Newcastle for round two of 2011/12 in December, am going to try and qualify through sat's...if unsucessful can i buy in at the last minute.....means we can book ferries etc. in advance. Cheers Colin
    Posted by Hjaltland
    Hi Colin.

    You have put me on the spot there, because if I say "yes", can you imagine the hoohah some of our trolls & mardybums will kick up?!

    PS - Book the ferry, do your best to qualify, & if you fail, I'll sort something out. Anyone who happily makes a journey which is 3 days EACH WAY deserves a bit of special treatment, imo.

    How are you both now? Not seen you on the Site for a while, & I was a bit worried.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Hi Tony..had fun at past SPT's...time is right for a return.:
    In Response to Hi Tony..had fun at past SPT's...time is right for a return. : Hi Colin. You have put me on the spot there, because if I say "yes", can you imagine the hoohah some of our trolls & mardybums will kick up?! PS - Book the ferry, do your best to qualify, & if you fail, I'll sort something out. Anyone who happily makes a journey which is 3 days EACH WAY deserves a bit of special treatment, imo. How are you both now? Not seen you on the Site for a while, & I was a bit worried.
    Posted by Tikay10
    OMFG, 3 days each way!! 

    +1,000,000,000 to the bolded part!! 
  • edited October 2011

    Correct Dyl. He lives in the Shetlands, & departs on Wednesday, & arrives on Saturday. For a 1 day Event. He then sets off home on Sunday, & arrives back in the Shetlands on Wednesday!

    He has a lovely Daughter, too. Or it may be his wife.....either way, very beautiful.

    I was studying the Wiki Page on the Shetlands recently, see....

    This is interesting, too....
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Correct Dyl. He lives in the Shetlands, & departs on Wednesday, & arrives on Saturday. For a 1 day Event. He then sets off home on Sunday, & arrives back in the Shetlands on Wednesday! He has a lovely Daughter, too. Or it may be his wife.....either way, very beautiful. I was studying the Wiki Page on the Shetlands recently, see.... This is interesting, too....
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks Tony.....been a long time since I felt able to play poker with conviction due to the lose of some very close family members, poker is more than play as you have to feel relaxed and able to concentrate.

    Daughter says

    A lot of valuable friends on SKY that we have not been able to say "Hi" to for far to long....see you all soon.

    Cheers Tony
  • edited October 2011
    Just started on this site but have noticed people are donk betting in to me alot ie the feeler bet out of position.
    I thought this play was dead but seems to be very common. Should the feeler bet be consigned to history or does it have a place in the game.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thanks Tony.....been a long time since I felt able to play poker with conviction due to the lose of some very close family members, poker is more than play as you have to feel relaxed and able to concentrate. Daughter says A lot of valuable friends on SKY that we have not been able to say "Hi" to for far to long....see you all soon. Cheers Tony
    Posted by Hjaltland
    That's terrible, & explains your absence. Very sorry to hear of your losses, Colin.

    Look forward to seeing you both soon, I hope.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    [QUOTE]Just started on this site but have noticed people are donk betting in to me alot ie the feeler bet out of position. I thought this play was dead but seems to be very common. Should the feeler bet be consigned to history or does it have a place in the game. Puffyt
    Posted by puffyt1

    Poker is one of those things where styles of play come & go, are sort of fashionable.

    There is no good reason why any form of bet should or should not be used, whatever floats peeps boat is fine.

    Sadly, youngsters are very impressionable, & they see the Hotpots 4 & 5 betting, or triple range merging & all that stuff & nonsense, & so they follow. Trouble is, they have no idea what they are doing. Players should do what they know best, not follow others. I really don't have any issues with what you call "donk betting", though I admit to loathing the very name. 

    One year we lead with our big hands, the next year we trap. What goes round comes round.....

    Marcel Luske sort of invented 2 things - "checking in the dark", & upside down shades. Within months, erveryone was copying him. I doubt as single one of them understood the reason for just like to be dedicated followers of fashion.

    I do hope you are enjoying yourself back here at Sky Poker. We don't follow fashion here, fair to say.....
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Yes, it does. I think that's a little unfair on the call Centre staff, to be honest. They have a very wide brief, with demanding targets & KPI's, (which they meet or exceed regularly), & they DO know & understand poker. Be it in poker, or any other line of busines, Call-Centre staff are an easy target for peeps to complain about, & they seem about as popular as Traffic Wardens, Estate Agents, & even Accountants..... Pretty unfair, imo, but a reflection on our current society & attitudes I guess. Many congrats on winning the seat. Is it just you, or are the rest of the band playing, too? MMMBop, that was a Post from The Middle of Nowhere....... More excitingly, I suppose, Hanson also own these people. Fascinating stuff, any questions, fire away.....  
    Posted by Tikay10
    hi again firstly my apologies about the call center staff there was no intention to put them down was haveing bad day and could not seem to get them to understand what it was i wanted to know ty for confirming my ? while i got your attention on a lighter note when i signed up to sky poker and was asked for player name the first name i thought off was written on a lorry at a building site HANSON LTD  oh how i now regret it  lol once again sry 
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : hi again firstly my apologies about the call center staff there was no intention to put them down was haveing bad day and could not seem to get them to understand what it was i wanted to know ty for confirming my ? while i got your attention on a lighter note when i signed up to sky poker and was asked for player name the first name i thought off was written on a lorry at a building site HANSON LTD  oh how i now regret it  lol once again sry 
    Posted by HANSON
    Yer Hanson ! leave call centre staff olone (as I am one) :) .... can't wait for the weekend C'MON!
  • edited October 2011
    I just thought i would post a valedictory message, that after the glorious total of 2 months on skypoker i have blown my entire bankroll.  I stand as an exampole to others not to play above your means, i was duking it out on tables with lots of great players and huge pots, despite some initial successes the general trend was downward, and finally tonight i was all in and the cards fell for the other bloke.  I've managed to lose a considerable amount of money (for me anyway) by playing a game that ienjoy and thought was just a laugh, i played it too much and and too hard, and i have paid the consequences, none of thsi is anyones fault but my own, i just wanted to put this message up as a cautionary tale for other people who enjoy playing poker, please don't let yourself get carried away by it, and end up broke like i did, play it for affordable amounts, dont run before you walk, and above all play it so you can enjoy it.  Sorry this is a bit of a down post but i thought it was a worthwhile one.
  • edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Yer Hanson ! leave call centre staff olone (as I am one) :) .... can't wait for the weekend C'MON!
    Posted by grantos888
    hi grantos did u get booked in  the travel lodge i mentioned if so  i will be there about 5ish on friday 28th i will buy u a beer at the bar im going to DTD that evening for the £50 tourney if your interested we could share taxi there if not theres a beer for u as a appology i already no theres a spelling mistake lol
  • edited October 2011
    hi tikay  ,  i am wanting to join team 51 and dont no how, players have told me to come on the forum page  but cant seem to find it,  anychance of sorting out for me,,  i am a pritty good player, i mostly ply in sit n gos,  and win alot of the time,  so think mite be good enoght for the teamm ,,  be nice to hear back thanks    craig47In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Oooh! No, in fact, I never did - I clean forgot. If you direct me to what Thread it was on, I'll be happy to continue with my "discrete" reply. I was enjoying that Thread, but I do get a bit busy & forget things. I'll not be able to reply until Monday though, as I'm at SPT all day tomorrow, & through to the early hours of Sunday, then I gotta drive down to London, groan. An "Ask tikay" Thread? I suppose I should not say this, but I'd actually love that, as long as it was not restricted solely to Poker, & could be about anything.
    Posted by Tikay10
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