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Ask Tikay?



  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay,i see all the seats have gone for luton(and one of them is mine cant wait!!)it says 120 qualified and i know luton  have 5 seats and a few celebs but i thought there were 150 in it or is this not true,also is there anywhere i can find the previous nights big tourny info for example last nites primo i wasnt in it but just wanted to have a look and see who won and done well etc,thanks shauny see you in luton
    Posted by SHAUNY
    Hi Shauny.

    Dealing with the 2nd question first......

    I don't know if you can see it anywhere on Sky Poker, but I find it easiest to take a quick look on Sharkscope.

    But please never Post links to Sharkscope, OR C & P stuff - graphs & suchlike - from Sharkscope onto Sky Poker, as they come out as Live "Links", which are non-compliant.

    If it helps, last night's Promo highlights were.....

    Winner - AceAcebaby (£3,856)

    2nd - Emile152 (£2,409)

    3rd - liamboi11 (£1,444)

    4th - TheTank (£1,045)

    5th - SION05 (£804)

    6th - yb (£643)

    536th - TIKAY10 (SFA)
  • edited February 2010

    I'm about to play some Tourneys, so I'll Post the reply to the other part of Shauny's question later, ditto the question By Miss Reid, aka debs08.
  • edited February 2010

    how do i get to play with u in tko events ??
  • edited February 2010
    Does any1 know when the leauge freerool is played! qulified this month and dont wanna miss it!

    Thanks for you reply in advanced
  • edited February 2010
    TIKAY please could you ask RichardO a question for me.....

  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Does any1 know when the leauge freerool is played! qulified this month and dont wanna miss it! Thanks for you reply in advanced
    Posted by adam26
    Hi adam

    The freeroll will appear in the lobby and a list of players are usualy put up in the announcements section of the forum where you will be able to register :)
  • edited February 2010
    Hi Tikyay, Hope your doing well

    Just a quick question for you.

    Every thursday down my local we have a poker night, 12 of us, only small stakes £5 entry.

    A couple of weeks ago the following happened and just wnat your advice on what we should have done.  I'm pretty sure we came to the right out come just hoping you confirm it.

    We was on the 3rd level of the tournament, preflop theres a raise, a re raise and 2 callers.

    The dealers burns a card, deals the flop, theres a bet followed by a fold and a call.  Dealer deals the turn and to his horror the next burn card is face up. 

    He must have somehow done this when he was shuffling the cards, now what should happen in this situation??? 3 ideas were put forward.

    1. Player 1 who had called the bet on the flop, wnated to continue playing, saying both players had seen the card so no advantage was given (the flop had given him trips)

    2.  Player 2 the guy who bet out on the flop disagreed strongly with this and his idea was the 2 players left in the hand share the chips between them.

    3.  Player 3 said who had folded on the flop disagreed with both and said all chips should be returned and the hand replayed.

    This was followed by lots of arguing between the whole table and in particular player 1 and the dealer.

    In the end much to the annoyance of of player 1 all chips were returned to the players and the hand was replayed.  This tilted the guy and about 6 hands later he was out.

    Was this the correct outcome?

    Would it be the same outcome if both players had been all in?

    Should the dealer have been penalised? (only a "friendly" game but would he have been a aproper game)

    Sorry was suppose to be a quick question

  • edited February 2010
    Tikay, I have heard you say before that you don't put much stock in poker books (in fact i think you've said you had never read / owned a single one). Someone was asking earlier about the best book out their and as a sugestion i mentioned they may want to check out some of the training sites that are now available. Now i don't use these myself but am considering joining one of the larger well know sites (i'm sure you've heard of them but don't think i can put their name on here).

    Can you tell me what your thoughts on these video tutorial type sites are? Have you ever been on them to see what they are offer? The obviously cost money to use but do you consider them a more worthwhile investment than say a series of books by a well know former WSOP champ which would cost similar


  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Off the top of my head, err, no! They did explain it to me, but I've plum forgotten. I'll find out (or someone will reply for me) & get back to you. I trust you are a Team tikayer?
    Posted by Tikay10
    Yes sir, but haven't been for long
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Tikay, I have heard you say before that you don't put much stock in poker books (in fact i think you've said you had never read / owned a single one). Someone was asking earlier about the best book out their and as a sugestion i mentioned they may want to check out some of the training sites that are now available. Now i don't use these myself but am considering joining one of the larger well know sites (i'm sure you've heard of them but don't think i can put their name on here). Can you tell me what your thoughts on these video tutorial type sites are? Have you ever been on them to see what they are offer? The obviously cost money to use but do you consider them a more worthwhile investment than say a series of books by a well know former WSOP champ which would cost similar Cheers Chris
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    Right, an hour or so to try & get up to date with these Questions, & I'll start with this one from Chris.

    We all learn in different ways, but poker tuition books dont cut it for me. That's not to say they won't work for others. Personally, I think A-B-C nitty poker is the only way to survive long-term in poker, & we don't need books to teach us that, but because it works for me does not mean it will work for everyone.

    Of the Video Tutorial sites, only one gets the tikay tick, because it's far & away the best, & most professional, available - Cardrunners.

    A new segement of the Market has just been formed however, these are poker academies & such-like, where a bunch of Pros are (allegedly) on hand to teach, & students pay as much as £300 per day to be taught. Of those I've seen, I'd avoid them all like the plague. One of them advertises a whole load of Pros who are alleged to be their mentors, but I know for a perfect fact that some of them have nothing to do with the site whatsoever! The site teases you with their names, but it's all just puff & pisch. 

    The other way to learn is to study, read, & contribute, to Poker Hand Analysis Boards on Poker Forums, though, again, be careful who you listen to, but there are usually some real perals of wisdom in amongst the sea of chaff. The knack is being able to seperate the pearls from the chaff. Or even the wheat from the chaff.  
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikyay, Hope your doing well Just a quick question for you. Every thursday down my local we have a poker night, 12 of us, only small stakes £5 entry. A couple of weeks ago the following happened and just wnat your advice on what we should have done.  I'm pretty sure we came to the right out come just hoping you confirm it. We was on the 3rd level of the tournament, preflop theres a raise, a re raise and 2 callers. The dealers burns a card, deals the flop, theres a bet followed by a fold and a call.  Dealer deals the turn and to his horror the next burn card is face up.  He must have somehow done this when he was shuffling the cards, now what should happen in this situation??? 3 ideas were put forward. 1. Player 1 who had called the bet on the flop, wnated to continue playing, saying both players had seen the card so no advantage was given (the flop had given him trips) 2.  Player 2 the guy who bet out on the flop disagreed strongly with this and his idea was the 2 players left in the hand share the chips between them. 3.  Player 3 said who had folded on the flop disagreed with both and said all chips should be returned and the hand replayed. This was followed by lots of arguing between the whole table and in particular player 1 and the dealer. In the end much to the annoyance of of player 1 all chips were returned to the players and the hand was replayed.  This tilted the guy and about 6 hands later he was out. Was this the correct outcome? Would it be the same outcome if both players had been all in? Should the dealer have been penalised? (only a "friendly" game but would he have been a aproper game) Sorry was suppose to be a quick question Gareth
    Posted by 35suited

    Well, this is "Pub Poker" petronified! Just about everything there would, by conventional Poker Rules & Etiquette, be wrong!

    I'll go through it in bite-size pieces, to make the answers more digestable. Like a biscuit, really. ;)

    Lets sort two easy things first.

    1) The Dealer found that a burn card was face up.

    This is called a "box" or "boxed" card. It's not that unusual. The Dealer cannot & must not be berated or penalised for it. He's made a mistake, so be it. Poker players make mistakes - Call with the worst of it & lose - Dealers make mistakes. NEVER harangue the Dealer, & there is NO rule or mechanism to punish him.

    2) How do we resolve such disputes?
    Universally, we refer to something called "Robert's Rules of Poker", which is produced by Bob (aka Robert) Ciaffone. Just google "Roberts Rules of Poker", it's all there.

    Now, to that box card.

  • edited February 2010

    This is what those Rules say as to your particular question.

    "......A card discovered faceup in the deck (boxed card) will be treated as a meaningless scrap of paper. A card being treated as a scrap of paper will be replaced by the next card below it in the deck,.....

    It's that simple.

    One more point before we get back to the three options you say were mooted. Someone wanted the hand declared void, someone else did not, da de da. Forget all that - here's the coup. There are numerous ways a hand can be voided, but they are all pre-empted - in this case - by this one.

    ".....Once action begins, a misdeal cannot be called. The deal will be played, and no money will be returned to any player whose hand is fouled. In button games, action is considered to occur when two players after the blinds have acted on their hands....."

    So, the hand plays out.

    But we have not finished yet.....
  • edited February 2010

    Now, you say all three players were arguing the toss. Well, if they were allowed to, they would, would they not?

    But they are NOT allowed to - the decision has nothing to do with them!

    How can it? Their view is guaranteed to be biased, to be situation dependent! Tell them to button it, keep quiet, then get the TD across & he will sort it. And if these lads argue, we either disqualify them, or have them shot. We can't have anarchy at the Table.

    The Dealer made a mistake, so be it, the world's not perfect. If it meant a guy lost a hand he might have won, well it means the opposite to his oppo, & nobody died. It's just a game.

    I hope that covers everything, if not, ask again, or google "Roberts Rules of Poker". Those Rules are accepted almost universally, & the WSOP, TDA, & APAT's Rules are all almost identical to them. 
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi Tikyay, Hope your doing well Just a quick question for you. Every thursday down my local we have a poker night, 12 of us, only small stakes £5 entry. A couple of weeks ago the following happened and just wnat your advice on what we should have done.  I'm pretty sure we came to the right out come just hoping you confirm it. We was on the 3rd level of the tournament, preflop theres a raise, a re raise and 2 callers. The dealers burns a card, deals the flop, theres a bet followed by a fold and a call.  Dealer deals the turn and to his horror the next burn card is face up.  He must have somehow done this when he was shuffling the cards, now what should happen in this situation??? 3 ideas were put forward. 1. Player 1 who had called the bet on the flop, wnated to continue playing, saying both players had seen the card so no advantage was given (the flop had given him trips) 2.  Player 2 the guy who bet out on the flop disagreed strongly with this and his idea was the 2 players left in the hand share the chips between them. 3.  Player 3 said who had folded on the flop disagreed with both and said all chips should be returned and the hand replayed. This was followed by lots of arguing between the whole table and in particular player 1 and the dealer. In the end much to the annoyance of of player 1 all chips were returned to the players and the hand was replayed.  This tilted the guy and about 6 hands later he was out. Was this the correct outcome? Would it be the same outcome if both players had been all in? Should the dealer have been penalised? (only a "friendly" game but would he have been a aproper game) Sorry was suppose to be a quick question Gareth
    Posted by 35suited
    I done this at the Paddy Power open. I was mortified!! My first live tournament. Didn't have a clue what to do, I was shaking like a leaf.
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : I done this at the Paddy Power open. I was mortified!! My first live tournament. Didn't have a clue what to do, I was shaking like a leaf.
    Posted by Ms_Chips
    Did what, exactly, Ms Chips?
  • edited February 2010
    Thanks for the reply Tikay,

    I have to say Cardrunners is the one i was looking at (and the one i recomended as have heard nothing but good things about them) but i didn't know we could mention the names in threads......... As you did it first i'm taking none of the blame lol
  • edited February 2010
    Flipped a card whilst dealing. Not exactly the same, however, very embarrassing for a noob. I then proceeded to try gather all the cards back before being told to calm down a bit and relax. Thankfully everyone at the table was very understanding.

    However the funniest thing I ever seen at a poker table involved my friend. She was new to the game and really only knew the basics. Anyway she was dealt aces and raised it up and got flatted by TT. after the flop both players had over pairs. She cbet, he shoved, she called, and when she seen his cards she jumped for joyed and starting gathering all the chips making a complete mess stretching over the table. She was then told to calm down relax, still a couple of more cards to see.

    Oh Yes Rivered. I couldn't play for laughung.
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Thanks for the reply Tikay, I have to say Cardrunners is the one i was looking at (and the one i recomended as have heard nothing but good things about them) but i didn't know we could mention the names in threads......... As you did it first i'm taking none of the blame lol
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    It's acknowledged as the best in the workd, & afaic, it's fine to mention it. What we must NOT do on here is put ".com" behind it, or any other, name.

    You will struggle to find anyone who has a bad word to say about Cardrunners. I'm not sure if it's still in the Archives somewhere, or on You Tube, but we interviewed the Cardrunners Founders in Vegas last year, or the year before. Nice lads, not one of them looked older than about 11, either.
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Flipped a card whilst dealing. Not exactly the same, however, very embarrassing for a noob. I then proceeded to try gather all the cards back before being told to calm down a bit and relax. Thankfully everyone at the table was very understanding. However the funniest thing I ever seen at a poker table involved my friend. She was new to the game and really only knew the basics. Anyway she was dealt aces and raised it up and got flatted by TT. after the flop both players had over pairs. She cbet, he shoved, she called, and when she seen his cards she jumped for joyed and starting gathering all the chips making a complete mess stretching over the table. She was then told to calm down relax, still a couple of more cards to see. Oh Yes Rivered. I couldn't play for laughung.
    Posted by Ms_Chips
    You were Dealing - in the Irish Open? Wow!

    As to your friend, well.......

    "....starting gathering all the chips making a complete mess stretching over the table...."

    I'm afraid she must NEVER touch chips "in the pot", EVEN after she has won the hand - it is the Dealers responsibility to push the chips to her. Touching Pots in the pot is a hideous offence. Think of the carnage - Fiasco? - that could ensue if you mess up the pot.

    You must have her hands chopped off immediately, preferably at the knee.

  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : You were Dealing - in the Irish Open? Wow! As to your friend, well....... "....starting gathering all the chips making a complete mess stretching over the table ...." I'm afraid she must NEVER touch chips "in the pot", EVEN after she has won the hand - it is the Dealers responsibility to push the chips to her. Touching Pots in the pot is a hideous offence. Think of the carnage - Fiasco? - that could ensue if you mess up the pot. You must have her hands chopped off immediately, preferably at the knee.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    It wasn't thee Irish Open. It was a chairty event sponsored by PP where the winner won a package to the Irish. So as players we where dealing ourselves. Didn't do to well myself but I met Marc Goodwin.

    Yeh her etiquette has improved immensley. T'was so funny but.
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : It wasn't thee Irish Open. It was a chairty event sponsored by PP where the winner won a package to the Irish. So as players we where dealing ourselves. Didn't do to well myself but I met Marc Goodwin. Yeh her etiquette has improved immensley. T'was so funny but.
    Posted by Ms_Chips
    Oh, I seeeeeeeee

    Did Marc have his silly hat on? I wish I had a little more spare time - I could tell you so many Marc Goodwin stories.

  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Oh, I seeeeeeeee Did Marc have his silly hat on? I wish I had a little more spare time - I could tell you so many Marc Goodwin stories.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Haha, no he didn't. Now i'm curious.
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    TIKAY please could you ask RichardO  a question for me .....   WHERE  IS   ZAAAGGGG   
    Posted by STEVEMAX
    Zaag? Who she?

    Was she on Blue Peter, with Rich?
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay,i see all the seats have gone for luton(and one of them is mine cant wait!!)it says 120 qualified and i know luton  have 5 seats and a few celebs but i thought there were 150 in it or is this not true,also is there anywhere i can find the previous nights big tourny info for example last nites primo i wasnt in it but just wanted to have a look and see who won and done well etc,thanks shauny see you in luton
    Posted by SHAUNY
    Hi again Shauny,

    As far as I know, Luton will have 150 runners. The Event has a Guarantee of £12,500 I believe, but for every runner, there will be £150 in the Prize Pool, so if it gets 150, the Prize Pool will be £15,000.

    I'm not sure what the constituent of 150 is. I know 120 have qualified, there is a Luton Live Super-Sat for 5 seats, 5 seats have been set aside for Poker Journos, there are 8 or 10 Celebs, 2 or three Sky Poker Presenters & Analysts, & one or two "surprise" players.

    Look forward to seeing you there!

    And remember - you will  NOT get in to G-Luton if you are wearing trainers, or sports apparel.
  • edited February 2010
    Thank you tikay for taking the time to answer my question I appretiate how busy you are and really didnt expect such an indepth answer, but then i didnt realise just how wrong we were.

    Thnaks again

  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Zaag? Who she? Was she on Blue Peter, with Rich?
    Posted by Tikay10
    The wee little alien was on The Big Breakfast with Richard Bacon ;-)
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi again Shauny, As far as I know, Luton will have 150 runners. The Event has a Guarantee of £12,500 I believe, but for every runner, there will be £150 in the Prize Pool, so if it gets 150, the Prize Pool will be £15,000. I'm not sure what the constituent of 150 is. I know 120 have qualified, there is a Luton Live Super-Sat for 5 seats, 5 seats have been set aside for Poker Journos, there are 8 or 10 Celebs, 2 or three Sky Poker Presenters & Analysts, & one or two "surprise" players. Look forward to seeing you there! And remember - you will  NOT get in to G-Luton if you are wearing trainers, or sports apparel.
    Posted by Tikay10
    thanks tikay for taking the time to answer,il see you there mate im staying at hotel so going on the friday,play sum poker few beers,then ready for the big one on the saturday ,only live 40 mins away,but cant be doing with taxis and the hotel was cheap as im staying there with wattspoker and pricy as we live in the same town,prob play the 75 pound freezeout on the friday nite,like i say see you there,hope your having luck on the tables
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : thanks tikay for taking the time to answer,il see you there mate im staying at hotel so going on the friday,play sum poker few beers,then ready for the big one on the saturday ,only live 40 mins away,but cant be doing with taxis and the hotel was cheap as im staying there with wattspoker and pricy as we live in the same town,prob play the 75 pound freezeout on the friday nite,like i say see you there,hope your having luck on the tables
    Posted by SHAUNY
    Thanks Shauny. I'll prob play the Friday night £75 Freeze, too.
  • edited February 2010
    hi tikay me again i play in a pub league on tuesday nites,last year i won it and got a good pay out we are in week 5 of 13 and im sitting top again well i was up till last nite ,played well early doors did nothing wrong had alot of chips,then moved to another table,came up against a guy i dont like playing as he plays everything i got pocket 7s blinds wer 500 and 1000,i raised to 5000,every one folded apart from this one guy he called.flop came down 4 5 6,i decided to push with my stack of 19000 he had acouple of thousand more than me ,after 5mins of thinking about it he called he turned over ace six,anyway the turn came down an ace and river was queen so it was game over for me,is there anything else i could have done,thinking back maybe if id have put in 8k,then id have seen the ace and maybe got away from it and stayed in the tourny,but i still had open ended straight draws,not sure.       any advice would be great cheers tikay     shauny
  • edited February 2010
    hi tikay!   its piper123  can u give me any advice on my game? i think im ok but would be happy if u could give me any tips on the way i play?
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