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advice and guidence

edited March 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi my name is john and ive been on sky now for 19 days and tbh ive put a few posts out there complaining bout bad beats and so on. When i put up my last moaning post i went to my hand history in last hour and went to worse loses i read through the biggest losing hands to find that every single 1 of them was my bad play and it was in my head bout losin flips and draws. I then took a good few hours out reading the horror story of my poker play in last few months and hopefully fixed alot of faults i seemed to have been doing. So i put £100 in my sky account and hit the tables and made £200 in 5 hours happy days.

I also read up on this cash for points deal on sky after hearing scotty77 talking bout it on tv and wel now im hooked. So what im looking for from the skypoker world is alot of advice and help to really push me on to get br up and running to a great position to play biggest games and tournys to really make good profit.

I will update this page regular with questions for help and hands for advice to see what i get back as i dont want to slip back into what i did doing mistakes and blaming luck and so on.

so to start i want to ask every1 about spreadsheets are they really that helpful and whats the best way to set 1 up and what info should i put in it? or is there a website or download i should get to help me store my data?

all help and advice welcome


  • edited March 2012
    its good to hear your taking steps to improve your game and a good post my advice would be dnt tile when u get a bad beat and u say u have £200 what level are u playing at so if u do lose a buy in u can take it on the chin and bounce back my advice would be to play 10 nl for time being with a br of 200 and maybe multable if your comftable with that and see how u get on good luck at the tables from steve
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: advice and guidence:
    its good to hear your taking steps to improve your game and a good post my advice would be dnt tile when u get a bad beat and u say u have £200 what level are u playing at so if u do lose a buy in u can take it on the chin and bounce back my advice would be to play 10 nl for time being with a br of 200 and maybe multable if your comftable with that and see how u get on good luck at the tables from steve
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    im currently playing at 50nl i know this is way above my br but im just not comfortable at micro stakes i tried it since i came to sky poker playing 4nl and profit was minimal and the beats were harsh. im very comfortable at 50nl as this is level i played at before i came to sky.

    my br is now near 400 after a good session there. but a few hands id like some advice on if any1 can help
  • edited March 2012

    do you think i folded good? the player was playin very passive and had him down as a calling station and not seen much agg from him so i feel i made good fold but was the hand in genral played correct or would any1 have done it diff?

    Curt360x27 Small blind  £0.25 £0.25 £49.25
    gerrard9 Big blind  £0.50 £0.75 £50.56
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    127RIBEROT Fold     
    MRGARY Call  £0.50 £1.25 £65.38
    thebil123 Raise  £2.00 £3.25 £65.88
    DrRunGood Raise  £5.00 £8.25 £43.14
    Curt360x27 Fold     
    gerrard9 Fold     
    MRGARY Call  £4.50 £12.75 £60.88
    thebil123 Fold     
    • 9
    • K
    • 10
    MRGARY Check     
    DrRunGood Bet  £5.00 £17.75 £38.14
    MRGARY Call  £5.00 £22.75 £55.88
    • 2
    MRGARY Check     
    DrRunGood Check     
    • 9
    MRGARY Bet  £17.06 £39.81 £38.82
    DrRunGood Fold     
    MRGARY Muck     
    MRGARY Win  £21.61  £60.43
    MRGARY Return  £17.06
  • edited March 2012
    should i always value bet hands like this i checked as i was sure he would have put in another bet but felt anoyed with myself that i didnt at least value this. if you would have value bet it how much would you put in to ger max value here? 

    pre - i raised cause aq oop aint great to a call so wanted to know where i was
    flop - i put in an under raise to make it look like a scared c-bet
    turn - i check called because by this point im sure i have him cripled so any raise would scare him off
    river - i check to raise but as he checked behind i feel he lost value
    Curt360x27 Small blind  £0.25 £0.25 £50.83
    DrRunGood Big blind  £0.50 £0.75 £26.96
    johnnyd117 Big blind  £0.50 £1.25 £63.52
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • Q
    thebil123 Fold     
    supersid12 Fold     
    johnnyd117 Check     
    SanqBeliq Fold     
    Curt360x27 Fold     
    DrRunGood Raise  £2.00 £3.25 £24.96
    johnnyd117 Call  £2.00 £5.25 £61.52
    • Q
    • Q
    • 8
    DrRunGood Bet  £1.50 £6.75 £23.46
    johnnyd117 Call  £1.50 £8.25 £60.02
    • 3
    DrRunGood Check     
    johnnyd117 Bet  £8.50 £16.75 £51.52
    DrRunGood Call  £8.50 £25.25 £14.96
    • K
    DrRunGood Check     
    johnnyd117 Check     
    DrRunGood Show
    • A
    • Q
    johnnyd117 Muck
    • 8
    • 7
    DrRunGood Win Three Queens £24.22
  • edited March 2012
    Re: Spreadsheets - I'll post screenshots of my spreadsheets shortly, although it'll probably take a while for pictures to be approved. I won't post my tournament one as it's pretty awful, but I'll post an example of what I use for DYM's and cash.

    Re: Bankroll Management - You've put £100 on your account and you said you made £200 in 5 hours, so I assume you have ~£300 in your account now, although you must have been playing at a pretty high level to make £200 in 5 hours. From some of your previous posts, I assume you weren't happy playing micro stakes and moved up? Probably not the best idea in the world if that's the case and definitely not something I'd recommend, but if you manage to spin that £100 up into a decent roll for whatever level you're playing at, then fair play.

    £300 is 15 buy-ins @ NL20, and although I'd still recommend NL8/10 with that BR, if you're really not enjoying micro stakes and provided your game is up to it, NL20 wouldn't be the worst thing in the world - As long as you accept that a 15BI downswing to send you broke is still a possibility. If you're single tabling, you'll probably be okay with 15 BI's. I certainly wouldn't go any higher than NL20, though, as the risk of going broke is just too high.

    EDIT: AQ vs. 78 hand - Bet bigger on the flop (you've bet about 1/4 pot, I'd go for the same size as your standard c-bet), and bet the turn, 3h is a total brick. If he thinks his hand is good on the flop, he has to think it's good on the turn as 3h changes nothing.
  • edited March 2012
    u playing 50 nl with 400 quid 1 bad beat and lose a buy in then u chasing to get ya buy in bk i been there its hard work and u need to have a good mental game to lose a 8th of your bankroll in 1 shot bk to the aq  hand pot was 4.75 and u hit trips and u bet so weak here i would bet 3 quid not 1.50 and 1st hand maybe check flop for pot control dnt mind the bet tho 
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: advice and guidence:
    Re: Spreadsheets - I'll post screenshots of my spreadsheets shortly, although it'll probably take a while for pictures to be approved. I won't post my tournament one as it's pretty awful, but I'll post an example of what I use for DYM's and cash.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    As promised - First one is my 4NL Spreadsheet. Most of these are pretty self explanatory. Duration is in minutes.

    Second one is what I have for DYM's - That's almost all the DYM's I've played since joining Sky Poker, there's probably a few missing as I didn't build a spreadsheet immediately. I have the same thing for each individual month as well. (Ignore the little green error things in the corner of each cell, that's just because I'm too lazy to lock the cells with formulas in and password protect my spreadsheet, lol)

    Hope this helps.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: advice and guidence:
    Re: Spreadsheets - I'll post screenshots of my spreadsheets shortly, although it'll probably take a while for pictures to be approved. I won't post my tournament one as it's pretty awful, but I'll post an example of what I use for DYM's and cash. Re: Bankroll Management - You've put £100 on your account and you said you made £200 in 5 hours, so I assume you have ~£300 in your account now, although you must have been playing at a pretty high level to make £200 in 5 hours. From some of your previous posts, I assume you weren't happy playing micro stakes and moved up? Probably not the best idea in the world if that's the case and definitely not something I'd recommend, but if you manage to spin that £100 up into a decent roll for whatever level you're playing at, then fair play. £300 is 15 buy-ins @ NL20, and although I'd still recommend NL8/10 with that BR, if you're really not enjoying micro stakes and provided your game is up to it, NL20 wouldn't be the worst thing in the world - As long as you accept that a 15BI downswing to send you broke is still a possibility. If you're single tabling, you'll probably be okay with 15 BI's. I certainly wouldn't go any higher than NL20, though, as the risk of going broke is just too high. EDIT: AQ vs. 78 hand - Bet bigger on the flop (you've bet about 1/4 pot, I'd go for the same size as your standard c-bet), and bet the turn, 3h is a total brick. If he thinks his hand is good on the flop, he has to think it's good on the turn as 3h changes nothing.
    Posted by EvilPingu

    ive never been a great person with br management its defo my weak point but im really concentrating at the moment with my games and not multi tabling alot to minimise loss untill im at my comfortable br for this level.
    thanks for the spreadsheets i just wanted to see what every1 puts in them.
    do you think they really help?
    aq hand i felt if i bet bigger on flop he would have folded but by a small c bet then check he put money in that was my logic behind it.
    my bankroll is at £378 at moment and ive withdrew my £100 back so i was even
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: advice and guidence:
    u playing 50 nl with 400 quid 1 bad beat and lose a buy in then u chasing to get ya buy in bk i been there its hard work and u need to have a good mental game to lose a 8th of your bankroll in 1 shot bk to the aq  hand pot was 4.75 and u hit trips and u bet so weak here i would bet 3 quid not 1.50 and 1st hand maybe check flop for pot control dnt mind the bet tho 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU

    as i said to evilpingu my weakness has always been my br management but i just really dont fell comfy playin micro stakes. I was playin them since i came onto sky and i was just below even before i put £100 in to play at bigger tables and now im in profit i will defo be movin down to 20nl if i lose a buyin tho but if i can get to a comfy br before that happens id be happy.

    hand with the queens i bet on flop because this player most game folded to my c bets or just called then checked down thats why i felt his raise was out of ordinary so i had to give him credit for stronger hand or he just played me which i can accept. looking back i defo think i shouda checkd the flop and bet the turn i think that would have been more effective
  • edited March 2012
    good luck but unless you run exceptionally wel for a few weeks or or an exceptional player that b roll is nowere near enough for the level your playing
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: advice and guidence:
     pre - i raised cause aq oop aint great to a call so wanted to know where i was flop - i put in an under raise to make it look like a scared c-bet turn - i check called because by this point im sure i have him cripled so any raise would scare him off river - i check to raise but as he checked behind i feel he lost value 
    Posted by DrRunGood
    Yout thinking is flawed throughout the hand, you're thinking like a smaller stakes player because you haven't learnt how to beat the lower levels yet.

    It's best to go back and learn, doesn't have to be nl4, with 400 quid u can play 5p/10p or 10p/20p. 

  • edited March 2012
    your hoping to go on a heater at a level you are nowhere near rolled for in the hope you get a managable bankroll for that level.

    you say you will drop down a level should you lose a buyin, then you are playing scared.

    i suggest you think up a proper bankroll structure to cope with the inevitable downswing which no player is immune from
  • edited March 2012
    If your playing 50nl just sit at my tables, I'm sure I'll spew off a few quid to you.
  • edited March 2012
    Your BRM is a worry.

    With that kind of roll you can just about sit at NL20....NL50 is a very tough level and you need more than 8 BIs behind you.

    In terms of C4P then it does soon add up and if you are able to put the hours in then it can become a very decent sum at the end of every month.

  • edited March 2012
    ask for advice



    rinse and repeat
  • edited March 2012
    ok im hearing every1 say bout the br ok i accept every1s advice thanks but do i realy need to go down levels or what if i just deposit in another £600 to sit at 50nl comfortably as i would have 20 bi

    scotty77 it was ur advice on the c4p that got me looking at when you said there was a few ppl you knew that would be break even players but by sticking in the hours the c4p made them their profit so thats a great way of looking at sky pokers promotion
  • edited March 2012
    can some1 punch me when i play ak like this again
    i know i played this totaly messed up but like to hear from a cash game reg what ur approach is on ak
    sometimes i anoy myself so much by playing like this
    rocky62 Small blind  £0.25 £0.25 £110.18
    DrRunGood Big blind  £0.50 £0.75 £29.90
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    Lizthebiz Fold     
    pryce6 Fold     
    mamm1981 Raise  £2.00 £2.75 £16.47
    Grayster88 Fold     
    rocky62 Fold     
    DrRunGood Raise  £7.50 £10.25 £22.40
    mamm1981 Call  £6.00 £16.25 £10.47
    • 8
    • Q
    • J
    DrRunGood Bet  £10.50 £26.75 £11.90
    mamm1981 All-in  £10.47 £37.22 £0.00
    DrRunGood Unmatched bet  £0.03 £37.19 £11.93
    DrRunGood Show
    • A
    • K
    mamm1981 Show
    • A
    • J
    • 7
    • 5
    mamm1981 Win Pair of Jacks £35.39
  • edited March 2012
    I think you played it fine.

    Personally I'd go to 5 - 5.50 pre (maybe it might be better to go bigger as you are only 30bb or so effective) but once you hit the flop with 2 overs and a gushot and considering how the stacks are compared to the pot size you have no choice but to put your opponent all in.
  • edited March 2012
    scotty77 or any other cash reg who built themself up through the ranks did you have some1 u gave ur hand history to for some other view and if so did it help alot?
  • edited March 2012
    I have a group of poker friends who I talk about hands with etc, so yeah its a great way to learn...but things like the poker clinic are the same thing really so just try to spend some time on there...even reading for 10 mins a day will really help your game.
  • edited March 2012
    tip 1. dont multitable, have atleast 100 buyins if you are going to (atleast) 1 table = full concentration ( i used to 24 table on stars and when i suffered a bad beat my stratagy would go out the window)
    tip 2. if you cant beat the low stakes dont move up as u will just spew most your bankroll down the drain/
            u may be on +EV and then hit a good old downswing and probably go broke
    tip3.  after every session find leaks in you game and try correct them
    tip4.  if u suffer a bad beat sit out the next hand take a breather its not the end of the world its just poker

    sorry i cant be more helpfull as i dint read all your postds :/
  • edited March 2012
    dohhhhh made a good point nl10 would be a good place 2 float around for now
  • edited March 2012

    a combination of terrible play and dreadfull run of rivers im suprised im only down a bi 2nite and at 1 point was even up just 1 of those nights tho everything and anythin bad happend

    thanks for advice tumtum23 its very much appreciated

    im not bad with badbeats tho they dont get to me or tilt me.

  • edited March 2012
    wish you all the luck, but people would respect you more if you grinded your bankroll to them stakes instead of trying to get on a heater and running it up stupidly but each to there own ;) most the comments have been about bankroll management thats probably the MAIN advice.

    if your looking for C4p which i didnt know about multitabling 4 nl10 tables would probably be more profitable then one nl50 due to looser players donk bets etc and getting more value from hands (im gessing its contribution based not hands dealt)
  • edited March 2012
    i got a 1k br so im comfy at 50nl plus im beatin that level so why do i need to move down at moment altho was playin 10nl today was good i enjoyed it and made nice profit

    happy news aswel i just got back into profit for my session and with way ive played is a real acomplishment
  • edited March 2012

    p.s. ive had aces 12 times 2nite and havnt seen a flop with any of them and most been raised is 3 x and 4 times it was my bb

    can i just add for every1 im not a new player to poker i have done my time at low stakes on pkr where im a winning player and in their top 500 winning players i just came to sky cause i watch it all the time on tv and took advantage of a promotion and really liked it so decided to try build a br. I was playin low stakes and didnt think it was worth while so i deposited bigger amount went to 50nl won £400 in a few days then deposited 600 to make 1k br to sit at tht level. i know if skiped few levels here but i havnt elsewhere and im here tryin to move on and improve to next level

  • edited March 2012
    sorry thought u where on £400. 20 buyins hmmm bit aggressive bankroll managment as long as u can move down if u suffer a bad run then no problem. i would consider doing 4 tables 5p/10p due to rake being paid = more C4P. GL.
  • edited March 2012
    4 table 5p/10p then more action lol
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: advice and guidence:
    4 table 5p/10p then more action lol
    Posted by TumTum23
    im going to take your advice tumtum il drop to 5/10nl il post results and a few hands.
    may not be on 2nite tho as i have to sit and look through my play last night
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: advice and guidence:
    its good to hear your taking steps to improve your game and a good post my advice would be dnt tile when u get a bad beat and u say u have £200 what level are u playing at so if u do lose a buy in u can take it on the chin and bounce back my advice would be to play 10 nl for time being with a br of 200 and maybe multable if your comftable with that and see how u get on good luck at the tables from steve
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    this is bad advice,i went and tiled my bathroom after a bad beat,saved me a fortune ;)
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