no im sorry i tried playing 10nl and its not poker its carnage yea i know it ok sayin u want ppl to be fishy to play and win but when u at 3 tables and 90 percent of players are over callin over raisin and genraly playing wild how am i meant to turn a profit i played for 2 hours grindin away playin solid and within 4 hands i had lost double what i won in 2 hours so for all the advice of playing lower im sorry my standard begins at 50nl below tht is like playin bingo/lotto and ive not read all the books ive read spent hours researching online and played 10 of thousands of hands to then throw it all out the window because im at a table with 5 wild bingo players tht when they i hit and they hit harder im losin cash im here for a profit and u cnt make it at lower tables without havin a spare 12 hours a day.
and before any1 says im not a good player cause i cnt handle it low stakes cash games for a start i dont need to i got cash to skip them. and 2nd ive turned 100 into 400 (actualy 500 cause i withdrew my original 100) in a few days at 50nl only 1 losin session in a week but at 10nl i had 4 tables up and made a loss in every table
session 3 tabling 10nl
24 Mar '12 at 02:20PokerMaster Cash 1£-5.53£0.0024 Mar '12 at 02:20PokerMaster Cash 2£-20.00£0.0024 Mar '12 at 02:19PokerGatenby£-2.96£0.00total -28.49
to get my money back went back to 50nl 24 Mar '12 at 03:21PokerEast Kilbride£99.26£99.26 total + 99.26
Would recommend a book to you "Fooled By Randomness" (seriously a very good read)
This is variance, not a strategy. You have focused on the result and ignored the (probably) at least equally likely outcomes where you lose a buyin or two. How will you cope with the bad beats that are out there in the future , lying in wait for you.
Would recommend a book to you "Fooled By Randomness" (seriously a very good read) This is variance, not a strategy. You have focused on the result and ignored the (probably) at least equally likely outcomes where you lose a buyin or two. How will you cope with the bad beats that are out there in the future , lying in wait for you. This is fine if you understand and can afford it. Posted by simonnatur
i do understand them and i can afford it. I know br management is very important bu i think too many believe its the do all and end all. Ive already had a few big bad beats at 50nl and always managed to make it back whereas lower down i feel the badbeats come thicker and faster because of the amount of loose play. il take a look at the book thanks
What could be interesting is if you post up some of the big hands at each limit to see how you're winning/losing at each level and make sure that you're not just running well at one and bad at another.
Posting overall profit from one session means jack all but posting HOW you got that profit is much more informative.
What could be interesting is if you post up some of the big hands at each limit to see how you're winning/losing at each level and make sure that you're not just running well at one and bad at another. Posting overall profit from one session means jack all but posting HOW you got that profit is much more informative. Posted by Dudeskin8
Just read most of this thread and I think the main thing to consider is what you want to achieve. Do you want to just play for fun and if you lose then so what as you can afford it. If this is the case then I think what you are doing is fine. If poker is just a hobby then I say BR shouldn't even cross your mind, as long as you can afford it then its fine to play whatever limits you want as you will learn a lot and using good table selection can win a decent amount of money. However if you want to take it more seriously and give playing semi-pro with a view to playing full time ago, then BR management is vital. Really you you want 100 BI for the level your playing at as its important to be able to ride out inevatable down swings that will come along. Also 100 BI+ allows for taken shots at higher stakes when the games running are good (this will mostly be weekends). This will give your bankroll a big boost and will help your game massively playing against some of the best regs on the site. However if you just are just playing for fun then forget everything I just said and go wild with your BR and enjoy yourself. GL
Just read most of this thread and I think the main thing to consider is what you want to achieve. Do you want to just play for fun and if you lose then so what as you can afford it. If this is the case then I think what you are doing is fine. If poker is just a hobby then I say BR shouldn't even cross your mind, as long as you can afford it then its fine to play whatever limits you want as you will learn a lot and using good table selection can win a decent amount of money. However if you want to take it more seriously and give playing semi-pro with a view to playing full time ago, then BR management is vital. Really you you want 100 BI for the level your playing at as its important to be able to ride out inevatable down swings that will come along. Also 100 BI+ allows for taken shots at higher stakes when the games running are good (this will mostly be weekends). This will give your bankroll a big boost and will help your game massively playing against some of the best regs on the site. However if you just are just playing for fun then forget everything I just said and go wild with your BR and enjoy yourself. GL Posted by Curt360x27
Just a hobbie i have no view to going semi pro or ft but i do want to walk away with profit as should any1 that plays the whole point in this thread at start was to get help on some play to think more bout way i play hands or make moves but it has kinda went into a br management arguement lol thanks for advice
and before any1 says im not a good player cause i cnt handle it low stakes cash games for a start i dont need to i got cash to skip them.
and 2nd ive turned 100 into 400 (actualy 500 cause i withdrew my original 100) in a few days at 50nl only 1 losin session in a week but at 10nl i had 4 tables up and made a loss in every table
session 3 tabling 10nl
24 Mar '12 at 02:20PokerMaster Cash 1£-5.53£0.0024 Mar '12 at 02:20PokerMaster Cash 2£-20.00£0.0024 Mar '12 at 02:19PokerGatenby£-2.96£0.00total -28.49
to get my money back went back to 50nl
24 Mar '12 at 03:21PokerEast Kilbride£99.26£99.26
total + 99.26
However if you just are just playing for fun then forget everything I just said and go wild with your BR and enjoy yourself. GL
Just a hobbie i have no view to going semi pro or ft but i do want to walk away with profit as should any1 that plays the whole point in this thread at start was to get help on some play to think more bout way i play hands or make moves but it has kinda went into a br management arguement lol
thanks for advice