Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
There are still a good % of players who use the old browser version of Sky Poker. It does the job just fine.
The Browser Versoin and the new Download, which has been here nearly 18 months now, both do the same job - same tables, same players, same Tourneys.
The Download version, however, as most who use it will know, is faster, better, slicker, much better for multi-tabling, & updates everything faster.
So, do you use the new Download Client?
If "no", why not?
If you wish to try the Download version, just go to the Home Page - there is a big red button that says "DOWNLOAD NOW". Just click it!
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To Lamby & Wayne - why?
The download client is noticeably quicker and less prone to crashing due to a browser issue when I am also browsing the internet when playing, i.e. always.
Also the download client tables take up significantly less screen space due to not needing the address bar at the top.
I've recently started watching the live stream through the download client for the same reason.
The only time I use the browser version now is if I'm on the forums and quickly want to check on a table, rail a friend, etc.
Lobby updates faster, tables load faster, the 'my account' loads faster. Essentially everything is faster and smoother.
Only use the download, browser is even glitchier.
I use the download all the time, I find it's a lot quicker & is easier to control when multi-tabling. The Browser i use for GPC
You'd be amazed how many still use the Browser all the time. Astonished, in fact.
One of dem mysteries, & I like to know the reasons for things I don't understand.
Psst - nothing up my sleeve, honest guv, wanna buy a watch?
They play very rarely and don't see the benefit. Before I got into playing online quite reguarly and I only played very occasionally, I always prefered to play on sites which didn't force you to download a program to play because I didn't want programs cluttering up my system when I wouldn't be using it very often.
Usually use the download, but sometimes when playing an MTT use the browser version as I find it more stable, and I can close and open the tourney lobby as often as I like which I can't seem to do in the download - once I've opened it and closed it, i can't open it again.
Also when I'm at someone else's place and spend a half-hour or so online then I use the browser.
Hi Tikay, I use the browser. Why? Well it works ok and I'm one of those people who says "If it ain't broke why fix it?" I was gonna download the browser a while back but there was a thread referring to flash/adobe problems (cant rem the exact probs) so just thought why bother.
p.s. you said on the "ask TK" thread "glass half full" I think you meant "glass half empty"? ;-)
if i have download problems i then use the browser for a bit to finish whatever im in
FWIW I use the download 99% of the time. I only use the browser on those rare occasions where the download won't work and I don't have time for a restart.