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Your Top 5 Analysts

edited March 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi all

Who do you reckon are your top 5 analysts on Sky?

Here's my list: 

1)  Stuart Rutter - the best by far in my opinion.
2)  Scotty77 - seemed a bit shaky to start but improved really fast.  Excellent now.
3)  Tikay - obviously knows his onions and an all round good egg.
4)  Carlo - good analyst and very amusing as well.
5)  James Hartigan - not an analyst I know but his input is always constructive and good to hear.



  • edited March 2012
    Assuming we can include guest analysts, and taking into account poker ability/quality of analysis as well as entertainment value:

    1. Sam Raszavi (not sure on the spelling)
    2. Carlo
    3. Scotty
    4. Paul Jackson
    5. James Aitken

    (not in any order)
  • edited March 2012
    My top 5 is :-

    1) The Mighty Tony 'TIKAY' Kendall                

    2) Carlo Cittrone

    3) Jen Mason

    4) Sam Razavi

    5) Neil 'Bad Beat' Channing

    There are other great ones that I missed out but we can only have 5.
  • edited March 2012
    1. Tikay
    2. Luke Swartze
    3. Carlo
    4. Channing
    5. Scotty

    Orford for Presenter!
  • edited March 2012
    Awww how could I miss out Luke Schwartz (he was brilliant!) and Channing. They really have had some great guests on 865.
  • edited March 2012
    stuart rutter
    Luke Swartze
    ed giddins
  • edited March 2012
    I think:

    1) Stuart Rutter - Brilliant analyst.
    2) Ed Giddins - Would love to see him on the channel again as a guest (Sort it out Sky!! Lol :P)
    3) Ryan Spittles  
    4) Luke Schwartz 
    5) McLean Karr
    Last - Anyone who suggests betting to find out where you are

    Not seen enough of Lolufold yet to be able to rate him, yet.
  • edited March 2012
    All good shouts, but Kevin Williams is the best imo
  • edited March 2012
    For actual poker analysis, Scotty.

    For entertainment value, Carlo/Tikay.

    For a combo of both, and probably top of both catagories (more so with tournament poker rather than cash) is/was Ed!

    Lots of good guest analysts too, recent ones that stand out are James Atkin, TommyD and obviously Luke Schwartz.
  • edited March 2012

    Ed would still be top for me

    Tikay of course is excellent, as is Scotty

    Stuart still talks a little too fast for everything to be taken in

    Redmond is growing in to the role nicely.

    I thought Ian Fraser was quite good too.

    Carlo, entertaining for short periods and he obviously has the game, but it's interesting that quiet often when he's there with another guest analyst how often they completely disagree with his take on things

  • edited March 2012
    Carlo has an atypical pre-flop game. He doesn't always seem to have the same understanding of the numbers as some of the other analysts. He's far better at evaluating his opponent's hand through the streets. He showed that well on his "Analyse My Play" the other week, saying things such as: "They can't have <hand A> here because of <action A> on the flop" or "They don't figure to have <hand B> because of <action B> on the turn" and these things aren't always obvious... The further the hand plays through the streets, the better Carlo gets. Pay attention. He makes alot of sense... when he's talking about poker, at least. lol

    I don't do favourites but Tikay keeps saying nice things about me, so...
  • edited March 2012
    1. Stuart Rutter
    2. Scotty77
    3. Tikay
    4. Luke Schwartz
    5. Burland/Channing
  • edited March 2012
    They are all good and for what it is worth i know some people think Scotty was a bit shaky in his first show but i thought he was excellent,it is all about opinions i guess.
  • edited March 2012
    1. TK

    2. Scotty

    3. Trevor Harris

    4. Stuart Rutter

    5. Luke Shwartz

    Ps, thought Giddins was a bit of a tool but thats just my opinion.
  • edited March 2012
    ye i wouldn't like to pick out 5.

    there have been many great anylists past and present guest or employed..

    all offer different things but without inflating ryans head too much, i really like his analysis in particular

  • edited March 2012
    1. Ryan Spittles - We all watched him rise through reults on Sky Poker explains everything in a way we all understand
    2. Ed Giddins - Concise to the point didn't suffer fools gladly
    3. Jen Mason - the Superwoman of Poker looks like a female version of Clark Kent but handles words and actions like a Super Hero.
    4/5 Ian Fraser/Sam Razavi - The Cheeky Boys of poker. Been there, seen it and done it but they're prepared to entertain and educate even with the distraction of Orford! Legends!

    I've excluded the Don Corleone of Sky Poker Tikay. because everyone knows he's part of the furniture and Orford because he's the welcome mat at the front door!
  • edited March 2012
    I know that when i 1st started playing Ed Giddins was the the analyst who learnt me the most. Having never read a book on poker & being self taught, Ed's advice was second bar none epescially regarding MTTs + was very entertaining & witty.

    Cant ever remember a bad analyst or guest (im sure there must be one)but to name five would be way to difficult :))
  • edited March 2012
    top 5 in no particular order

    Redmond Lee
    Ed Giddins
    Stu Rutter
    Luke Schwartz
  • edited March 2012
    Think all analysts are great but ed giddiness was the standout for me :)everyone does a great job though. Think the most important thing to highlight here is that no one has been bad at all!
  • edited March 2012
     1. Ed Giddins - All round top bloke, sorely missed.
     2. Luke Shwartz - Honesty the best policy.
     3. Neil Channing - The master.
     4. Action Jackson - The original.
     5. Stuart Rutter - Knows what he's talking about.

     Would love to see the Devilfish on the sofa, think he would become a SkyPoker legend, especially alongside Miss Fowler.
  • edited March 2012
    Candi , Claire ,  Sarah ,   Anna ,   Lisa ,     Analyze that boys.!! 
  • edited March 2012

    Hold FIRE!!!


  • edited March 2012
    It's very nice to read such kind comments about me on the show here....thank you,

    When I first started grinding on Sky, I couldn't even imagine of the opportunities that would arise but here I am and enjoying every minute ot it...I'm very very grateful to Sky Claire and the other people behind the scenes at BSkyB who have had faith in me :) FWIW I think that positive feedback like this certainly helped me in getting selected for the position!

    I still feel a bit shaky but hopefully I will become more natural with time.

    Wtih regards to one of my favourite guest analysts (who hwasn't been mentioned here before) but one of the shows the opened my eyes to poker was when James Dempsey was a guest with Tikay maybe 3 years ago back in the old 3D studio.
  • edited March 2012
    I've been around here for some years now and greatly admire every analyst both past and present . ( I've seen a fair few come and go) Here are my faves -

    Tikay (The jewel In Sky Poker's crown IMO) This gentleman ' knows his onions' as they say, and keeps me glued to channel 865 whenever's he's on.

    John Tabatabai. Really enjoyed his appearance (He Is my favourite pro, so slightly biased!) Will he be back on any time soon?

    Redmond Lee. Awesome player - great advice-  looks very relaxed on screen. (Like the sound of his laugh too!)

    Ed Giddins. Sorely missed. Really enjoyed his appearances (Especially when paired with Rich) perfect combo of humour and good analysis. pulling no punches.

    Scotty77.  I remember saying to my other half way back, that Scotty was something a little bit special. We tipped him for 'Sky Poker Greatness! We Weren't wrong and he didn't disappoint.  Great player - great analyst.
  • edited March 2012
    Can´t / won´t give a top 5 as most of them are +ev
    But I have to say
    1. TK is to die for - great Sky asset - and it winds me up when the show punchline is let´s be rude to TK
    2. first time I saw Carlo my thought was WTF, but I have to admit he is growing on me all the time
    3. Sky player guest presenters - good on you - playing poker is not great training for a TV role but continually impressed with the quality of both poker analysis and presentation
    4. guest pro presenters - wow - keep it up Sky
  • edited March 2012
    Only one - TIKAY for the entertainment factor and passing on some basic knowledge to the new players to sky -

    Only One - Ed G - Entertaining and a good poker brain

    current - Scotty knows his shizzle plus he really needs to knock that coy schoolboy flirting off with Anna )
    But I think she likes it !

  • edited March 2012
    haha schoolboy flirting!  sigh anna is incred!
  • edited March 2012
    i dotn kno if she counted as an analysts but sarah champion is amazing and i dont even know if she knows how to play poker lol dont care bout the others when shes on ;)
  • edited March 2012
    There have been some excellent analysts on Sky, and the last year or so has seen the standard go through the roof. Hard to name 5 in order, so here are my five who have really impressed (though in no particular order)

    Stuart Rutter
    Redmond Lee
    Julian Thew
    Sam Razavi
    Ryan Spittles

    You see how good that lot is? I had to keep Tikay off the list and he's the nizzles. He's especially strong at 'folding'. :)
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Your Top 5 Analysts:
    There have been some excellent analysts on Sky, and the last year or so has seen the standard go through the roof. Hard to name 5 in order, so here are my five who have really impressed (though in no particular order) Stuart Rutter Redmond Lee Julian Thew Sam Razavi Ryan Spittles You see how good that lot is? I had to keep Tikay off the list and he's the nizzles. He's especially strong at 'folding'. :)
    Posted by Sky_Dave

    Doesn't Tikay have 3 WSOP Bracelets in "NO LIMIT FOLD'EM" events ;o)
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Your Top 5 Analysts:
    Hold FIRE!!! This Thread may need RE-ANALYSING THURS NITE OR FRI MORNING!!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV

    Naa   Don't think so ;o)

    GL Hitman, It's a blast,  have fun 

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