Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey!
I was always told to learn my 3 r's but never knew what they were until now.......
Obv it means Richard, Ryan & RV so I hope I learn something tonight! (well, from the latter two anyway)
Q for Scotty - In MTT strategy, when is the best time to change gears?
Q for the legend that is Hitman - When is the best time for 'squeeze' play?
Q for Richard -Do you think West Brom are a better 'footballing' side than say Fulham?
Have a good shows guys!
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Joining us for one-night only, is our special guest, forum legend and all-round community stalwart, the larger-than-life tour de force that is HITMAN_RV himself- aka Dave Harvey.
And here's the show in a nutshell...
7pm – Tonight on Sky Poker
8pm – Poker Clinic
9pm – Sky Poker School
10pm – Top of the Pots
11pm – Sky Poker Highlights
We Describe, You Provide!
Ryan, Dave and I will take it in turns to draw a random poker celebrity, poker term, or just a random object/person from a hat and describe it to a caller on the line. Whichever caller identifies the most from the hat in 30 seconds will win the seat.
To play tonight- email your name, alias and contact tel. no. to
Scotty - Do you think there's value in showing your hand when you take it down on a cash table with a stone cold bluff if you're normally a very straight forward solid player so you get paid off with your strong hands, or should you avoid giving away ANY information?
RV - Who was it that won the DTD for March? Only joking lol. I know your MTT results recently have been pretty great, I assume you're not gonna be modest and say it's just a bit of run good, so what's the latest change you've made to your MTT game which you think has made a real noticeable impact?
Good Luck tonight Dave.. no pressure.
Just a quick update on our Sky Poker School for this evening... we are JUST going to be concentrating on Bluffing in Cash games tonight and NOT on MTTs. We will cover bluffing in MTTs another day.
However, we will still be discussing MTTs in a general sense and picking HITMAN_RV's brains about his MTT strategy!
The SKy Poker TV Team
GL on tonights Show David have a good'un
Looking forward to tonight!! I will bow to Ryan's experiance on the technicalities of the Game, but will happily & unashamedley give My 'HitDonk' points of view!!
Will Also try my Best to field ANY QUESTION WHATSOEVER, am talkin left field here!!
So Hit me with your Hardest shot!!
" Deflectors Full Front Mr. Sulu"
I intend to make you all Proud!!
How and when do you play the small blind in DYM, stt, mtt?
What sort of hands do you call /raise with?
How do you deal with people who will not let you call small blind in a blind on blind situation and insist on shoving all in?
You tend to get advised about playing a super tight strategy in dyms, what are the pros and cons in using the same strategy in mtts?
Win a seat into next week's £12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter- in our a revamped version of our 'disastrous' Richard and Judy You Say, We Pay tribute.
We Describe, You Provide!
Ryan, Dave and I will take it in turns to draw a random poker celebrity, poker term, or just a random object/person from a hat and describe it to a caller on the line. Whichever caller identifies the most from the hat in 30 seconds will win the seat.
To play tonight- email your name, alias and contact tel. no. to
Would you like to be part of Top of the Pots tonight? Have you seen any big cash hands from the Master Cash TV tables this week? If so, we'd like to hear from you with the hand IDs, table number and pot size! Send 'em in...
The Sky Poker TV Team
Question for Ryan and Dave please from the guys in the office at Sky Poker:
When you are on the button heads-up, do you prefer to:
a) raise small (say 2 to 3x) to keep your opponent in the pot
- so you can play the rest of the streets in position
b) raise bigger (4 to 5x) to build a bigger pot
- so you can play bigger pots in position
I'm sure it will depend on the hand, the situation and opponent but we just wondered which option you preferred generally?
What are the pros and cons of both options?
Sky Poker
hi all have a good show, thanks to sky poker and my outstanding general knowledge I have won entry to the 12k ss,bh, to night .(re Sundays comp) not having the b,roll ,and no luck in sat,s I don't play high by ins often. however I do fairly well in £5 mtt,s.shall I tighten up like a nit or just play my game and enjoy regards Paul..
have a good show richard, ryan and dave...
three questions for dave...
what do you think of the standard of dress in live poker? what do you normally wear when playing online? was it you who first coined the phrase, fashionista?
Rich, there is no Mastercash Table 7.
Tikay would never do that while presenting....
Hi guys,
Looking forward to tonite as always!
Boring question for Dave....
Why the name "Hitman_RV"?
And guys...what's with the black??? If Dave wears black I'll be surprised!!!!