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Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey!



  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey!:
    Richard, you were on Mastercash 7 yesterday... It probably crashed due to excessive demand with too many players on the waiting list.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    It's actually to do with populating when same stake MC tables are full and hiding when two are empty.  The current active MC table at that stake is MC 9.  End nerd mode.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey!:
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey! : It's actually to do with populating when same stake MC tables are full and hiding when two are empty.  The current active MC table at that stake is MC 9.  End nerd mode.
    Posted by TommyD
    TommyD, we're poker players. For us, nerd mode never ends.
  • edited March 2012
    a question for dave and i know sky big-wigs will look into it and i`m putting on spot but would he like to see monday DTD getting t.v coverage ??

    also micheal ( dtwbandit ) and chris ( scousered ) doing a great job running it and of course dave (hitmanrv ) doing the team leagues, TPT WILL GET THE CROWN BACK
  • edited March 2012
    Hitman Harvey the living legend!

    Hitsquad FTW
  • edited March 2012
    Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! I can't believe you showed that hand...

    I was splashing about in the mini-primo while playing the primo... I only posted so people could laugh.

    My image = Ruined. I can never bluff again.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey!:
    Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! I can't believe you showed that hand... I was splashing about in the mini-primo while playing the primo... I only posted so people could laugh. My image = Ruined. I can never bluff again.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    and you think your borin ? now your not alone, lol
  • edited March 2012
    Hi guys, Im busted out of the ME Bounty Hunter early tonight!
    would love to hear your thoughts on this hand. (4 way bustout)

    Hand History #498754853 (20:14 29/03/2012)
  • edited March 2012
    that was a hat ?? i thought that was your spare toup`e rich ?? lol
  • edited March 2012
    Great start Captain! Great shoes too btw ;)
    Good ananlysis by both, expecting it off dave as hes probably the best mtt player in the team! Great work too scotty! As to your earlier question iv taken a break from tournaments and working on improving my cash game using BRM!!!! (first time ever) So playing mid stakes, 10/20 for now, played 25/50 vs rich the other afternoon purely because rich was on the table so coulndt miss out on the value (just kidding) :P Question for scotty if possible- With you now being one of the best cash players on the site i was basically wondering where you started playing cash? Waht stakes, were you a losing player originally? did you use BRM? Im looking to take cash more seriously,  im very well rolled for nl20. Also, obviously there is a time where you want to move up the stakes, iv already won enough to move up to nl30/40 even 50 but is it worth instead of moving up now with 40/50 BIs or waiting till i have 60/80 Bis then move up to make it a more comfortable jump? Dave- Gl with the hitwife. That is all :)
  • edited March 2012
    Enjoying the show and Hitmans shoes so far.

    Have a good show everybody and another congratulations to Hitman RV for taking down the Team captains event last week.

    Thought i'd give him another excuse to mention it.

  • edited March 2012
    It's that QJ v KJ hand again... two weeks in a row. Had a bit of a chinwag with Tikay about that hand after last weeks show. There was a bit of a fuss if I recall correctly... If I recall correctly, I was the one causing that fuss.
  • edited March 2012
    can dave give me info on harding10 ( ths) as he`s on same table as me (TPT)
  • edited March 2012
    Hi guys, great show tonight. Dave is a Legend!!

    Especially for Dave...Complete this sentence, The Tree is King.....

    Also, on the subject of smart dress, how about we all get smart for SPT Cardiff on the Friday night?
    Soooooted and Booted ftw

    Are you coming to Cardiff Rich?

  • edited March 2012
    Hi rich and Ryan gl tonight Dave 

     tell the hitwife you have to go to Cardiff, cause if I`m gonna make the effort to qualify and come all the way down there you need to make the effort and be there lol

         RAB ;p
  • edited March 2012
    tonights 12k bounty hunter, was i right to shove??

    Hand History #498785443 (20:59 29/03/2012)
  • edited March 2012
    Hey Dave and Ryan, feel free to take your time picking out the questions from the hat for future contestants ;)
  • edited March 2012
    If you want examples of bluffing...

    Here's a bluff that worked.

    Hand History #496551024 (15:25 24/03/2012)

    Here's a bluff that didn't.

    Hand History #498095732 (23:19 27/03/2012)

    (Both from Master Cash 7...Yes, it does actually exist!!)
  • edited March 2012
    Our captain is so pretty, THS 4 EVER

    Enjoying the show

  • edited March 2012
    Hi guys

    enjoying the show!

    Here is an interesting hand from the rebuy open on 16th March. Example of bluffing!

    I am defo bluffing on the river having floated twice due to his sizing. I can rep a flush. Hope im not bluffing with the best hand... (if i am dont show it pls lol)

    I prob should fold pre, but i dont like folding these days

  • edited March 2012
    Great show as usual
    Though I have to say I thought I'd tuned in to the wrong channel
    I recognised Dapper Dave immediately but why are Rich and Ryan dressed as Jehova's witnesses?
    My question for Ryan is

    Is there a best time to bluff?
    start middle or end of a session
    Do you get an edge if you bluff early? and do you show the cards to tilt your opponent?

  • edited March 2012
    I know The Hit Squads great Captain is on the show, but, does that mean they get a monopoly on emails and shout outs?lol. All I have to say is Team 51 FTW.
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited March 2012
    HI Guys, loving the show as usual,

    I have just finished watching a movie called Rounders, A poker film with Matt Damon that was better than I was expecting.
    Have You Ryan or Rv got any poker movie you think I should take a look at?

    PS, I have just started the £11 bounty and first hand pocket aces. good teckkers....
  • edited March 2012
    Question for Ryan from Llamas (Emma)...

    Do you think being an analyst on the show has affected how people play against you at all? Has giving away your thought processes meant you need to bear this in mind when playing on Sky?
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey!:
    Hi guys enjoying the show! Here is an interesting hand from the rebuy open on 16th March. Example of bluffing! I am defo bluffing on the river having floated twice due to his sizing. I can rep a flush. Hope im not bluffing with the best hand... (if i am dont show it pls lol) I prob should fold pre, but i dont like folding these days 493131977
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    Hey guys, please can you fit this hand into the next couple of hours?

    Me and Greg have had a bet on his opponents hand, I think he has JJ/QQ/KK or AA, and he has laid me evens.

    Please show it and settle the bet!!

    It's a really interesting hand!

    Thnx, DOH!
  • edited March 2012
    Enjoying the show!! 

    Great work guys :) Joined THS a few months back and has made my sky poker experience really enjoyable. 

    Just want to say big thanks to Dave (Hitman).

    Also I organised the THS Donk A Fun on Sundays. Are you guys (Richard, Ryan) going to join us for a bit of friendly THS FUN???

  • edited March 2012
    General poker question that Ryan might be able to answer, I just thought of it because I was thinking abuot it the other day and Ryan just mentioned SharkScope....

    People who qualify for Vegas for £2.50, if they don't cash are they gonna have a horrible -£10,000 dip on their Sharkscope?
  • edited March 2012
    hi scotty and hitman i know theres a saying that to run deep u have to win your flips i e pair vs over cards as im not running great at the mo on flips can u actually run deep in a tourney withought getting to the point where u have to flip to make it further in the tournament 
  • edited March 2012
    A question for Rich- How come Lambert180 became Lambert567 (or whatever the number was) for the competition?
  • edited March 2012
    Hi guys, thoroughly enjoying the show but running terrible on the tables, think Daves socks are putting me off!

    Question for Sir Captain Dave Hitman Harvey:

    Is squeeze play what was going on in that Brighton hotel room being shared by 5 strapping squaddie men?
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Ryan and Hitman Harvey!:
    can dave give me info on harding10 ( ths) as he`s on same table as me (TPT)
    Posted by spornybol
    Only until I ran QQ into AA lol
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