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New Blog - First Coaching session tonight
Hi Guys, I have decided to try something, I thought it might be of interest to you so I am writing a few Blogs about it. The first one is now up in the Blog Section. It's just an intro into what I am about to do
Hope you find it interesting. here's a link to it. Wish I knew how to make the links just have a name, they look so much cooler ;o)
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Kinda thought it might be Coxy! Seem to remember you talking about a coach when you were on 865? I'm sure the coaching will be, if nothing else, interesting? and hopefully productive. Hope it goes well and looking forward to the blog updates.
gl Pete... you can be assured that if all goes wrong it is always possible to make a retrograde move from JockPorsche back to JockBMW and further to JockVespa. Painless.
Would also be interested in knowing how you feel about the 1st lesson? Nervous, excited, normal, & will you just try & play your normal game etc. Good luck anyway.
Can I ask how much the coaching is costing or would you/coxy rather not say?
bet you play better with someone watchin over you lol
maybe so, still think its pointless for all micro-small stake players to PAY for coaching (esp for ridic rates) sign up for cardrunners, or the one that daniel neugranu sponsors(or used to sponsor), its whatevers to me really as all of us are adults and can make decisions on our own but i think its funny how no one else pointed out the fact this is stupid, i know coxy has not paraded on the forum advertising this himself,..but still...
I was about to remove the links to the coxy site (by deleting the post and post t that quoted it as there is no other way) but I'm not sure. It's an unclear decision. Although it's a commercial link there is no conflict of interests with Sky Poker so in a way it's like me posting links to what I would say is a good PC / Monitor purchase in Community Help & Advice.
So I'll just email Sky Poker and let them decide.
Either way obviously no commercial spam / rule breakage was intended by the poster.
He's not saying it will make him an amazing poker player. But he's willing to try something to move his game forward.
I'm the worst person for asking for advice, I always want to learn by myself and do things myself.
But think of all those people paying for guitar lessons, computer programming lessons, painting courses, driving lessons, etc, etc. Are they all wasting their time and money as they could do the same on youtube or with a friend on private ground? Sure they could do it the cheap way, but would it be as effective, quick, useful?
Anyway, it's not so bad. Hired a plumber recently?