In Response to Re: New Blog - First Coaching session tonight : I play guitar and have been tempted to pay for lessons but i know i would be getting lessons from a professional, i have had driving lessons but not from a stranger with a website but from a reputable company who have had training to give lessons, and if i wanted painting lessons then i would get taught by someone with a degree in teaching and painting etc same with programming these are all regulated btw, i mean what regulations are there i n place to ensure coxy is qualified to coach poker,..... NONE, you see what i am getting at? i mean who does coxy think he is lol Posted by WHOAMI196
coxy's results speak for themselve.
I've played with coxy for years and before he returned to university he was a full time player for around 3 years.
on his website he is very open and it does list all of his results with regards to MTTs...obviously cash poker isn't tracked but its well known the volume that coxy has put in on Sky Poker and you don't play that amount of hands by being a losing player
To be honest, I think everyone learns differently which can make teaching a difficult task in any field. But yeah his rates are pretty standard and what more credentials could you want than someone who has played for a long period of time and consistently won throughout that period.
Obviously Coxy isn't forcing anyone to take up his coaching, in fact he's not even advertising it. The only reason his site is even on this thread is because I asked what his rates were and Pingu kindly replied with it.
I aint been coached by Coxy or indeed by anyone so I can't comment on the benefits that can be achieved throught it, but I'd imagine if you can learn from a person whose been there and done it consistently, and he can improve your game then it's not hard to see how it could easily pay for itself. If you're a 50NL player and his one-to-one coaching means you learn what you could learn online but 2 weeks faster than you would do yourself reading online... them two weeks could mean you are 4 BIs (just an example!) up more than you might normally be, which is £200 and pays for your coaching
how can some 1 teach u tho in what your not comfatble in doing i know alot of high stakes players are very aggresive so to teach a nit would be very hard to adapt wouldnt it or not ? surely u would try and teach them the way u play ?
i know coxy is a great player and is a very good analyst i know u can get free information like forums etc but imo i think the best way of learning is by playing im sure alot of player on sky poker are self taught things i need to do more is after a session look at the pots i have lost and think could i have played it better i have played for 9 years now and i learn new things each day has any other high stakes cash players ever thought of mentoring people like yourself scotty77 or timmy d lol raise etc i would think tommy d advise would be very hand as being a teacher and that Posted by IDONKCALLU
I ahven't thought of mentoring but I do talk a lot about poker with various people...some of whom are lesser players than me, others on the same level and some way above me and who I aspire to be as good as 1 day.
how can some 1 teach u tho in what your not comfatble in doing i know alot of high stakes players are very aggresive so to teach a nit would be very hard to adapt wouldnt it or not ? surely u would try and teach them the way u play ? Posted by IDONKCALLU
a good coach will be able to play all styles
a good coach should be able to recognise his students style and teach according to that.
doesnt watching 865 improve your game and poker clinic etc i know its basic stuff nooooooooo limping lol if i get paid a £1 everytime they say that in a year this time next year i be a millionaire rodney
I will be writing a blog to tell you how the first session went. The reason I started this was not to advertise for anyone. I have never posted any links to Coxy's site.
I never intended to say this is something that will be a great everyone. I simpley said that I was going to try this as a way to improve MY game. As this is something that a lot of people have considered I thought it would be of interest to post my experiences.
If my thread and Blogs are going to become a stomping ground for people to have a pop at coaching and the person, I APPROACHED, to help my game, then they stop here.
I don't want to do that, I think enough people have shown an interest in this to keep it going.
So please, if you're interested please continue reading. If you think it's a complete waste of time and money, then fine that's your opinion, but plesae start your own thread about coaching. Don't use mine to slam what I am trying to do.
very much looking forward to reading about how your first session went. I really admire what you're doing Peter, jeepers creepers, I would be so nervous having some-one as good as Coxy watching me! All the best to you x Posted by yidette9
As Machka noted, it's one of those "awkward" ones, & I know that Peter (JockBMW) is particularly embarrassed (because he is a Mod) that an innocent thread is getting knocked about a bit, & causing him to sit in an awkward spot.
The overview is that you are all grown ups, & have the ability to make sensible decisions as to what you may & may not pay for, or use.
It's an entirely personal choice for everyone, we make it every day when we go to Tescos, do we buy Heinz Baked Beans or Crosse & Blackwell? I'd be pretty stunned that such a choice could tilt or upset anyone, "live & let live" & all that, but it is what it is I guess.
I'm going to ask the Suits to close the thread, it seems for the best. The Blog should, imo, remain up.
We do not allow "advertising" here, but in this case, it was sort of both central & inadvertent to the Blog at the same time.
Anyway, I've sent a note upstairs, so its with them now. I'd not sit in their chair some days, either.....
Obviously Coxy isn't forcing anyone to take up his coaching, in fact he's not even advertising it. The only reason his site is even on this thread is because I asked what his rates were and Pingu kindly replied with it.
I aint been coached by Coxy or indeed by anyone so I can't comment on the benefits that can be achieved throught it, but I'd imagine if you can learn from a person whose been there and done it consistently, and he can improve your game then it's not hard to see how it could easily pay for itself. If you're a 50NL player and his one-to-one coaching means you learn what you could learn online but 2 weeks faster than you would do yourself reading online... them two weeks could mean you are 4 BIs (just an example!) up more than you might normally be, which is £200 and pays for your coaching
Yikes, this is getting a bit out of hand.
As Machka noted, it's one of those "awkward" ones, & I know that Peter (JockBMW) is particularly embarrassed (because he is a Mod) that an innocent thread is getting knocked about a bit, & causing him to sit in an awkward spot.
The overview is that you are all grown ups, & have the ability to make sensible decisions as to what you may & may not pay for, or use.
It's an entirely personal choice for everyone, we make it every day when we go to Tescos, do we buy Heinz Baked Beans or Crosse & Blackwell? I'd be pretty stunned that such a choice could tilt or upset anyone, "live & let live" & all that, but it is what it is I guess.
I'm going to ask the Suits to close the thread, it seems for the best. The Blog should, imo, remain up.
We do not allow "advertising" here, but in this case, it was sort of both central & inadvertent to the Blog at the same time.
Anyway, I've sent a note upstairs, so its with them now. I'd not sit in their chair some days, either.....