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Original Diary of a losing recreational player - The resurrection
A while ago I started a thread 'Diary of a losing recreational player'. Since then there have been imposters and I have been on a journey trawling the depths of various sites looking for the winning formula. This has been all to no avail and hence the resurrection of this thread and my return to SkyPoker. I probably played my most consistent poker during my time of the original thread and hope to repeat that winning formula. I will be 3-tabling nl20 and will be starting with a BR of £150. I am aware this is not a big enough roll for this level but have more in reserve if needed. I will as before update the thread after every session and post any hands I think worthy of discussion. One major difference this time is that I will solely be playing cash as last time I kept blowing bits of my BR by the lure of the MTT. So here we go again.
Session Profit £0
Net Profit £0
Bank Roll £150
0 ·
Just played a very quick 30 min session, could only get on 1 table at nl20. Nothing very exciting happened and only hand of note was when I flopped the straight on an all heart flop. I lead out in position and got check called, heart on turn he bet and I folded, pretty standard really.
Off to cook tea now, will probably fit a couple of hours in later before work tonight, BOO HOO!
Session Profit £1.18
Net Profit £1.18
Bank Roll £151.18
good luck
Thanx for all the messages of support. Pod1 what level are you really at now.
Session Profit £5.27
Net Profit £6.45
Bank Roll £156.45
This is why I love these threads, for some reason it really concentrates my mind. I have just played a session of 4 tabling nl20 for about 1.25 hours and have played pretty good, I think anyway. I have really focussed and only played one bad hand where I triple barrelled a bluff and got called down with villain holding 2 pair, I had put him on flush draw. Apart from that I played good tight aggressive poker and got value when I hit. Didn't particularly get the run of the cards either and still produced a profit. I really do think these threads make you concentrate more.
Long may it continue.
Session Profit £9.16
Net Profit £15.61
Bank Roll £165.61
Session Profit £13.19
Net Profit £28.80
Bank Roll £178.80
C4P 101
playing A 10 is tricky
only thing in your favour here is position.
don,t think u did alot wrong
river call is ok i believe.
i,d make slow played qq note 4 nxt time on djr70.
also nxt time u play A10 and are involved in a hand
see if u win with it,if u don,t then maybe cut it out from your starting range.
i very often throw aj even aq away,especially out of position.
Session Profit -£17.58
Overall Cash Profit £36.52
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall Net Profit £11.22
C4P 137
Just had a 45 min session of 4-tabling nl20. Have to say ran like an absolute god, sorry (not very) to all of those who I came up against and saw the cards fall my way.
Amazingly out of 231 hands I only lost one, yes ONE pot for more than £3, and that was for the princely sum of £3.75.
In those 231 hands I won 9 hands with a pot of more than £4, the largest being £17.70.
Really feel my cash game is in good shape at the mo. Think what is contributing to this is really concentrating on position and also really thinking about who I get involved with. e.g. stay out of Richtea's way when out of position.
Off for tea now but will return later for a couple of hours before work.
Session Profit £43.90
Overall Cash Profit £80.42
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £0
Overall Net Profit £55.12
Monthly C4P 215
Quick update as on verge of being late for work. Played for a 1.5 hours this evening and played ok. Have been frustrated by being sat in perfect position on one of the biggest fish at nl20 I have seen in a while. He was sat with a £40 stack against my £32 stack. I played nu,erous hands against him but just couldn't get anywhere. Went to the lengths of carrying on single tabling whilst I got ready for work. This included playing whilst putting contacts in, cleaning teeth, completing my habitual no. 2 and getting dressed. Still no opportunity to take his stack. Saw him play AA against KK awfully with the grand sum of £2.40 going in the pot. Alas I had to leave to allow someone else the £40.
Session Profit -£4.09
Overall Cash Profit £76.33
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £0
Overall Net Profit £51.33
Monthly C4P 281
Just had a quick session, played 2 tables pretty good and 1 table pretty, in fact very, badly. Managed to make a profit in end by getting it all in with quad 3's to stack someone. Got to go as big night at work tonight. Won't be playing for a few days as at a wedding all weekend, may get some play in Sunday afternoon.
Session Profit £22.10
Overall Cash Profit £98.43
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £0
Bankroll £228.57
Overall Net Profit £78.57
Monthly C4P 309
Just had a really good session, 4-tabling nl20 and showed a very healthy profit. Have to say I am running good at the mo and also importantly getting paid off when I hit. Next target has to be to get £450 BR and then will look to move up to nl30.
Also recieved my March C4P bonus of £5.14, TY Skypoker. Also recieved an e-mail from Skypoker giving me a 25% bonus boost to my April C4P total if I reach 1400 points, TY.
Session Profit £65.58
Overall Cash Profit £164.01
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £5.14
Bankroll £294.15
Overall Net Profit £144.15
Monthly C4P 418
Just played for approx 1 hr, my usual 4-tabling nl20. Seemed a lot of traffic at this level tonight and some decent players about as well. Continued to run good as shown by the hand below.
Then played this following hand. Would like people's opinions on it.
Post-flop again think my play is fine, have 2 overcards, flush draw and as pre-flop aggressor have the right to continue to show strength.
Turn card dosen't really alter things and I still think I have the right to continue with aggression.
River card again dosen't really alter much and his weak lead makes me believe he has something but not a lot and I believe my all-in will push him off a lot of hands. He tanks and seems to finally reluctantly call.
Any views appreciated. Was I too aggressive and is this going to be along-term win or lose play.
Session Profit £5.23
Overall Cash Profit £169.24
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £5.14
Bankroll £299.38
Overall Net Profit £149.38
Monthly C4P 450
Played quite a long session of 4-tabling nl20, approx 3 hrs. Played OK, made a few silly mistakes and was down about £25 at one point. Then got a really good read on a multi-tabling reg, please don't ask who and what as refusal may dissappoint. With this read managed to turn loss into a profit and hopefully this will help long-term as I am sure we will meet again.
Session Profit £15.83
Overall Cash Profit £185.07
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £5.14
Bankroll £315.21
Overall Net Profit £165.21
Monthly C4P 540
Another session of about an hour and another profit. Well on the road to moving up a level to nl30. Feel I am playing really well at the mo and the confidence is probably helping my game. Also I realise that I am running very well at the mo, long may it last.
Session Profit £36.88
Overall Cash Profit £221.95
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £5.14
Bankroll £352.09
Overall Net Profit £202.09
Monthly C4P 582
Was going to post how I had suffered my first losing session for a while and that as we all know is going to happen the poker gods had turned and then the following hand happened in the last five mins of session. Someome up there loves me. Anyway quick update as off to work.
Session Profit £1.02
Overall Cash Profit £222.97
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £5.14
Bankroll £353.11
Overall Net Profit £203.11
Monthly C4P 635
Oh Dear, Oh Dear.
Just had a terrible session where all my old bad habits returned. Plaaying far too loose, playing out of position and never believing. Culminated in the following hand on a deep stack table, where I over played / over valued AA. Looking back I played this terribly and was only beating a drawing hand and should never have lost my whole stack.
Need to remember I am still up £110 in the 13 days I have been completing this diary.
Anyway it is back to the drawing board, regroup and go again.
Session Profit £92.47
Overall Cash Profit £130.50
Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
Overall C4P Profit £5.14
Bankroll £260.64
Overall Net Profit £110.64
Monthly C4P 719