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Original Diary of a losing recreational player - The resurrection



  • edited April 2012

     Been really busy for last couple of weeks hence my lack of play, probably will have done me good to have a little break, but am back with a vengenace and a passion. 
     Great news for me is the fact that I am getting my dream move at work from Night Trader at Asda to Trading Manager on days. This means that Wednesday night is my last night shift and that I will then be returning to the land of the living, rather than the land of the living dead.
     What this means is that I will be playing a lot more on an evening, meaning that when I find a FISH I won't have to let it go. It will also give me the chance to play in a lot more MTT's which may not be such a blessing looking at my MTT record, although, as said on numerous occassions, by myself, I do think I have the game to win at MTT's long-term. Sharkscope shows a loss of £191 from 119 MTT's with an average stake of £21 and a ROI of -6%, although it is nearly 2 years since my biggest cash on Sky, 5th in £20 open in June '10 from a field of 489 runners with a return of £355, recorded on my SKY box and watched now and again, sad really.

     So tonight played a quick session, 3-tabling 20nl. Have decided to move back to 3 tables from 4 as I think when playing 4 I am missing some important info about players as I am playing to robotically (is that a word?).
     Played OK and showed a profit of £16.21.

     Session Profit £16.21

     Overall Cash Profit £146.71
     Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
     Overall C4P Profit £5.14

     Bankroll £276.85
     Overall Net Profit £126.85
     Monthly C4P 734

  • edited April 2012
    hi Trebor only just noticed your thread sorry. Am looking forward to seeing how you do gl m8 run well :)
  • edited May 2012

     Been playing for the past 1.5 hours and ended up with a losing session. Major loss was to the following hand.
    Can I ever get away from this? I had a feeling I was probably behind to a set or 2 pair but still couldn't bring myself to fold. What would you have done and why.

    clanfan86 Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £40.64
    TeamMoney Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £19.50
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    onthemoon Call  £0.20 £0.50 £19.50
    68Trebor Raise  £0.80 £1.30 £21.55
    robyoung Fold     
    clanfan86 Fold     
    TeamMoney Call  £0.60 £1.90 £18.90
    onthemoon Fold     
    • 2
    • 5
    • 3
    TeamMoney Check     
    68Trebor Bet  £1.43 £3.33 £20.12
    TeamMoney Raise  £5.40 £8.73 £13.50
    68Trebor Call  £3.97 £12.70 £16.15
    • 7
    TeamMoney All-in  £13.50 £26.20 £0.00
    68Trebor Call  £13.50 £39.70 £2.65
    TeamMoney Show
    • 3
    • 3
    68Trebor Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 7
    TeamMoney Win Full House, 3s and 7s £37.90  £37.90
      Other things to think about, its funny where your mind wonders whilst playing poker.
     Why do we need to sleep? What happens to our bodies that is different when we are asleep to when we are awake. How cool would it be if we didn't have to sleep!
     Why after feeding my lawn with evergreen does it rain continuously for 3 weeks meaning that my back garden is starting to resemble the Amazon rainforest. Feel sorry for the Flymo if I ever get to cut my lawn again.
     Why is my 16 year old son sooooo proud of himself for getting to school on time this morning, god help him when he hits the real world.

     Anyway off to work now, only 2 more night shifts to do and then it is Goodbye to nights. Hoorah.

     Session Profit £13.79
     Overall Cash Profit £32.92
     Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
     Overall C4P Profit £5.14
     Bankroll £263.06
     Overall Net Profit £113.06
     Monthly C4P 54

  • edited May 2012

     Just had a losing session of £16, could of been a lot worse as was down £45 at one point. Lost majority of money in two biggish pots.
     £15.40 when trying to push RobYoung off a pot when I had position but no hand, only for him to check raise all-in on river forcing me to fold. Lesson - Don't try to bluff a solid reg like RobYoung.
     £20.10 when getting it all-in with a FH 2's over 9's with me holding a 9 only for the villain to hit a 4 on the river to give him the FH 4's over 2's with his pocket 4s. Lesson - Variance sucks.
     Probably playing tooo tired as just done 4 night shifts back to back, 13 hr shifts with only approx 5.5hrs sleep each day. Just about to embark on my 5th and very last ever night shift. Shall be celebrating this fact by stopping off at Happy Snappers cafe in the morning to get a Happy Snapper Big Breakfast (2 x Black Pudding, 2 x Bacon, 2 x Sausage, 2 x Spam, 2 x Fried Eggs, 2 x H*sh Brown, Mushrooms, Beans, Tomatoes and 2 X Toast, washed down with a mug of tea. Unbelievable value at £4.30, but probably not very good for you). Will probably play the Main and Mini events tomorrow rather than the cash tables, will see how I feel as only getting 4 hours sleep tomoz due to the school run, my turn bless the little darlings.
     H*sh = Street name for an illegal substance smoked in a spliff and known to make you giggly and have a craving for crisps, apparently.

     Session Profit £15.74
     Overall Cash Profit £117.48
     Overall MTT Profit -£25.30
     Overall C4P Profit £5.14
     Bankroll £247.32
     Overall Net Profit £97.32
     Monthly C4P 101

  • edited May 2012

     Went looking for fame this evening and didn't even get 10 seconds of it. Decided to try my hand at Master Cash tables from 7pm - 8pm, hoping to see myself on SKY865, rather vain I know but I think most poker players want to be known for their skills, we are not the most modest set of people. 
     Anyway James and Tikay started out at the 5p/10p table so I deduced thaey would move up the levels so started a 10p/20p master cash table and sat on waiting list of 25p/50p table. Eventually got some action on both tables, but alas no TV coverage. Managed to make a profit of £13 across the 2 tables, £26 up on the nl50 and £13 down on the nl20.
     Then entered both the Main and Mini BH and missed cashing in both ny about 20 places but did secure some bounties to the value of £25.
     Off to bed now as I start to get used to my life back on the day shift. Off work tomorrow so may get some time at tables in afternoon and then off to Norfolk for my brother's wedding this weekend.

     Session Profit £1.20
     Overall Cash Profit £130.22
     Overall MTT Profit -£36.84
     Overall C4P Profit £5.14
     Bankroll £248.52
     Overall Net Profit £98.52
     Monthly C4P 217

  • edited May 2012

     Played for a couple of hours this morning as it will be last chance till Sunday. Was playing pretty good and then made a complete mess of a hand and this ruined my session. Going to post the hand below, not to see if I played it correctly, as I know I played it terribly but as a reminder to myself of how badly I am still capable of playing. Feel free to ridicule as I am quite embarrased to post it, but here goes.

    stien Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £19.40
    68Trebor Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £31.04
     Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 10
    balazar Call  £0.20 £0.50 £27.46
    Luzhniki Fold     
    stien Fold     
    68Trebor Check     
    • Q
    • 10
    • 2
    68Trebor Bet  £0.38 £0.88 £30.66
    balazar Raise  £0.76 £1.64 £26.70
    68Trebor Raise  £1.40 £3.04 £29.26
    balazar Raise  £2.04 £5.08 £24.66
    68Trebor Call  £1.02 £6.10 £28.24
    • 7
    68Trebor Check     
    balazar Bet  £6.10 £12.20 £18.56
    68Trebor Call  £6.10 £18.30 £22.14
    • 9
    68Trebor Check     
    balazar Bet  £18.30 £36.60 £0.26
    68Trebor Call  £18.30 £54.90 £3.84
    balazar Show
    • 2
    • 2
    68Trebor Muck
    • 2
    • 10
    balazar Win Three 2s £53.10  £53.36
     Bet you are all having a good laugh now!
     I hang my head in shame.

     Got £5.87 C4P for April, TY Sky.

     Session Profit £5.26
    Overall Cash Profit £135.48
     Overall MTT Profit -£36.84
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £259.65
     Overall Net Profit £109.65
     Monthly C4P 269


  • edited May 2012
    nice diary this trebor enjoying iy

    hand just posted one of the oldest adages is "do not go broke in a limped pot" this still applies today i think except when holding the nuts of course

    we have all played hands a lot worse than that (well i have) so dont be ashamed to post them
  • edited May 2012
    Gl  Trebor and welcome back. However playing while doing your ablutions!!! God, there should be a law against it.......i'm going to disinfect my screen and mouse immediately!!! All the best....
  • edited May 2012

     Just a quick update as off to the local for music quiz, always a good evening especially on a Bank Holiday Sunday.
     Returned from wedding this aft and played for a couple of hours. Just whilst on the subject of wedding have to say it was a right good do, mainly due to the fact it was a free bar all evening leading to huge quantities of Guiness being supped. This inadvertently lead to a lot of 'Dad dancing' much to the amusement of my 5 neices and much to the embarrasement of my son and daughter. Have to say I thought my interpretaiton of Happy Mondays - Step On and MC Hammer's - Hammer Time were quite revolutionary in their concept and probably the highlight of many people's evening. It was even suggested by my 9 year old neice I should try out for  Britain's Got Talent.
     Anyway back to the poker. Played pretty good today and also ran very well this lead to a healthy profit today.

     Session Profit £57.14
     Overall Cash Profit £192.62
     Overall MTT Profit -£36.84
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £316.79
     Overall Net Profit £166.79
     Monthly C4P 321

  • edited May 2012

     Been playing a bit of 20nl this afternoon, 3-tabling. Nothing really exciting to report won some / lost some. Off to watch the footie now but will be back later tonight to play in main and mini. Had a couple of bets on the footie.

     £3 treble - West Ham, Wrexham and Wigan - All 90 mins, special price 19/2.
     £3 treble - West Ham 4/5, MKDons 5/2, Luton 11/8 - All to be promoted.

     Session Profit £20.26
     Overall Cash Profit £212.88
     Overall MTT Profit -£36.84
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £337.05
     Overall Net Profit £187.05
     Monthly C4P 366

  • edited May 2012

     Played both the main and mini. Crashed out of mini very early when got it all-in with nut flush draw on the flop and didn't hit. Went out the main at about 50mins. Lost majority of stack when re-raised all-in with QQ and got called by AK, only for A to hit on flop. This left me 500 chips and managed to get back up to 1100 chips and then got it all-in pre flop with A8 up against villain's J,10 only for the J to hit the flop. Not my night really.
     Need Wigan to win now, so as to complete my treble.

     Session Profit £36.30
     Overall Cash Profit £212.88
     Overall MTT Profit -£73.14
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £300.75
     Overall Net Profit £150.75
     Monthly C4P 429

  • edited May 2012

     Played some nl20 early in the evening and featured on Ch865, well when I say featured I mean I folded a few hands. Oh I also won a hand when I raised on the button got called by BB and SB, hit top pair on the flop  C-Bet and got 2 folds. I am sure the viewing public really enjoyed that hand, do wonder why they pick some hands that get shown.
     After that I entered Main and Mini. Didn't last long in Mini but did get to 45th in Main, missing cashing by 15 places.
     All in all not a particularly great day and my BR has took a bit of hit in last couple of days. The good thing is that I play for fun and that is why I am not to worried about playing out of my BR limits.
     Also decided that I am going to go PRO from tomorrow. Have decided that cash is tooo hard and better value elsewhere. I am going to focus on DYM's, play MTT's I cannot afford and then play on mastercash tables, even though I am not going to play cash, I cannot afford. I will then post imaginary winnings every day and watch my BR grow. 
     Glad to see my £3 treble on the football come in yesterday and placed a £6.50 double on Liverpool (knew that was easy money) and Birmingham to win in 90 mins tomorrow. Got 3/1.

     Session Profit £54.41
     Overall Cash Profit £183.77
     Overall MTT Profit -£98.44
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £246.34
     Overall Net Profit £96.34
     Monthly C4P 496

  • edited May 2012

     So what did I learn today. 


     For the third night running I played the Main and Mini event and went out in approx 200th in Main and 50th in Mini. I have decided that for the rest of May I am only going to play cash and focus on getting my BR up to £500 at which point I intend to step up to 30nl.
     Also saw my double on Liverpool and Birmingham lose, although to be fair can't say Blackpool didn't deserve it and being a Villa fan can't say I was tooo dissappointed to see the bluenoses crash out and have to look forward to another season in the Championship.

     Session Profit £25.30
     Overall Cash Profit £183.77
     Overall MTT Profit -£123.74
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £221.04
     Overall Net Profit £71.04
     Monthly C4P 499

  • edited May 2012

     Just played a quick session of nl20, 3-tabling. Having just finished a late shift and then back on an early in the morning. 
     Funny ain't it back to cash, back to profit.

     Session Profit £41.57
     Overall Cash Profit £225.34
     Overall MTT Profit -£123.74
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £262.61
     Overall Net Profit £112.61
     Monthly C4P 578
  • edited May 2012

     Played very consistently for a session profit of £5.36. 
     Didn't really do much wrong and didn't get involved in any big pots.
     Best news of the day was the sacking of Alex McLeish from my beloved Villa. It is imperative we now appoint the right man, no more f* *k ups - Don't want another Houllier or McLeish. What's really scaring me is when you look at the betting I can't see who we are going to get. Main favourites are Martinez, why would he come now when he wouldn't come last time, and Lambert, would love him but can't see why he would leave Norwich for us. God how the mighty have fallen.
     What is scary is Steve Bruce is only 20/1 - Surely not another Blue Nose - The lessons must have been learnt.
     Emile Heskey is 66/1 - LMAO.
     I have a sneaky feeling for Alan Curbishley, available at 33's, former player, out of work, has proved can work on a limited budget.  
     Whoever it is lets hope its done soon so we can properly prepare for next season.

     Session Profit £5.36
     Overall Cash Profit £230.70
     Overall MTT Profit -£123.74
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £268.97
     Overall Net Profit £118.97
     Monthly C4P 683

  • edited May 2012

     Played for a while tonight, a total of approx. 2.5hrs. Played pretty well I think and would have shown an OK profit for the session if not for following hand.

    AJ_Rockets Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £23.92
    potless40 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £17.50
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Beatnik911 Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £19.31
    68Trebor Call  £0.60 £1.50 £20.57
    S0d0M1Zer Fold     
    AJ_Rockets Fold     
    potless40 Fold     
    • 9
    • 7
    • 2
    Beatnik911 Check     
    68Trebor Bet  £1.20 £2.70 £19.37
    Beatnik911 Call  £1.20 £3.90 £18.11
    • 9
    Beatnik911 Check     
    68Trebor Bet  £2.93 £6.83 £16.44
    Beatnik911 Call  £2.93 £9.76 £15.18
    • A
    Beatnik911 Check     
    68Trebor All-in  £16.44 £26.20 £0.00
    Beatnik911 All-in  £15.18 £41.38 £0.00
    68Trebor Unmatched bet  £1.26 £40.12 £1.26
    Beatnik911 Show
    • 9
    • 9
    68Trebor Show
    • A
    • A
    Beatnik911 Win Four 9s £38.32  £38.32
     Expect a lot of people will be asking why the flat call on the flop. The reason being that I have a read on a player who was still to act and was hoping for a squeeze. Don't think it made much difference in this case as I think a re-raise by me pre-flop would have got a call from Beatnik anyway.
     Session Profit £0.18
     Overall Cash Profit £230.52
     Overall MTT Profit -£123.74
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £268.79
     Overall Net Profit £118.79
     Monthly C4P 733

  • edited May 2012
    OMG I don't believe it. Mick mcarthy is now 2/1 to be next villa manager. Have you ever heard saying out of frying pan into the fire. This can't happen surely. What is going on! 
  • edited May 2012

     First of all realy, really, really happy to see Mick Mccarthy has drifted back out to 7/1 for the Villa job, the 2/1 available late last night made it a very restless night of drifting in out of nightmares of Mick giving his usual excuses in post match interviews as I watched the Villa plunge into the Championship. Knowing the way things have been going lately at Villa Park I half expect to wake one morning to find Terry Connor in charge.
     The other good news for us was the dismissal of King Kenny which should mean we have no chance of landing Martinez, a 9 game wonder manager, whose team even Villa managed to defeat last season. There really is only one choice for Villa to go after and that is Mr Lambert, a modern day MartinO'Neil with added flair and creativity.
     Anyway back to the poker. Played 3 tables of 20nl, as is the norm these days and showed a small profit. Slowly, slowly catch the monkey as the saying goes. Found there were a lot of new faces at this level tonight which was nice to see. Pretty standard stuff all night with nothing much to report.

     Session Profit £15.88
     Overall Cash Profit £246.40
     Overall MTT Profit -£123.74
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £284.67
     Overall Net Profit £134.67
     Monthly C4P 769

  • edited May 2012
    good posts mate, keep it up. as for the liverpol manager, i havnt got a clue who i want in, is jose avaliable lol
  • edited May 2012

     Another day another gamble on the Villa manager. This time its Ole's turn, and yet again its not really the type of manager we need or want at the villa. Who will the gamble be on tomorrow - David O'Leary perhaps.
     Had a pretty good session tonight and will show you 2 hands below, the first is pretty poor play by myself and looking back should have kept the pot much smaller. Only ever going to get called or raised by a hand I was losing to, in fact it was really terrible play by me.

    68Trebor Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £47.81
    rwalker202 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £24.43
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    orkut Fold     
    blackbeltb Fold     
    BigHawk89 Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £38.09
    mrbobinsky Fold     
    68Trebor Raise  £2.20 £3.10 £45.61
    rwalker202 Fold     
    BigHawk89 Call  £1.70 £4.80 £36.39
    • A
    • 10
    • 10
    68Trebor Check     
    BigHawk89 Check     
    • Q
    68Trebor Bet  £3.60 £8.40 £42.01
    BigHawk89 Call  £3.60 £12.00 £32.79
    • 4
    68Trebor Bet  £14.00 £26.00 £28.01
    BigHawk89 Call  £14.00 £40.00 £18.79
    68Trebor Show
    • A
    • K
    BigHawk89 Show
    • K
    • J
    BigHawk89 Win Straight to the Ace £38.20  £56.99
     The second I thought was really good, strong play by me and is shown below. Had him on either a draw or a really weak Q, thought he would never call a big bet on the river. This is when playing within your limits is so important as it means you aren't afraid to push on the river.
  • edited May 2012

    Picard Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £18.60
    brobat Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £18.65
     Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    68Trebor Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £26.80
    toptuner Fold     
    robap Call  £0.60 £1.50 £21.21
    Picard Fold     
    brobat Fold     
    • 5
    • 4
    • Q
    68Trebor Check     
    robap Bet  £0.60 £2.10 £20.61
    68Trebor Raise  £2.20 £4.30 £24.60
    robap Call  £1.60 £5.90 £19.01
    • 9
    68Trebor Bet  £4.00 £9.90 £20.60
    robap Call  £4.00 £13.90 £15.01
    • 5
    68Trebor All-in  £20.60 £34.50 £0.00
    robap Fold     
    68Trebor Muck     
    68Trebor Win  £13.20  £13.20
    68Trebor Return  £20.60 £0.70 £33.80
     Session Profit £30.38
     Overall Cash Profit £276.78
     Overall MTT Profit -£123.74
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £315.05
     Overall Net Profit £165.05
     Monthly C4P 800

  • edited May 2012

     Why MTT's are so frustrating. 4 hours of play for this to happen. C'est la poker.

    SUPERSNEDD Small blind  800.00 800.00 30320.08
    AMBER58 Big blind  1600.00 2400.00 48691.25
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    poker1 Fold     
    houston01 Fold     
    68Trebor Raise  3200.00 5600.00 11367.50
    FlashFlush Fold     
    SUPERSNEDD All-in  30320.08 35920.08 0.00
    AMBER58 Fold     
    68Trebor All-in  11367.50 47287.58 0.00
    SUPERSNEDD Unmatched bet  16552.58 30735.00 16552.58
    • K
    • K
    68Trebor Show
    • A
    • A
    • 5
    • K
    • 8
    • 10
    • Q
    SUPERSNEDD Win Three Kings 30735.00  47287.58
     Enough said!

     Session Profit £27.85
     Overall Cash Profit £226.75
     Overall MTT Profit -£101.56
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £287.20
     Overall Net Profit £137.20
     Monthly C4P 867

  • edited May 2012

     So befoe I sit down to play today a quick resume of what happened last night. For a change I made money on MTT's and lost it at cash.
     Lost about £45 on the 20nl tables and won about £20 on the MTT's.
     Cash losses were down to 2 things I believe. Firstly I ran pretty bad and secondly I was playing both MTT and cash at the same time. I don't think this works and have made a mental note to not do this again.
     On the MTT front I played the £6k rebuy and the MINI, just in case. Despite saying I was going to concentrate on cash till the end of the month I reasoned that the buy ins were only £11 and £3 respectively so not going to damage my BR too much.
     Went out very early in the MINI, dashing all hopes of the bonus, had already planned whet I was spending it on. A new car for the other half and a skiing holiday for me for next year.
     Thought I played really well in the open. Didn't have to rebuy and was quickly up to 6k chips from starting stack of 2k. Took the add on for a total investment of £22. I was playing really well picking my spots and can't remember ever being all-in behind. Went through the bubble and was one of the shorties with 13k chips, still about 12 BB's so not quite panic situations. Then picked up the hand above and was just plain unlucky. Not surprised to see SNEDD finish 3rd, he was running like a god, saw him bust AA with 88 before busting my AA with KK. Although a bit gutted about the way I exited, as I did think I was playing the best I have played in a long time in a MMT and think a double up at that point may have lead to a substantial prize, I can't really complain as I did everything I could but it just wasn't to be my day.

  • edited May 2012

     Just had a really great session. Was 3 tabling 20nl and ended up with £40, £50 and £100 on each of the tables. £100 is the largest stack I can remember having on a 20nl table and made being the table captain very easy. Have to say I ran very well but was frustrated by one player who I know to be a huge fish from previous experience and was sat there with a stack of between £40 and £60 most of the afternoon and just kept out drawing people. For all I tried I never got in a position to relieve him of his stack and this is now the second time I have ended up in this situation, I will be defo looking out for him next time I play.
     Anyway it is Saturday night and hence it is play time. Off out tonight with a group of about 8 of us, so will probably see you on the tables tomorrow. May have a crack at sateliteing into the primo, as playing best I have played for a while at the mo and belive it would be worth a shot.


     Session Profit £96.63
     Overall Cash Profit £323.38
     Overall MTT Profit -£101.56
     Overall C4P Profit £11.01

     Bankroll £383.83
     Overall Net Profit £233.83
     Monthly C4P 992

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Original Diary of a losing recreational player - The resurrection:
     Just had a really great session. Was 3 tabling 20nl and ended up with £40, £50 and £100 on each of the tables. £100 is the largest stack I can remember having on a 20nl table and made being the table captain very easy. Have to say I ran very well but was frustrated by one player who I know to be a huge fish from previous experience and was sat there with a stack of between £40 and £60 most of the afternoon and just kept out drawing people. For all I tried I never got in a position to relieve him of his stack and this is now the second time I have ended up in this situation, I will be defo looking out for him next time I play.  Anyway it is Saturday night and hence it is play time. Off out tonight with a group of about 8 of us, so will probably see you on the tables tomorrow. May have a crack at sateliteing into the primo, as playing best I have played for a while at the mo and belive it would be worth a shot.     Session Profit   £96.63  Overall Cash Profit  £323.38  Overall MTT Profit  -£101.56  Overall C4P Profit  £11.01  Bankroll £383.83  Overall Net Profit   £233.83  Monthly C4P 992
    Posted by 68Trebor

    I was sat at one of your your tables with about £60, I hope you are not talking about me? 

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Original Diary of a losing recreational player - The resurrection:
     Just had a really great session. Was 3 tabling 20nl and ended up with £40, £50 and £100 on each of the tables. £100 is the largest stack I can remember having on a 20nl table and made being the table captain very easy. Have to say I ran very well but was frustrated by one player who I know to be a huge fish from previous experience and was sat there with a stack of between £40 and £60 most of the afternoon and just kept out drawing people. For all I tried I never got in a position to relieve him of his stack and this is now the second time I have ended up in this situation, I will be defo looking out for him next time I play.  Anyway it is Saturday night and hence it is play time. Off out tonight with a group of about 8 of us, so will probably see you on the tables tomorrow. May have a crack at sateliteing into the primo, as playing best I have played for a while at the mo and belive it would be worth a shot.     Session Profit   £96.63  Overall Cash Profit  £323.38  Overall MTT Profit  -£101.56  Overall C4P Profit  £11.01  Bankroll £383.83  Overall Net Profit   £233.83  Monthly C4P 992
    Posted by 68Trebor

    I was sat at one of your your tables with about £60, I hope you are not talking about me? 

  • edited May 2012
    i was at work so i know it wasnt me!!!
  • edited May 2012

     It was neither of you. Think you weren't on the table in question donkeyplop, althought they do say if you can't tell the fish within 10 mins of sitting down it is probably you.
  • edited May 2012
    I must be the nemo of 20nl then! 
  • edited May 2012

     Seen far worse to be honest. Think there is a good solid bunch of regs at 20nl, yourself included, but there are 1 or 2 relatively fishy regs about, and then a fair amount of day trippers. 
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