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personally i like the old poker on channel 865

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
any 1 else agree i prefer watching edd giggings and trevor harris they were great and used to watch all the time dnt watch it as much now kinda have to get used to the new people and studio i guess 


  • _G__G_
    edited April 2012
    Yeah it seem strange, not used to the set up, some of the guest look uncomfortable sitting in full view, i suppose it will grow on me, but i don't watch it as much.
  • edited April 2012
    Redmond seems like a great guy and is an analyst well worth listening to.

    However he would definately win the "The producer is guiding my line of questioning through my earpiece" award :)
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    Redmond seems like a great guy and is an analyst well worth listening to. However he would definately win the "The producer is guiding my line of questioning through my earpiece" award :)
    Posted by AMYBR
    Can tell you that that doesn't happen :)
  • edited April 2012
    Agree with what you're trying to say, don't think you're putting it accross very well though.

    Content on old shows was better. 

    Think whatever preference we have individually as viewers, old format/studio/analysts, or the new ones.....

    We all wanna see as many poker hands in a show as possible. 

    So old shows > new shows (at the mo)


    We're promised something is coming 'soon' that everyone will enjoy, so maybe still too early to judge.

    Will keep saying it in every one of the threads though, +1 to Ed being a huge loss. Maybe you can get him back.

    Im sure he would be able to present as well as analyse, seems to be a shortage of presenters atm :P

    Bad backs, epts & babies! pft! 


  • edited April 2012
    "Edd Giggings"?    lol

  • edited April 2012
    lol i meant edd giddings 2 much sun and drink lol 
  • edited April 2012

    Marathons - Snickers
    Opal Fruits - Starburst
    Grecian 2000 - Tikay

    What I'm trying to say is it's not the wrapper that makes the difference it's ahats inside the packaging that counts!

    We've still got Orford, Tikay, and Hartigan they were, and still are the foundations that made Sky Poker great. I'm sure in time the new set up will compliment the changes! 

  • edited April 2012
    yep new show is missing something  imo just can not get into it at all. alot of the new presenters are poker players not presenters by trade so that will come in time. but the shows themselves are not quite the same the idea was that u could sit down and register for a tourny say the thursday night bounty hunter and watch that tourny it seems all fragmented now. ive tried and tried but since the move i am guilty of not watching a show from start to finish.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    lol i meant edd giddings 2 much sun and drink lol 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Well that's not his name either, Mr Drunk! lol :-p

  • edited April 2012
    I think the big tournys have lost some of their appeal now that the show doesnt follow the it through the evening like they used to , ie Primo, Thursday BH

    tution etc is ok but that doesnt have to be shown on a live night. I think Sky have made a major fo par on this one. and is probably the reason forteh falling numbers in the Primo and the needfor the guarantee to be reduced to £10,000
  • edited April 2012
    Watching the same old im obsessed with getting on tv regs going onto the mastercash tables is zzzzzz, must watch about 10 different people every show
  • edited April 2012

    nail on head maybe re primo

    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    I think the big tournys have lost some of their appeal now that the show doesnt follow the it through the evening like they used to , ie Primo, Thursday BH tution etc is ok but that doesnt have to be shown on a live night. I think Sky have made a major fo par on this one. and is probably the reason forteh falling numbers in the Primo and the needfor the guarantee to be reduced to £10,000
    Posted by PUCPOUND
  • edited April 2012
    i miss the live games shown when they used to stand up with the hands shown like a virtual room. Really got me excited when hands were shown and it was always live. They even used to show your stats if you got far enough.
  • edited April 2012
    seems to me toooo much chat and not enough poker hands shown aswell i like contrutive critcism seems all to polite get luke schwartz to present a show lol 
  • edited April 2012
    The beauty old format was following the tourney and seeing players progressing. doesnt haen now. big shame
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    I think the big tournys have lost some of their appeal now that the show doesnt follow the it through the evening like they used to , ie Primo, Thursday BH tution etc is ok but that doesnt have to be shown on a live night. I think Sky have made a major fo par on this one. and is probably the reason forteh falling numbers in the Primo and the needfor the guarantee to be reduced to £10,000
    Posted by PUCPOUND
    There was prestige in reaching the Primo and £15k BH
    Most Bankrolls could get there through satellites at affordable prices and could then Sky plus the show to see their hands analysed.
    The increase in footage from Rollers, Ukops and other high tariff tournaments has diminished the incentive to watch or take part in the thursday and Sunday tournaments
    Watching the same players having their hands analysed only after the bubble has been burst doesn't have the same entertainment value as seeing your friends making moves earlier in the tournament.
    The only way to get help and analysis now is by playing Master Cash tables which are harder to evaluate because you're not only up against top players but also players prepared to make riddiculous calls to achieve their fifteeen minutes of fame.
    I would never want to suggest they are lesser players because every one is entitled to play their own game
    I'm just saying it makes the variance greater and does not reflect a true cash game scenario IMO
  • edited April 2012
    hope sky will listen and change back to the true live show, instead of concentrating so much on big cash pots
  • edited April 2012
    My two cents on the new format:

    All along, I've said it has potential, and I said the same thing on the last one of these "I prefer the old 865" threads.

    The first hour used to be rubbish and I'd just tune in at 8, although since showing Master Cash tables during this time, it has improved and is now worth watching from 7pm as there's usually some Poker rather than just advertising.

    Educational shows - Love the concept of the Poker Clinic show, my favourite of the educational shows on the channel. Sky Poker School is also a good concept but I think the topics have to be interesting, as well as having an appropriate topic for the guest to talk about. I don't see the point of doing a Sky Poker School on Cash Poker when you've got James Atkin, a well-known STT player, on the show as a guest, for instance - it'd make much more sense to have an STT-related Sky Poker School when a STT player is a guest, etc.

    Tournament shows - Not keen on just 1 hour of tournament coverage, as I've said before in similar threads. Just not enough. The final hour is often just watching coolers and flips, and the only time I even bother watching is if I've sent in a hand request or there's a competition on the live show that I've entered.

    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    I think the big tournys have lost some of their appeal now that the show doesnt follow the it through the evening like they used to , ie Primo, Thursday BH tution etc is ok but that doesnt have to be shown on a live night. I think Sky have made a major fo par on this one. and is probably the reason forteh falling numbers in the Primo and the needfor the guarantee to be reduced to £10,000
    Posted by PUCPOUND

    Can see where you're coming from this - Seen threads about it with people saying it's a seasonal thing, people are outdoors instead of at home in the evening and aren't playing Poker as a result. First year playing Poker so not really qualified to comment, but the reduction in televised tournament coverage can't help, surely. 

    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    Watching the same old im obsessed with getting on tv regs going onto the mastercash tables is zzzzzz, must watch about 10 different people every show
    Posted by CrazyBen23

    Have a bit of an issue with this - Yes, I'm on like, every Master Cash table atm. It's not because I'm obsessed with being on TV, but because I want to become a better cash player, and what better way to do that than getting my play analysed by better players than myself on TV. If someone else wants to be on TV, get on the table first, and/or send in hand requests. It's not just me that can sit on a Master Cash table, everyone else gets the same opportunity.

    i miss the live games shown when they used to stand up with the hands shown like a virtual room. Really got me excited when hands were shown and it was always live. They even used to show your stats if you got far enough.
    Posted by Dazler

    Loved watching with the virtual tables back in the day... :)

    EDIT: Forgot to add that for things like UKOPS, the Super Roller, I'd love to see a 4-5 hour show with just tournament coverage.
  • edited April 2012
    is there no way it can be mixed up an say just one day a week all about the tourny like old days tbh this was the reason i joined sky poker origionally as loved the whole watchin myself/mates on tv nearly live
  • edited April 2012
    Personally I feel the new format is too fragmented and Sky are catering to the viewer who prefers to dip in and out rather than someone who would watch a full live show. The live tournament coverage is far too short now and seems almost an afterthought. They have improved some things like Poker Clinic and Analyse My Play so give us a bit less chat and improve the tournament coverage and it's not far wrong. Also on the plus side there are some very good guest analysists now. The show the other day with Tikay, Redmond and Neil Channing was terrific and I always enjoy Carlo, his love for the game just shines through. Finally well done Redmond Lee you did a great job as anchor tonight.
  • edited April 2012

    this thread has got more posts (21) than those contributing to the five hour live show thread (19). 

    now that the live programme shows so little of the evening's main tournaments instead uses material that can be replayed at any time, i hope that the improved repeat schedules are greatly valued by whoever watches them.

    in the meantime, for me, the presenters and analysts do a tremendous job given the tasks they are now required to do with this format. 

  • edited April 2012

    Morning Chaps & Chapesses.

    Great feedback, thank you.

    I'll respond in detail shortly, bear with me please.
  • edited April 2012

    Afternoon all. 

    Lot of good discussion points in here, I’ll try & address some of them as best I can.

    Constructive feedback is always welcome.  

    The main problem here is two-fold. 

    1)      The impossibility of pleasing everyone.

    2)      Understanding what Ch 865 is designed to do, & for whom. 

    Sky Poker is unique in Online Poker. I’m not aware of any Online Poker Site, anywhere in the world, that has its own dedicated 24/7 Poker Channel, which includes 15 hours of new, Live  content every week. It’s frighteningly expensive, but it is done to satisfy two main criteria. 

    1)      Acquisition.

    2)      Retention. 

    What is that in plain English?  

    “Acquisition” is the need of any (successful) poker site to attract new Clients. An Online Poker site will shrivel up & die if it does not attract a steady flow of new players, week in, week out, 52 weeks per year. It is that simple.

    Part – PART – of Ch 865’s remit is to help with that. A set sum per annum is budgeted for 865, & the accountants do the sums every 3 months – “is it contributing its share of income relative to spend?”. It MUST do that, or it will be taken off air. Nobody is going to burn money, are they?

    “Retention” is keeping the existing Client base happy, satisfied, & encouraging them to stay on Sky Poker. This is extremely important, too.

    You can (try to) decide which is the most important! BOTH matter a great deal.   
     Ch 865 MUST address both.

    So, the EXISTING viewrship may want "this", whereas the potential new player base might want that......

  • edited April 2012

    So, bearing in mind those TWO criteria, let’s see where we are. 

    The ratings for the new Shows have gone off the dial, they are massively up.  

    How are “ratings” measured? Several ways. 

    1)      Those who watch Ch 865 via their TV.

    2)      Those who “Live” shows watch via TV

    3)      Those who watch via the Webstream

    4)      How long those who watch the Webstream stay tuned.* (See below for *)

    5)      The new “segmented” Shows are able to be shown on You Tube & other such mediums – this adds to viewership numbers. Most of these viewers are new to Sky Poker. 

    *There is no measurement available for how long viewers watch via TV, viewers either watch a bit (or all) of it, or they don’t, it’s that simple. A viewer = "one" no matter how long they watch for. 

    In Webstreams, the average viewing time is measured, & is a very important indicator. The average viewing time is substantially up, as are the number of Webstream uniques. (A “unique” = every different individual that views the webstream). 

    Please also remember that Forum Feedback is important, but it only represents a very small % of the Player-Base as a whole.

    Viewer feedback is important, too, rinse repeat.

    NEW PLAYER feedback & activation is important, too...... 
  • edited April 2012

    Analysing the viewer base since the new Shows came in has shown that viewing figures by all measurement methods are up, & very substantially.   

    Analysis of the average duration of webstream views shows that more people are viewing for a longer average period than previously.

    It is NOT possible to assess whether these viewers are in the “existing” Client category (“Retention”) or new/potentially new Clients. (“Acquisition).

    As I noted earlier, it is critical that 865 address both. 

    The views via You Tube, Poker Tube & the like are very important, this is all “new eyes”.

    A piece of a new Show was placed on Poker Tube last week & collected over 3,000 “eyes” in the first 24 hours alone. Almost all of those were "new eyes".

    So something must have occurred to cause these better numbers…… In fact, lots of things caused it.
  • edited April 2012
    The more you learn about poker the less of intrest the shows become, as the shows are geared towards newcomers and players with limited knowledge/experience

    The key selling point of SKY Poker on TV is for the client to maybe see their hands played on TV and maybe the hands are discussed.
    If SKY start to show less hands on TV then surely it becomes of less intrest.

  • edited April 2012

    Apart from being able to better package 1 hour segments, the new Shows have been pretty much accompanied by the new intake of Analysts, Redmond, Ryan, Stuart, Jen,  Julian etc, with more being assessed.  

    Most, if not all, of them, have been well-received. (And yes, I’m looking over my shoulder every day!).

    So, those new Analysts, plus the existing Analysts, mean there is not much room for any others….. 

    In the 5+ years Ch 865 has existed, quite a few faces have come & gone. It’s how TV is, things need to be changed, kept fresh & zingy, changed, things happen (some of which are never made public), da de da.   

    Without exception, when existing Talent, be it Presenters, or Analysts, move on, there is always criticism from some – there is bound to be, it’s quite natural. But 17 into 5, or whatever the sum is, does not fit, & never will. I can’t recall if it was Shakespeare, or Radiohead who said “The King is dead, long live the King”.  

    What can be said, though, is there never has been, & never will be, a line-up of 865 Talent that is set in stone. It will always be refreshed, moved around, added to, deducted from, new faces bought in, old faces bought back, etc. Old faces may or may not return, new faces will deffo keep coming.  They get praised for good new Talent, & criticised when existing Talent move on. Such is life.

    Whatever way you view that equation, there remains a single immovable. With 12 Live Shows per month, there is only room for so many Analysts. And the pressure is on every single one of those guys to perform to their very best, because if they don’t, they know what will happen.

    Even Torres is not guaranteed a game these days..... 

    The maths are the maths I’m afraid, there is only room for so many. Leaving myself aside, which would be improper for me to discuss (Guilty, M’Lord) , & “old school” Carlo, all of the new intake have been tremendously well-received. And that is part of the reason why the viewing numbers are so robust.

    Cakes cannot be cut into 6 quarters - even Sky Poker can’t manage that.
  • edited April 2012
    Tikay are there any plans to improve the quality of the 865 webstream? This is my only way of viewing it now and the picture quality is pretty poor compared to the TV.
  • edited April 2012

    “New stuff”.  

    Yup, new stuff remains on the table.  

    A brand new Show is imminent.

    It will not involve ANY of the existing 865 Talent. It will be weekly, & repeated. A whole bunch of legal & contractual issues had to be addressed to make this happen. Everything is signed now, just a few technical bits & bobs to sort. Please remember, that for ANY Sky-based Channel, notice of scheduling has to be given to BSKYB for the inclusion within schedules. Each Show will last for “several hours”. 

    The next “Sky Poker UK Cash Game” (or it’s 2012 equivalent) has been approved for purposes of budget, the format has been designed & agreed, the Studio has been booked (6 days in the Studio in total), & the player line-up is currently being constructed. The timeline for all this is many months, including Editing etc.  

    “Automated Poker” has been mentioned on several occasions.  There are a few challenges with this, & players themselves are partly responsible for this. We could debate this until we are blue in the face, but any SB&G or BSKYB Company will take the same line, & it is never going to be open for debate – they have to be careful of “iffy” Aliases. From time to time, new players sign up using iffy aliases, which would be unacceptable on 865 for the reasons mentioned. There are automated filters to try & intercept these, but automation does not address phonetics yet, so a few slip through. Could they be removed manually? With enough labour resource, yes, but the number of weekly sign-ups is huge. Like “very huge”…..

    That is just a single example of the sort of tests every new product or Show first has to pass.

    Interesting, ‘innit?

    More Tournament coverage?

    They are trying to square that equation with all the other parameters I have mentioned.

    Remember, there is FAR more Cash Game action than Tourney action on Sky Poker, & this is the case on any Online Poker Site. It has always been so. In the industry as a whole, (I’m not at liberty to disclose the Sky Poker numbers) cash action accounts for around 70% of the traffic. You can assume that Sky Poker’s split is “not too far” from that.
  • edited April 2012

    I hope that address a few of the questions & comments you have raised.

    Please remember what I said in my opening Post.
     One size will never fit all. 


    PS – I’d like to just mention the “off-screen” people who make Ch 865 happen, everyone from Mother to the lighting chappie. 

    They all work hard, & they read all this stuff, not all of which shows them in the best light. The “Talent” have right of reply, & can defend themselves up to a point, but those behind the scenes, not so much.

    Bravo to them, imo, I'd not fancy wearing those shoes.

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