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personally i like the old poker on channel 865



  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    The more you learn about poker the less of intrest the shows become, as the shows are geared towards newcomers and players with limited knowledge/experience The key selling point of SKY Poker on TV is for the client to maybe see their hands played on TV and maybe the hands are discussed. If SKY start to show less hands on TV then surely it becomes of less intrest.
    Posted by rancid
    Can I just ask a question, please rancid?

    Was your Post constructed before, or after, you had read my explanations?
  • edited April 2012
    agree with u flyingdagg tikay your great u and orford are the best and neil channing is just marrrrrrvelous :)
  • edited April 2012
    I have to admit i have been critical of the new format in the past but must say  some of the recent shows have been very good ,the Tikay, Redmond Lee and Neil Channing show for example was quality and where else would you get someone to  give such a comprehensive explanation of the requirements needed to put this channel on . 
    Thank you Tikay .
  • edited April 2012
    I said I'd leave it a couple of months before commenting on the changes and I'm glad I did, If I was to judge solely on the first week or two the comments would have been negative, now they are mostly positive. For instance the first couple of episodes of "Poker Chat" were rather lacking in content and rather high on blah, but now they seem to be almost flowing over with interesting conversation.

    The presenter/analyst combinations are, almost without fail, working very very well and it's no surprise that the shows where you are three-handed work the best as with two others to bounce conversations off, each individual can present ideas and also, importantly, listen to the other points of view. The Neil Channing show as already mentioned, and the show with Jen Mason & Nick Wealthall especially were excellent programming.

    Like most others appear to be, I miss the continued focus on a single tournament throughout the evening but as you imply, to include all the other stuff, something has to give.

    I agree that the focus of 865 has to be to promote to both new and existing client bases, and it was nice to see the show last night with Redmond & Carlo where, whether intentional or not, it felt like it was more directed to those who are already quite experienced in the game.

    The "Analyse My Play" segment is the one I feel that I may well gloss over in weeks to come, it seems to be getting rather sycophantic as the conclusion 99% of the time appears to be "well you played that hand well"

    I was also going to mention the lack of low stakes cash action shown, but I was told a day or two ago that this is covered in the 7pm-8pm slot, which I can't watch and doesn't get repeated, so I'll shut up about that one.

    Getting the TV icon on a couple of DYMs and/or the Forum DTDs next please! Pretty please!
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    The "Analyse My Play" segment is the one I feel that I may well gloss over in weeks to come, it seems to be getting rather sycophantic as the conclusion 99% of the time appears to be "well you played that hand well"
    Posted by FCHD
    +1 to this.
  • edited April 2012
    Great replys by Tikay. You can't really argue much against them lol.

    I don't watch the channel TOO much as there's usually soaps or some other rubbish on, however, I think the new format's pretty good, in the main.

    Deffo better with presenter / 2 x analysists.
  • edited April 2012

    Thanks, Gents.

    Some things look & seem very obvious (as to right or wrong) until when you look below the surface, when it becomes apparent that it is not as easy as it might seem at first sight, hence my long-winded attempt to share some of those dilemmas with you all.

    "All things to all men" (& Ladies) is a very neat trick indeed. 
  • edited April 2012
    I understand what Tikay is saying about trying to appeal to both new viewers and existing ones but one thing I have noticed about the new shows is the cutting back to the studio all the time when watching cash hands. 
    Personally I would like to see more of the hands being played and have people talking about them in the background rather than having to leave the table to see the people talk about a hand they have just seen. 
    Nothing against the people in the studio but we don't really need to see them every two minutes in order to hear their views, why not just stay with the table?

    My Two pence worth
  • edited April 2012
    I think  FCHD and EvilPingu need to watch James Hartigan's "Analyse My Play" again. There wasn't much patting on the back there. We've still got to see Orford's play as well, so I think all the "Happy, happy. We're all so good at poker" stuff will soon be changing. :)

    I like most of the new shows, though it would be better if more people sent in there hands to be analysed. It would probably be easier if more tournaments and cash tables were available to be shown on the channel, so perhaps Sky could consider setting up more TV tables. I have no problem at all with players wanting to be seen on the telly but Sky should try to "spread the love" around a bit whenever they have chance. I know the games of particular players better than I know my own, they're shown so often.

    The shows are now carried more by the personalities of the on-screen folk (I'm not saying Talent) than they ever have been. I don't really want to watch a show that moves immediately from one hand of poker to the next without some discussion and humour. Only really "hardcore" players would ever watch a show like that and even we would get bored before the show hits the five-hour mark.

    The one criticism I have of the new show formats is the ever so tedious "Sky Poker School". Asking for contributions on playing big pocket pairs or bluffing in cash games is poor for a serious poker show. It's just so facile to ask "How do you play this hand in cash games?" The answer will always be "It depends". I think this show is simply redundant and more would be learned if you simply show more hands and allow these spots to crop up.

    I'm not complaining about the shows, generally. I both love and hate poker and 865 services my addiction quite nicely.
  • edited April 2012

    Thanks Mr Borin.

    Just to clarify that awful use of the word "Talent". It's standard TV-talk for on-screen peeps, (not just poker), simply an easy means to distinguish between front of camera & techies. Studio Call Times ("be here at x time" etc) are different for "Techies" & "Talent".

    My presence amongst the so-called "Talent" makes the point nicely. And Ofrord, of course.....
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    Thanks Mr Borin. Just to clarify that awful use of the word "Talent". It's standard TV-talk for on-screen peeps, (not just poker), simply an easy means to distinguish between front of camera & techies. Studio Call Times ("be here at x time" etc) are different for "Techies" & "Talent". My presence amongst the so-called "Talent" makes the point nicely. And Ofrord, of course.....
    Posted by Tikay10
    I think you'd be right at home as a Techie.

    I'd comment at length, as I did a long time ago* when the studio changed from 3D to 2D graphics, but understanding the acquisition / retention trade off I get that some changes I'm going to like, some I'm not.

    In a 5 x 1 hour, 3 day a week schedule I can find enough that I enjoy to watch.  To expect all 15 hours to appeal to everyone is a bit much.

    *pretty much all my points made 2 years ago still stand.  The only thing that I was wrong about was changing from 3D didn't make anything worse at all.
  • edited April 2012
    I liked the old format and really liked ed's analysis however i think the new format is great especially having presenter plus 2 analysts which gives you more than one opinion on a hand brilliant keep it up!!!

    also i thought nick wealthall was excellent when he was on so much information really good
    knowledge of game and i thought he was just a comic due to another show.
    channing was also very good to listen to.
  • edited April 2012
    Am a relatively new player on Sky poker however i have been playing poker for 3 years ( on another site oops). But have been a viewer of Ch 865 since i started playing poker & i have to say that the things i have learned from all the analysts have helped enormously with my playing/enjoyment of the game.

    Over that time 865 has changed & I appreciate we all have our favourites analysts who (with the exception of Tikay, thank goodness) have all changed. 

    From reading the forums I get the impression that the majority of people would like to see more hands analysed on the show, in which case the current format of 1 presenter & 2 analysts is ideal, as it would seem that the majority of time the interaction between analysts enhances the the program This point was made the other night when Ryan (Ry Ry) Spittles had to fill time when the new technology failed (not for the 1st time). Now no offence to Anna ( probably the most gorgeous lady on TV) she does not have the poker knowledge of a Neil Channing or Nick Wealthall who when technology has failed in the past have been able to talk poker with another analyst.

    I hope that people realise that Ch 865 is there to promote Sky poker, but at the same time continues to provide us all with something.  Whether it be their 5 mins of fame or education that helps our enjoyment of poker.

  • edited April 2012
    Why don't they show highlights of a STT like the use to on Poker Night Live?     Too much 'Master Cash' emphasis.........?
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: personally i like the old poker on channel 865:
    Why don't they show highlights of a STT like the use to on Poker Night Live?     Too much 'Master Cash' emphasis.........?
    Posted by badcawl
    I'd personally agree that there is too much emphasis on Cash, but, as you will find out Cash Poker is a massive pecentage of the business on Sky poker as with almost all other sites so even though most of the players who are regular watchers of the show play tourneys, most of the new players joining the site play Cash so Sky have to give it the air time. Can't please us all all of the time, but, Sunday we have 4 hours of Tourney coverage with the Super Roller getting the air time it deserves. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
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