I started a new post earlier without seeing this one. i can't play on a site anymore when you are worried about good cards. Got beaten and took online abuse earlier from someone that can't be described other than horrible and the worst kind of winner. I take my cards and play the ones i think are wothwhile but head to head with a bully QQ 88 QK Suited and AK suited get beat with something that should be in a bin it's too much i am going to the pub and put £20 in a fruit machine it's fairer!!!!!!!!!!!!
I started a new post earlier without seeing this one. i can't play on a site anymore when you are worried about good cards. Got beaten and took online abuse earlier from someone that can't be described other than horrible and the worst kind of winner. I take my cards and play the ones i think are wothwhile but head to head with a bully QQ 88 QK Suited and AK suited get beat with something that should be in a bin it's too much i am going to the pub and put £20 in a fruit machine it's fairer!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by CHARLLOYD
why dont you belt some tunes out down the workingmans club it would be more profitable or maybe not
with something that should be in a bin it's too much i am going to the pub and put £20 in a fruit machine it's fairer!!!!!!!!!!!!