hi all great show as for the CAPTION CONTEST: rich is thinking i cant bare to look at u donkey we have fallen out i see these crazy maniacs win tournaments now for once as i have a tight image let my crazy donkey play win oooooops epic fail back to playing tikay styleeeeeee
Bit of explaining in shrek one donkey did not like the journey
donkey "are we there yet" shrek "no" donkey "are we there yet" shrek "no" donkey "are we there yet" shrek "yes " donkey "really" shrek "no"
for richard
donkey "have we won yet" richard "no" donkey "have we won yet" richard "no" donkey "have we won yet" richard "yes" donkey "now you are taking the mule"
Regarding the early chip lead the hand was me having JJ and 3 betting Beaneh and flopping top set and he made a play on the river and shoved and I obviously called. Since then I have been running like Usain Bolt!
It was a £50 sat from early in the week, I think it might have been Monday. I then played the semi earlier and qualified for this tournament.
Question for the panel, what is the most number of times you have it quads in a session? Playing online today I have hit quads about 5 times playing up to 6 MTT's at a time. I guess its a good day for me at the mo.
Orford says ".....and dobbin here takes care of the donkey-work."
Great show. Learning muchly.
The worth of lucky charms shown to be bunkum in record time. Richard Orford, losing money for science.
Here we see a donkey at the table... and what's the little horsey figure with him
Only joking Rich!
Nice cash last night Jen, and unlucky Rich on your swift exit. I binked £375 for 12th place by the way
Rich ... "Anna said she'd go out with me if I hang with a donkey"
Channel 865 start new comp!
Spot the As s!
is it
The donkey?
Orford throwing an SPT to watch WBA draw 0-0 with Villa?
Celebs galore grace the tables at the sky poker tour as photographers capture Shrek and donkey before they both bust out
Sorry Rich mate
Rich misunderstands the phrase "Betting your asssss".
Is the caption supposed to represent?
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
Take Orford to an SPT, within sixty minutes he won't need an excuse to drink
Rich's partially deaf fairy godmother grants his wish to spend the night with "horse" !!
Richard makes it very clear that his favourite choice of footwear is...
Rich to the donkey..."why did that man with the stutter call me a donkey"
Donkey to Rich...."I don't know but eeorr eeorrr eeorr lways calls me one too"....
The depressed Richard Orford told a tale at the table. He told a tale of whhooa!
'You can lead a donkey to water but you can't make it bink'. Total rip off post.
Side Event specialist The Orf seeks a new analyst for "Analyse my Play"
In steps "Tonkey" - the hybrid TikayDonk
Rich rues his decision to buy a Ferrari Key Ring off eBay.
for a pony!
Great show great viewing watching the final
Kalie x
Donkey - "You think you run bad? I was told I'd be working with James Hartigan!"
caption comp
Bit of explaining in shrek one donkey did not like the journey
donkey "are we there yet"
shrek "no"
donkey "are we there yet"
shrek "no"
donkey "are we there yet"
shrek "yes "
donkey "really"
shrek "no"
for richard
donkey "have we won yet"
richard "no"
donkey "have we won yet"
richard "no"
donkey "have we won yet"
richard "yes"
donkey "now you are taking the mule"
Regarding the early chip lead the hand was me having JJ and 3 betting Beaneh and flopping top set and he made a play on the river and shoved and I obviously called. Since then I have been running like Usain Bolt!
It was a £50 sat from early in the week, I think it might have been Monday. I then played the semi earlier and qualified for this tournament.
Question for the panel, what is the most number of times you have it quads in a session? Playing online today I have hit quads about 5 times playing up to 6 MTT's at a time. I guess its a good day for me at the mo.