im a robot actually the truth i love the game of poker maybe abit to much i play alot love the game played for years i get tilted so bad tho i dunno how people can control there b/r i give gd advice when it comes to me im terrible always taking shots and if i lose 2 buy ins buy getting unlucky i go on tilt and guess what yep i go on the roullete and do all my b/r not funny the years i been playing should of controlled it by now im sure i am not the only player that goes through this and im not afraid to admit it just need help controlling the mental attitude of poker and not tilt
would u of posted this up if guy hits 9 or ace on river rancid lol ? thats what i mean i get in these situations alot and get sucked out on river Posted by IDONKCALLU
you always think about the short term. long term it is great to be in that situation. ive had many days when these hands hit their few outers on the river hand after hand, its just the way it goes sometimes. over a larger sample then the odds play back into your favour allowing you to print money.
im a robot actually the truth i love the game of poker maybe abit to much i play alot love the game played for years i get tilted so bad tho i dunno how people can control there b/r i give gd advice when it comes to me im terrible always taking shots and if i lose 2 buy ins buy getting unlucky i go on tilt and guess what yep i go on the roullete and do all my b/r not funny the years i been playing should of controlled it by now im sure i am not the only player that goes through this and im not afraid to admit it just need help controlling the mental attitude of poker and not tilt Posted by IDONKCALLU
go to your account and self exclude from sky vegas, best thing i ever done
oh can u do that then i never thought u can do that cheers for the advice amount of times i stumble home drunk and lose loads on roullete u wouldnt believe cheers
oh can u do that then i never thought u can do that cheers for the advice amount of times i stumble home drunk and lose loads on roullete u wouldnt believe cheers Posted by IDONKCALLU
yes, min amount is 6 month i think. i excluded myself this time last year for 6 month, i was always spewing money on the stupid slots. 6 month has long passed but im still excluded because once your time is up you have to contact them to reactivate that site. im too lazy n a lot wiser not to do it any more
tintin u have to self exclude from skybet aswell can u do just vegas as i like having a bet on here or does it have to be the whole package ? Posted by IDONKCALLU
Nope, you can self exclude from just Sky Vegas and nothing else. I'm self excluded until February 2017 :P
tintin u have to self exclude from skybet aswell can u do just vegas as i like having a bet on here or does it have to be the whole package ? Posted by IDONKCALLU
i didnt. im excluded from vegas n the bingo but im still able to bet on skybet, it was 1 year ago i did it but i cant imagine its changed, i could be wrong tho
lol evil i self excluded till april 2017 thank god for that y wasnt i told earlier glad i done this post now wish i done it earlier woulda saved me lot more money lol
ermmmm ermmmm lambert y u think i self excluded myself from vegas lol i was playing last nite till 2 am lost 5 buy ins and donked rest of on roullete im a total tilt donkey so waiting for c4p then i shall be on 4nl
Lmao... so you're £50 exploration into 4NL lasted 1 night?
Deary deary me. Me thinks you need to deposit again to play 4NL unless you've got like 3000-4000 points, cos otherwise you're gonna lose 1 BI and go on tilt again.
right, after reading this im gonna give 4nl a crac. tbf i went straight in at 10nl and went up up up down down up up up down down down. was gonna have a break this mnth due to insane work commitments but this looks fun :-)
Mate you'll never beat it! This is my problem with the site, i cant afford to play for massive money so im trying to build a bankroll but you just cant! You get bad play and bad calls and all you get is 'oh its only £2!' Tournaments are the same, unless you have some luck you dont get anywhere because again people will call cause its £2
Im not moaning this is fact! You cant out play people or bluff or 3 bet or make any moves! You have to have the nuts to win
Now im not saying its just sky its every site! unless you playing big money its basically Bingo
i earned 2800 points just over £37 quid lol so i see how i get on with that atleast i cant tilt and go on vegas now yeah looks fun be good if they get 4nl master cash tables running get the smaller players shown on sky be good and thanks for scotty for giving it ago as a higher cash player should be fun for any low cash player to own him lol
Mate you'll never beat it! This is my problem with the site, i cant afford to play for massive money so im trying to build a bankroll but you just cant! You get bad play and bad calls and all you get is 'oh its only £2!' Tournaments are the same, unless you have some luck you dont get anywhere because again people will call cause its £2 Im not moaning this is fact! You cant out play people or bluff or 3 bet or make any moves! You have to have the nuts to win Now im not saying its just sky its every site! unless you playing big money its basically Bingo Posted by ClintonH83
Well at last someone has worked out how to beat nl4, remove "the nuts" and replace with the best hand and thats it No point watching high stakes cash poker on TV and think you can make them moves at NL4, trust me - been there - bluffed away a lot money to 2nd pr stations - don't know many times we gotta say it - ABC SOLID POKER WINS
Play NL4 like you have zero fold equity on every street )
Mate you'll never beat it! This is my problem with the site, i cant afford to play for massive money so im trying to build a bankroll but you just cant! You get bad play and bad calls and all you get is 'oh its only £2!' Tournaments are the same, unless you have some luck you dont get anywhere because again people will call cause its £2 Im not moaning this is fact! You cant out play people or bluff or 3 bet or make any moves! You have to have the nuts to win Now im not saying its just sky its every site! unless you playing big money its basically Bingo Posted by ClintonH83
it might be bingo to some but people make a living from it from being good, if you play well and play the odds you should do ok in the long run you cant just have the odd go and be succesfull. Im playing now and reraised pre with pk As and called with AJ and lost but i know his range and what he shoves with now so will win against him next time.
you are either not playing with enough buy ins or are not good enough to beat the level clinton. Or even more likely have played a few hundred hands which is nowere near enough to judge anything..
"This is my problem with the site, i cant afford to play for massive money so im trying to build a bankroll but you just cant!"
there are more than a dozen players who now play fairly high/high who started on here with nothing/little so with respect that quote is balls
Mate you'll never beat it! This is my problem with the site, i cant afford to play for massive money so im trying to build a bankroll but you just cant! Posted by ClintonH83
Mate you'll never beat it! This is my problem with the site, i cant afford to play for massive money so im trying to build a bankroll but you just cant! You get bad play and bad calls and all you get is 'oh its only £2!' Tournaments are the same, unless you have some luck you dont get anywhere because again people will call cause its £2 Im not moaning this is fact! You cant out play people or bluff or 3 bet or make any moves! You have to have the nuts to win Now im not saying its just sky its every site! unless you playing big money its basically Bingo Posted by ClintonH83
have you read the full thread or just glossed over all my posts on this topic?
i like taking shots like 20nl 2 tables with 100 b/r i dnt play scared i know i can play this level and win but sometimes dnt work out i used to play $2/$5 on a site few years ago and make gd profit till i hit a big down swing so i know i can make it with the gd regs i just have to learn it will take time thats where i go wrong so want to set myself some stuff so i dnt take shots hopefull a long grind and can work my way up to the stakes i used to play a few years ago might be because the game has changed so much in the last 5 years and not been working hard enough on my game i dont know what any advice from scotty be great i know i need to be disciplined and control my b/r management but im always tempted to take shots instead of a grind and make a fiver a day lol
Mate you'll never beat it! This is my problem with the site, i cant afford to play for massive money so im trying to build a bankroll but you just cant! You get bad play and bad calls and all you get is 'oh its only £2!' Tournaments are the same, unless you have some luck you dont get anywhere because again people will call cause its £2 Im not moaning this is fact! You cant out play people or bluff or 3 bet or make any moves! You have to have the nuts to win Now im not saying its just sky its every site! unless you playing big money its basically Bingo Posted by ClintonH83
i want to disect this post further but im probably wasting my time but here goes.
Fact. i play this level Fact. ive won a hell of a lot of money at this level Fact. you can make moves, you gotta know your opponent Fact. you dont need the nuts to win but it does help Fact. til your attitude changes regarding it being bingo you will struggle to go anywhere in poker
a "few years" ago the game especially on here was pretty easy
i used to play 1-2 to 5-10 fairly often on here and was a winning player
on the rare occasions i venture there now i normally lose, not because the site is rigged, not because life is not fair but because the game has improved and i have spent basically zero time developing my holdem cash game...
So come on, are we gonna get some updates on how your £50 BR is going at 4NL? You played a session yet? How many tables you playing, and for how long?
Deary deary me. Me thinks you need to deposit again to play 4NL unless you've got like 3000-4000 points, cos otherwise you're gonna lose 1 BI and go on tilt again.
Im not moaning this is fact! You cant out play people or bluff or 3 bet or make any moves! You have to have the nuts to win
Now im not saying its just sky its every site! unless you playing big money its basically Bingo
Well at last someone has worked out how to beat nl4, remove "the nuts" and replace with the best hand and thats it
No point watching high stakes cash poker on TV and think you can make them moves at NL4, trust me - been there - bluffed away a lot money to 2nd pr stations - don't know many times we gotta say it - ABC SOLID POKER WINS
Play NL4 like you have zero fold equity on every street )
Fact. i play this level
Fact. ive won a hell of a lot of money at this level
Fact. you can make moves, you gotta know your opponent
Fact. you dont need the nuts to win but it does help
Fact. til your attitude changes regarding it being bingo you will struggle to go anywhere in poker