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since i have played on sky poker i have trouble winning on 2p/4p cash i have set myself a goal



  • edited April 2012
    + 1 im in that category i dnt work on my game just sit and play i dnt do training videos i dnt do this +ev schnizzle - ev schinizzle i go on feel im good at pot odds and implied odds etc thats 1 gd weapon played for 11 years and in the last 2 years i didnt realise how much position is KEY in any kind of games its the most important thing when u sit down 
  • edited April 2012
    Well not being funny but +ev and -ev is basically all that matters in cash.

    You can take different routes in MTTs and do something that is +ev but not necesarily the most +ev if you wanna keep your tourney life. But in cash when you can reload, the most +ev is king.
  • edited April 2012
    out of interest what are you trying to prove by grinding 2nl?

    myself i could not do that i grinded quite low omaha cash elsewere for a few years mainly for the cake and it not only destroyed my game it took over my life (to a degree)

  • edited April 2012
    i won 2k in 2 days on cash tables and lost the lot in 5 days cos i didnt understand varience and most importantly br management i learned a very hard lesson that week i can tell you! Never run before you can walk! I think im pretty much better than most of the opponents im up against on cash nl4 apart from the odd few but they stick out like a sore thumb and i avoid them and they avoid me. You will see good players who only tussle with the bad ones and just wait to take there money.

    heres a good example of the types you get and these are the ones you want and wait for they might get lucky but it dosnt last. Hes now going all in every hand so im just waitin to get a decent hand and boom.
    slackalice Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.40
    Duck1990 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.96
     Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 10
    grandaddy1 Fold     
    Kez195 Call  £0.04 £0.10 £1.85
    Dazler Call  £0.04 £0.14 £5.46
    hobgobl965 Fold     
    slackalice Fold     
    Duck1990 Check     
    • 7
    • 6
    • 10
    Duck1990 Check     
    Kez195 All-in  £1.85 £1.99 £0.00
    Dazler Call  £1.85 £3.84 £3.61
    Duck1990 Fold     
    Kez195 Show
    • 4
    • Q
    Dazler Show
    • 9
    • 10
    • Q
    • 3
    Kez195 Win Pair of Queens £3.55  £3.55
    Duck1990 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £1.94
    grandaddy1 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.36
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • J
    Kez195 Raise  £0.08 £0.14 £3.47
    Dazler Call  £0.08 £0.22 £3.53
    hobgobl965 Fold     
    slackalice Fold     
    Duck1990 Call  £0.06 £0.28 £1.88
    grandaddy1 Call  £0.04 £0.32 £2.32
    • 2
    • 5
    • 5
    Duck1990 Check     
    grandaddy1 Check     
    Kez195 Check     
    Dazler Check     
    • J
    Duck1990 Check     
    grandaddy1 Bet  £0.04 £0.36 £2.28
    Kez195 Call  £0.04 £0.40 £3.43
    Dazler Raise  £0.26 £0.66 £3.27
    Duck1990 Fold     
    grandaddy1 Call  £0.22 £0.88 £2.06
    Kez195 Call  £0.22 £1.10 £3.21
    • 8
    grandaddy1 Check     
    Kez195 Check     
    Dazler Bet  £0.55 £1.65 £2.72
    grandaddy1 Call  £0.55 £2.20 £1.51
    Kez195 Raise  £1.10 £3.30 £2.11
    Dazler Call  £0.55 £3.85 £2.17
    grandaddy1 Call  £0.55 £4.40 £0.96
    Kez195 Show
    • Q
    • 2
    Dazler Show
    • K
    • J
    grandaddy1 Show
    • J
    • K
    grandaddy1 Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 5s £2.04  £3.00
    Dazler Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 5s £2.03
  • edited April 2012
    I'll reply more in full after United beat City but my post is my opinion! That is allowed on this site isnt it?? haha I feel sometime with this forum its like what Germany must of been like in 1939-45!

    I buy in for the full amount allowed which is £4 and i multi table and im not saying im the best poker player ever but i just find it bingo poker! and yeah of course some people do well on it and fair play to them i just dont seem to haha maybe im not good enough? 

  • edited April 2012
    infact i would say you get bingo players on sit n goes just as much if not more and its harder with that as blinds go up and you cant get your money back by reloading and having another round with them.
  • edited April 2012
    I don't want this to sound nasty Clinton, but you have hit the nail on the head. If you have been playing 4NL for a long period of time and are still losing, then you're probably one of the 95% of players that are long term losers at that level.

    Just follow TinTins advice, he completely crushes it, and I'm gonna put my neck on the line and say that he isn't just non-stop lucky ;)
  • edited April 2012

     Just a quick question IDonk, I have been away from forum for a couple of weeks and the last thread of yours I read said you were leaving site, obviously you had a change of heart, but why are you playing this level when I thought you were rolled for higher.
  • edited April 2012
    Deliberate rub down trebor? lol.

    He's said he's leaving then changed his mind multiple times in the last few months, and he aint rolled at all at the mo. He had £50 to play 4NL and lost it in 1 night (partly down to roulette lol)
  • edited April 2012

     Oh, bless him, some things never change.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: since i have played on sky poker i have trouble winning on 2p/4p cash i have set myself a goal:
    I'll reply more in full after United beat City but my post is my opinion! That is allowed on this site isnt it?? haha I feel sometime with this forum its like what Germany must of been like in 1939-45! I buy in for the full amount allowed which is £4 and i multi table and im not saying im the best poker player ever but i just find it bingo poker! and yeah of course some people do well on it and fair play to them i just dont seem to haha maybe im not good enough? 
    Posted by ClintonH83
    i look forward to what you have to say, i was a little annoyed by you using "this is fact" in your post and my annoyance probably came across in my posts. so apologies if my comments offended.
  • edited April 2012
    I would guess a lot of players lose at 2p/4p not because they are bad but because they just dont try very hard or dont care.
    Just in it for a bit of fun.

    Everyone once in a while I like to push all in everyhand and see how far I get, a good tilt release...especially when some guy starts berating you for being a donk after you beat him with 27 offsuit. But what always makes me laugh is that people get annoyed and start leaving...if someone did that at higher stakes the regs would play all week until they left.
    They wouldnt sleep or eat until they left the table.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: since i have played on sky poker i have trouble winning on 2p/4p cash i have set myself a goal:
    I would guess a lot of players lose at 2p/4p not because they are bad but because they just dont try very hard or dont care. Just in it for a bit of fun. Everyone once in a while I like to push all in everyhand and see how far I get, a good tilt release...especially when some guy starts berating you for being a donk after you beat him with 27 offsuit. But what always makes me laugh is that people get annoyed and start leaving...if someone did that at higher stakes the regs would play all week until they left. They wouldnt sleep or eat until they left the table.
    Posted by Spad3s
    i'd say this counts for a high percentage at the level, some just deposit and play away with whatever cards they want because as you say its a bit of fun for them, what annoys me is people call them bingo players. in a sense they are but its their money and are free to do what they like with it. for these players to keep on depositing they have to win from time to time even the odds say no hand is unbeatable pre flop.

    the 2nd bit makes me laugh also
  • edited May 2012
    spad has it spot on

    the players you now see at 2p 4p believe it or not use to visit the £1-£2 tables here in the glory days (easy days!)

    not the same players per se but the gambling mentatility was the same 

  • edited May 2012
    I wish I'd been around in the early days!!

    Spad3s first paragraph above is spot on - until people realise that for alot of players it is just a bit of fun then you won't adapt to nl4.
    It took me a little while (OK, alot - just ask Dohhhhh when he was repeating the same advice to me!), but then I decided to take my play more seriously and put the hours in. I now win at this level, not as much as Tintin but I don't play as many tables nor as many hours.Even with hardly playing the last 2 months I am still on average about 9-10BIs up per month since last September. As I play it as a hobby, I am very happy. 
    Well that's just jinxed me especially as once I can put the hours in nl8 is going to be played!! I'll try not to get a nosebleed at these heady heights :)

    As Tintin (and others who I also respect) have said before it is all about volume and patience. You WILL lose somedays and lose as a huge favourite. It happens. Just reload or have abreak and play again. 

    Good luck with this IDonk and Scotty. Hopefully I'll catch you on the tables, or maybe not :))
  • edited May 2012
    i know u say 2p/4p play play abc supertight and play premiums sure these players counterfit this know that u are not playing a hand for half an hour and can put u on such a narrow range ak kk qq jj etc so if it comes a low flop and they put us on this range and they know we have high pair and they have 2 pair etc or str8 then these players would get paid of right ? surely people are not silly at 4nl and counterfit your supernit play and know u only play premiums as alot of u have said play abc poker but u have to mix it up surely 
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: since i have played on sky poker i have trouble winning on 2p/4p cash i have set myself a goal:
    i know u say 2p/4p play play abc supertight and play premiums sure these players counterfit this know that u are not playing a hand for half an hour and can put u on such a narrow range ak kk qq jj etc so if it comes a low flop and they put us on this range and they know we have high pair and they have 2 pair etc or str8 then these players would get paid of right ? surely people are not silly at 4nl and counterfit your supernit play and know u only play premiums as alot of u have said play abc poker but u have to mix it up surely 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    As posted on t'other thread in Poker Clinic - the thought process of a 4NL player is "I have a pair draw, Call!!!!!1111oneoneelevenone111!!". No need to mix anything up because 99% of them won't notice what you're doing or simply won't care.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: since i have played on sky poker i have trouble winning on 2p/4p cash i have set myself a goal:
    i know u say 2p/4p play play abc supertight and play premiums sure these players counterfit this know that u are not playing a hand for half an hour and can put u on such a narrow range ak kk qq jj etc so if it comes a low flop and they put us on this range and they know we have high pair and they have 2 pair etc or str8 then these players would get paid of right ? surely people are not silly at 4nl and counterfit your supernit play and know u only play premiums as alot of u have said play abc poker but u have to mix it up surely 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    mixing it up will only get you into trouble. the amount of people who know what you are playing are few in numbers. it is easy to avoid these people with the amount of tables that run in peak time.
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