Played on sky since pretty much the start and elsewere before and since then. When the site started to be honest it was a cash cow for anybody who knew hand rankings let alone the importance of position. Having the experience edge over most players then i made good solid profits for a good few years with some decent tournament results as well.
Those days have long gone i have been playing omaha cash elsewere for the last few years but now due to a real life change (redundancy) i have decided to challenge myself to actually get good at a discipline of the game again and have chosen double your moneys.
To play 200 dyms a week minimum. If i can up this to a 1000 per month then that equates to £10 cash for points at my current levels. 30 a day takes me over the weekly target , aim to play at least 4 tables per time in sessions of no more than 2 hours.
For the purpose of this thread and this challenge i have started with a £10 bankroll and will only play £0.30 and £0.60 dyms until further notice. I started this yesterday and after day one and a very small session this morning the bankroll sits at £13.10.
1000 a month breakdown
32 a day takes me nearly there
Day one observations
Play was not as bad as i expected actually, some obvious mistakes included chip leaders playing pots with massive leads in games with two short stacks on table and some players commiting early on with hands as weak as a7. I think i ran well for the first half of the session and fairly badly after that so not bad all in all.
Below are a few hand historys that i would like a quick line check on if possible?
Number one my thoughts are this may be to tight? thinking on my part is i can afford to fold and still have a more than playable stack?
The hand histories are messed up - From what I can work out, though:
1) I can't fold that hand in that situation at the level you're playing.
2) 10's is an easy fold when faced with a re-raise all in and a cold call.
3) Need all four chip stacks to know the correct play. If stacks are really even, I'm probably shoving 99 expecting to get a fold most of the time and not be in terrible shape the few times I get called. If there's a short stack, I fold.
Only piece of advice I'd give would be to try and start at the £3.30 level (so like £80 start BR) as the rake, especially at micro's, is atrocious and will make being profitable very hard without huge volume.
goodluck barnsie u have same background as me pretty much i wont go into a boring story but played for 11 years since i was 19 used to make a good profit on high cash tables but last few years its really hard even 10nl is hard to beat lol back in 2005 when the 50nl was soft as i think 10nl is better now so proves how much the game has changed all the best tho m8 from steve
It looks like you have tried to copy the HH's using chrome or possibly firefox. They only really copy correctly using IE. Try that and see what happens.
gl with your challenge m8 i too was made redundant so br has been minimal and have had to really grind and play low stakes, but starting with such a low br really does make you very diciplined as you dont wanna go bust so improves your game to an extent. Gl with this hope you run well.
lets see if this works (thought this was a fairly interested spot) the big stack had been in nearly every hand since the start. the caller is irelevant.. by folding i am still second in chips
Please try and use different symbols for players lol
Also give stacksizes of all players, I could work it out but I'm lazy
This is 5-handed (I think) so not at bubble yet but with micro stack as good as at that stage. The next smallest stack has 2000ish as well plus 15bb stack who limped here so with QQ I think I have to call here as no guarentee of cashing yet and just looks like big stacks trying to bully and won't have AA/KK often here imo.
aim is to play 30 per day played 31 had a good day and definitely ran well in the later sessoion.
Main observation from today is how unaware some players are of chip stacks in relation to the blinds. Best example today was i was down to half a blind shoved and the big blind and small blind folded
Bankroll after day two = £17.70
***late edit fired on 4 games before bed and another 4 cashes this time no doubt running very very well (think it is 13-14 in latest games) this will not continue but feel i am playing the game right which is the only thing we can do.*****
played 35 today which is over target which is good as i think thursday might be tough as have other commitments.
is my shove from the button correct? one mistake i am making is that big stacks at this level appear to be happy to gamble and have no concept of sitting tight, the big blind had about 800 chips so had half his stack invested already..
Again got to give all stacks just makes it easier to deciphre plus each player having a different symbol is useful, like X, Y, Z lol. (I know it's 4-handed but mistakes in analysis can be made)
4-handed with short stack having just 1.7bbs left means you don't really have to shove but it's not an awful shove and if you believe big stack will fold a lot in SB (keeping shorty alive) then could be right to try and take him out yourself.
Big stack himself makes a pretty poor call IMO but maybe he reckons he can gamble here because he knows if he loses he's still in plus shorty as back up to get knocked out and if he wins it's over.
aim is to play 30 per day played 28 was aiming for 40 as busy tommorow, had a migraine most of day but still put in a few hours, now fairly comfy at least 5 tabling. Started off running not so well in the morning session and made a very small amount, second session a lot better pretty sure i cashed in 14 of the last 15 played.
Main observation from today is how many players are happy to clash with the first and second stack middle to late stages and knock eachother out. majority of the time i am sitting 4-5 or even 5-5 in the mid stages people panick to early with poor/middling holdings.
Bankroll after day three = £22.40
Target volume = 1000 games by end of month so far 63 6.3% target should be at 9.67%
very happy with today bank roll wise just not so happy wihth volume played with have to hit at least 30 tommorow somehow
Again got to give all stacks just makes it easier to deciphre plus each player having a different symbol is useful, like X, Y, Z lol. (I know it's 4-handed but mistakes in analysis can be made) 4-handed with short stack having just 1.7bbs left means you don't really have to shove but it's not an awful shove and if you believe big stack will fold a lot in SB (keeping shorty alive) then could be right to try and take him out yourself. Big stack himself makes a pretty poor call IMO but maybe he reckons he can gamble here because he knows if he loses he's still in plus shorty as back up to get knocked out and if he wins it's over. Posted by Dudeskin8
+1 to this about that hand. Really awful spot but as Dude says, probably correct to apply the pressure yourself with the A10 if you don't trust the big stack to. Having decided that, you can't raise/fold and you can't limp and give BB a free flop so shoving, though pretty ugly, is probably the lesser of all evils there for me.
very early in game no real change to stacks barnsie Small blind 10.00 10.00 1970.00 x Big blind 20.00 30.00 1880.00 Your hole cards A K x Call 20.00 50.00 2150.00 x Call 20.00 70.00 2250.00 x Call 20.00 90.00 1690.00 x Raise 40.00 130.00 1930.00 barnsie Call 30.00 160.00 1940.00 x Call 20.00 180.00 1860.00 x Call 20.00 200.00 2130.00 x Call 20.00 220.00 2230.00 x Call 20.00 240.00 1670.00 Flop 9 8 A barnsie Bet 180.00 420.00 1760.00 x Call 180.00 600.00 1680.00 x Call 180.00 780.00 1950.00 blindeater Fold jumper Fold sxp031 Fold Turn 8 barnsie Bet 320.00 1100.00 1440.00 x Call 320.00 1420.00 1360.00 x Call 320.00 1740.00 1630.00 River 4 barnsie Bet 444.00 2184.00 996.00 x Fold x All-in 1630.00 3814.00 0.00 barnsie Fold x Muck x Win 2628.00 2628.00 x Return 1186.00 0.00 3814.00 my thinking here is i have left myself enough on river to have some play left, a re raise on any street in my experience so far is very very strong Posted by barnsie
Interesting one. While 3-betting pre-flop looks better on the face of it, I seem to remember adopting this more conservative approach myself in the very lowest level games. When you do though that, though, you're really playing for nut flushes/straights or top 2 pair. That is even more critical when it goes 6 way! The way it's played pre, which as I said I quite like personally, I think it's a very straight forward check/fold on the flop with only 40 chips invested.
aim is to play 30 per day played 35 happy with that more than i expected and should get a few more in later (will update if so) this is mainly due to comfortably 5-6 tabling now. Started off running awfully with some horror situations, then it turned a bit and i had a good run of cashes until the last mini session just now were i had some standard (i think) scenarios (for example pushing with a10 running into aj in bb e.t.c)
Main observation from today is players betting into dry side pots were the 4th player is already all in this is very frustating but just shows that players at this level just play there own cards (some of them)
Bankroll after day four = £23.40
Target volume = 1000 games by end of month so far 113 11.3% of target should be at 12.8% (realised i was working out the monthly total to the 30 per week but that would only get to 840 a month) will have to up volume at some point
played mainly fine today seems a lot of effort for a small return but at least still going the right way
thanks for reading
***late edit***
played 13 more games lost 7 out of the first 9! just could not get going,knuckled down concentrated and won the last frou so haerdly any damage done totals updated. really happy with volume i have got in today..
a semi interesting hand history, been 4 handed for a while now and not a lot been happening. the only note i have on the table is that the re shover appears to be a solid enough player for the level (seen him play a few of these now and take decent looking actions on most occasions)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
My main thought was that this was almost certainly going to leave somebody either out or very short stacked. However as often seems to be the case people are happy to fold leaving themselves very short stacks after seemingly commiting themselves.
Not sure I can fold KK here, you have same size stack as 3bettor (who is the shortest) so are not in that 4000 safe area. I admit him 3betting that much of his stack pre is very strong but he could easily have QQ/JJ/AK plus you have bloody KK lol.
Also if this was a 30p/60p then there is no way I can fold, higher up with LOTS of history maybe but at this level people can do weird things (like y folding!), and I'd be happy saying nice hand/cooler if he has the Aces.
Hand History #513332665 (11:02 01/05/2012)
Hand History #513334422 (11:11 01/05/2012)
nice start mate.
can u play more than 4 tables?
not sure about mini racing at my age Dude.!!!
lets see if this works (thought this was a fairly interested spot) the big stack had been in nearly every hand since the start. the caller is irelevant.. by folding i am still second in chips
will provide in future
aim is to play 30 per day played 31 had a good day and definitely ran well in the later sessoion.
Main observation from today is how unaware some players are of chip stacks in relation to the blinds. Best example today was i was down to half a blind shoved and the big blind and small blind folded
Bankroll after day two = £17.70
is my shove from the button correct? one mistake i am making is that big stacks at this level appear to be happy to gamble and have no concept of sitting tight, the big blind had about 800 chips so had half his stack invested already..
aim is to play 30 per day played 28 was aiming for 40 as busy tommorow, had a migraine most of day but still put in a few hours, now fairly comfy at least 5 tabling. Started off running not so well in the morning session and made a very small amount, second session a lot better pretty sure i cashed in 14 of the last 15 played.
Main observation from today is how many players are happy to clash with the first and second stack middle to late stages and knock eachother out. majority of the time i am sitting 4-5 or even 5-5 in the mid stages people panick to early with poor/middling holdings.
Bankroll after day three = £22.40
keep it going
aim is to play 30 per day played 35 happy with that more than i expected and should get a few more in later (will update if so) this is mainly due to comfortably 5-6 tabling now. Started off running awfully with some horror situations, then it turned a bit and i had a good run of cashes until the last mini session just now were i had some standard (i think) scenarios (for example pushing with a10 running into aj in bb e.t.c)
Main observation from today is players betting into dry side pots were the 4th player is already all in
Bankroll after day four = £23.40
My main thought was that this was almost certainly going to leave somebody either out or very short stacked. However as often seems to be the case people are happy to fold leaving themselves very short stacks after seemingly commiting themselves.