my default at this level so far is if in doubt fold which is working . This is bourne out mainly due to so far when i have been re raised they have had the nuts or the second nuts, also as i have stated previous if player x is left with a short stack they rarely react and continue to limpfold with 2-6bb's.
On reflection this situation is different and should be a shove.
aim is to play 30 per day played 35 felt tired all day and i have a half marathon to run in the morning so happy to get to even that. Agin do not felt i run well and went out early quite a few times in very much cooler situations (top set, middle set , overpair versus nutter to name but three)
Main observation from today is starting to see regulars and using the notes made already effectively (most common being limp folds often)
Bankroll after day five = £26.00 (hardly a great day but it is a profit)
Target volume = 1000 games by end of month so far 148 14.8% of target should be at 16% hopefully i can get this back to near target by end of monday
played ok today lost it for 2 minutes during a run bad spell but got myself together quickly enough
aim is to play 30 per day played 29 was a real grind playing after running a half marathon infact it was the last thing i wanted to play but i managed to at least get 29 in
Main observation from today is none i was to tired to notice any!
Bankroll after day six = £29.10
Target volume = 1000 games by end of month so far 177 17.7% of target should be at 19.2% hopefully i can get this back to near target by end of monday
Main observation from today is i ran very badly aces lost in pre 3 times in early levels and whenever i shoved with aj/aq late i ran into ak e.t.c last game of the 40 shoved 99 late called by 10 9 and they flop a straight flush sums up the day. We all no it can happen and it is the first losing day something which is pretty embarassing at this level
Trying to be a bit positive the bankroll looks a lot better than this time last week so just write today off and at least i made up some ground games wise.
Bankroll after day seven = £ 27.50
Target volume = 1000 games by end of month so far 215 21.5% of target should be at 22.4 (224 games)
my default at this level so far is if in doubt fold which is working . This is bourne out mainly due to so far when i have been re raised they have had the nuts or the second nuts, also as i have stated previous if player x is left with a short stack they rarely react and continue to limpfold with 2-6bb's.
On reflection this situation is different and should be a shove.
aim is to play 30 per day played 35 felt tired all day and i have a half marathon to run in the morning so happy to get to even that. Agin do not felt i run well and went out early quite a few times in very much cooler situations (top set, middle set , overpair versus nutter to name but three)
Main observation from today is starting to see regulars and using the notes made already effectively (most common being limp folds often)
Bankroll after day five = £26.00 (hardly a great day but it is a profit)
aim is to play 30 per day played 29 was a real grind playing after running a half marathon infact it was the last thing i wanted to play but i managed to at least get 29 in
Main observation from today is none i was to tired to notice any!
Bankroll after day six = £29.10
aim is to play 30 per day played 40 ...
Main observation from today is i ran very badly aces lost in pre 3 times in early levels and whenever i shoved with aj/aq late i ran into ak e.t.c last game of the 40 shoved 99 late called by 10 9 and they flop a straight flush sums up the day. We all no it can happen and it is the first losing day something which is pretty embarassing at this level
Bankroll after day seven = £ 27.50
nice start m8,
any thoughts about trying to throw in some
£1 games?
or is it a little early.
keep it going,