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Thursday's live show - with James, tikay & Joe Stapleton (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat

I'm back from my travels and ready to go live on 865 (and Sky Sports 4 from 10pm). My wingman tonight is poker legend (i.e. old bloke) Tony 'tikay' Kendall. And we have a special guest. Back by popular demand, it's...
Joe Stapleton!

So, expect an evening of poker strategy, amusing anecdotes and dating tips. Questions for Stapes should be submitted to, on Twitter using #SkyPokerTV, or via this forum thread.

There is a PRIZE for the best contribution to tonight's show. Send in a great question, comment or hand request before 9.30pm, and you could win free entry into next Tuesday's £5k Open.

Quick reminder: the Thursday-night line-up includes The Poker Clinic at 8pm and Sky Poker School at 9pm. This means we need interesting hands and Hold'em dilemmas, plus your thoughts on playing the blinds in MTTs. Are you a serial defender? Do you like to 3-bet button raises? If unopened, do you ever limp in the small blind?

I look forward to reading as many of your contributions as possible. See you at 7pm...



  • edited May 2012

    caption competition: "this is joe stapleton"


  • edited May 2012
    Very much looking forward to the show, folks! Have a good one.

    Loved Joe's 'Old McDonald' song on last weeks PCA SHR show. Is that stuff improvised?

  • edited May 2012
    caption contest:  joe doing this expression thinking pffffffff james hartigan is that the best poker rap u can do watch this :) have a good show guys 
  • edited May 2012
    was watching channel 4 other nite the pca final table and was good to see isildur = viktor blom who is a online phenomenom good to see hes skills in a live event a great player as u 2 comentated on the whole thing and the viewers just see the highlights is he really that crazy in real life playing poker then online and was he a well deserved winner of the pca  have great show guys from steve idonkcallu 
  • edited May 2012
    Just to be clear...

    There is no caption competition!

    We will, however, be awarding a prize for 'Best Contribution to the Show' (see OP).

  • edited May 2012

    Caption competition...

    'sigh, so I dont get to judge any caption competition entries then?'
  • edited May 2012
    looking fward to joe was superb last time on show
  • edited May 2012
    Caption contest. (edit, written before James said there is no caption contest :( spoils all our fun lol)

    I was told I would be sitting between Anna Fowler and Jen Mason but I get James Hartigan and Tikay.  Talk about run bad!

    As for playing the blinds in MTT's I limp with the small blind into an unopened pot about as often as Tikay plays 72 off UTG.  The only possible time I may is if I have a monster hand and I know the BB has a tendancy to shove all if it has been limped to them.  There is no point defending your blinds in the early stages as they are not a big part of your stack and there is no point building a reputation on the table as the chance of playing any of those players at the sharp end of the tourney where how you're seen is vital is minimal.  Late on you need to be seen to defend your blinds once in a while so people don't think that you're a soft touch and keep stealing from you.  If you can spot someone trying to ladder then help yourself to their blinds as they are unlikely to put up much resistance unless they have a big hand.

    Have a great show
  • edited May 2012
    Good to see you back James.  Joe last time you were here you played a statistical (sort of) game where you told us what had the slight edge ie batman v superman, clean bed sheets or new towels ect.  So what's the winner of Game of throne's V Walking dead?
      Are you two trying to be the new Norman Chad and Lon McEachern or if push comes to shove just Joe Stapleton and Lon McEachern?
  • edited May 2012
    In a live game the other day, this guy said (friend of a friend) 'Well this player only won big back then because it was easier pre 2006.'  I didn't take umbrage in that statement, however later he seriously alluded that he could have been a big winner and super star then.  I asked 'What did you win pre 2006?'  The spurious retort.  'I started 2006.'  Quite convenient, what reference did they then have?  A quandary, they haven't won anything in the present (I neither, but don't profess the ability to dominate the game in an earlier time period lol).  Don't mistake this as me saying poker hasn't vastly improved or that the new generation have not taken poker to new heights, that would be absurd, however it's like a Sunday pub player saying 'If I'd have been playing football in 1960's I'd have  been world class.'  For shame things are not that simplistic.  Every year techniques vastly improve for every game or sport, this however gives us no divine right to diminish the achievements of the past. Spoiler alert, in twenty years your children will know it all too. 
  • edited May 2012
    Have a good show fellas,

    Loved Joe`s quip on the Big Game when Tony G went all in after flopping a set of 3`s against Jason Mercier who flopped a straight, Jason insta calls...

    " Jason calls quicker than a nerd with a hot chicks phone number "

    Keep em coming Joe.
  • edited May 2012
    Hi guys.

    GL with the show and great to see Stapes back on.

    On the question of playing from or defending blinds.

    Early on in mtts i will only defend if i have something to defend with because the blinds are not worth defending but once the blinds become big enough to be worth defending it then becomes situation and player dependant to me. If i am up against a player who i know will be trying to steal i will then show more strength back to try and take it pre flop with any two cards or v a player who hasnt been making many moves i might even fold ok hands knowing they are prob ahead of me and in position.

    The best time i like to defend though would be when the small blind raises my big blind and especially if i have notes on that certain player knowing that they will always continuation bet flop and  then check turn if they are weak in which case defending from the big blind becomes alot more profitable no matter what 2 cards we are holding once you take it away from them with a bet on the turn.

    Ive dug a HH out to show a example of this. ID: 511257236 sky sports bounty hunter 26/04/2012.

    Although now i have requested this hand i will have to now stop doing it because everyone will be checking the nuts to me on the turn :)


  • edited May 2012
    hi again guys there was a hand in the pca where it was on the bubble  negranu raised seiner raised utg i believe with jj and negranu 3 bet in position with raggy hand folded to galen hall i believe with kk and 4 bet putting seiner to the test as this was on the bubble a 250k bubble what would u guys of done its such a tricky spot great commentary btw i think stapleton said he would of folded no sure a great hand tho as it was bubble think i would of folded a tricky spot tho have a great show guys 
  • edited May 2012
    It's good to see you on the show again, James. It's been so long that I feared you might have been unwell (or sacked).

    As always, it's a pleasure to have Tikay on the show but I have a question for Mr. Stapleton: After your adventures wth fake tan, do you suffer from any long term effects? Preferably something unpleasant or gruesome in some way that you might like to share for the benefit of our very own Carlo Citrone.

    This question was inspired by the people of Essex. (You will understand if you were watching a popular show on the BBC last night)

    Have a good show chaps.
  • edited May 2012
    greetings gents.
    welcome  Joe, great to see you back on the show, the last time you were on you were epic and tonight won't disappoint i'm sure!!!
    a question for Joe and all... considering the growing proficiency of the ladies playing poker, for example the recent EPT HU final, what do you think is the chance of major success for the ladies in the WSOP and who is your pick of the ladies?
    have a great time all
  • edited May 2012
    greetings gents.
    welcome Joe, great to see you back on the show, the last time you were on you were great with your humour
    General Question for joe to answer

    In Early stages of a tournement(100bb deep) with AK utg. you raise and your faced with a 3bet and a 4bet.
    Is a fold optimal or would a call be sufficient knowing that person could well 5bet jam?

  • edited May 2012
    Evening guys.  A couple of question for Joe.

    Black Friday and the aftermath has pretty much killed big money televised cash games like The Big Game and High Stakes.  Bearing in mind the poker and TV companies who ran shows like these are now forced to look at the numbers a lot more closely what do you think are the chances of these shows ever coming back?

    Also, did you ever find out who Amber was and how she was handled?
  • edited May 2012
    hi james joe and tikay have a great show guys my question is for joe stapleton  i see u on live shows doing commentary along side james hartigan and a great job u do aswell do u play poker aswell as commentate and what games do u play james is a good commentator i think he should stick to commentating as hes poker leaves abit to be desired lol and do u ever play james in cash games like a commentators get 2getha and win loads of moniez of him :)
  • edited May 2012
    hi guys, this was in the £33 BH,
    what happened? I was behind wasn't I?
    Hand History #514411368 (20:08 03/05/2012)
  • edited May 2012
    great show guys brilliant that joe is back on hopefully he will be on again soon

    just like to say thank you for the regular diary entries that are now on the site. tommy d, evil pingu and more recently barnsie all write excellent well written and informative diaries

  • edited May 2012
    lol funny story joe about ivey and negranu and i thought poker pros are all sensible people lol sounds like the film  the hangova haha
  • edited May 2012
    hand #514424047 representing the value in the 2.5/5 ring game

    hoping for some publicity to get another game going :)
  • edited May 2012
    J's and 9's beat J's and 10's, is that so Tikay?!! - legend, but that was a schoolboy error!

    Great show, great guest.
  • edited May 2012
    Hey guys hand from the main event tonight just wondering if you like my play here in this hand flopped a full house and figured i had the deck cripples so i check called both streets and the min raise on the turn.  Should i have bet the river?514442838 
  • edited May 2012

    question for joe about the ability to multitask. 

    what is the

  • edited May 2012


    Hand from the mini, thoughts on how I played these Pocket 3's please?
  • edited May 2012
     i never limp in the blinds i find its always to come in with a raise u take the initative in the hand and when flop comes u can rep a strong hand as u raised preflop i only limp in the blinds if it folds to me and im small blind vs big blind with a big hand to trap  i played a cash table last week 20 nl blinds 10p/20p so 100bb thus guy limped utg i had kk and raised to a £1 and folded to the guy ytg who went all in £20 no like i folded pocket kings i thought this guy might aswell have hes hand face up to limp utg and then happy to go all in 100 bb he might aswell have hes hand face up i think alot of players would snap call but i folded and he showed aces so i pat my back for a good minute lol :)   from steve aka idonkcallu 
  • edited May 2012

    Hi guys great show...

    Just a quick question about mtt play how far should you let your stack drop before you need to start to get your chips moving.
    25-30 BB
    I suppose this is table and stack dependant...

  • edited May 2012
    Hi Guys

    Great show (and guest), as usual.

    I posted this (illegal raises) last night and Tikay was kind enough to comment. An interesting point, if a little arcane.....

    Maybe something you'd like to discuss?


  • edited May 2012

    HI Guys,

    Got A Q for Joe (hope I'm not too late?)

    I recall Joe mentioning stand-up comedy on a show previously and was wondering if he has done any recently or has any plans?   Also, when playing live does he find comedy helps?

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