lightbulb what lightbulb funny these days people play on laptops have massive monitors and yet dnt have a light bulb use the light from there laptops or mobile 2 see where they going strange world
I'd just like to say i watch live 3 times a week and spend many other hours watching the replays (can never have some of the information gone over enough!). I think the broad range of subjects you cover in the poker school is extremely helpful. Looking forward to tonight's, as i grind away nicely every day and then end up losing when i'm CALLING all in. I discovered this when looking over my hand history and am looking forward to hearing the solution!
Great show. Phil V.
EDIT: Most annoying saying is when i'm talking about something and my fiance says 'yeah, probably'. 'Honey i just won an all in.' '....yeah probably.'. Clearly not listening to a word i say!
How many online poker players does it take to change a lightbulb? None. I can see very well with the glow from my laptop thank you.
How many online poker players does it take to change a lightbulb? One. But it does take five analyists to tell him how he did it all wrong but got there in the end.
all in is so mi=uch dependant on what has happened before, i.e if someone has just lost a big hand and tthen gone all in, well any pair I'm calling in position, this discussion is so table dynamic it so hard to say
heres a mystic riddle 1 for tikay say it quick and heas to respond quick its a old 1 so he should know right theres a bungalow everything is green the door is green the windows are green the walls are green the ceiling is green what colour is the stairs ? answer is there are no stairs hehe i bet tikay says green lets see have a great show guys
Ask one of them 'Do both doors lead to heaven?'... if he says yes then he's lying and must be guarding hell. If he says no, then he's telling the truth and must be guarding heaven.
Great show so far guys.
With regard to the poker school... I know this is stating the obvious, but in cash it comes down to simply putting your opponent on a range of hands, if you are ahead of his range, then you call.
I.E. If you 3bet with JJ, and he 4bet shoves (preflop) and you know that he is willing to do this with any pocket pair and any rag ace, then it's an easy call
Here's a numbers riddle for Tikay, A Bedouin Chief dies and leaves his 17 Camels to his 3 sons. This is the sum total of his wealth. Eldest son is to get 1/2 of the Camels Second son is to get 1/3 of the Camels Youngest son is to get 1/9 of the Camels None of the Camels are pregnant. None of the sons have any Camels of their own. Only a wise tribe elder can solve this puzzle. (Tikay?) Posted by Red_King
Problem is simply that the amounts don't add up to 100%.
1/2 + 1/3 + 1/9
= 9/18 + 6/18 + 2/18
= 17/18
Therefore, there has to be an 18th camel from somewhere to divide the 17 camels equally. Presumably this 18th camel is then returned to wherever it came from once the camels have been shared out?
Here's a numbers riddle for Tikay, A Bedouin Chief dies and leaves his 17 Camels to his 3 sons. This is the sum total of his wealth. Eldest son is to get 1/2 of the Camels Second son is to get 1/3 of the Camels Youngest son is to get 1/9 of the Camels None of the Camels are pregnant. None of the sons have any Camels of their own. Only a wise tribe elder can solve this puzzle. (Tikay?) Posted by Red_King
Are we talking mammals or an opened packet of cigarettes? lol
In Response to Re: Tonight's live show on 865 with Rich and Tikay! : Problem is simply that the amounts don't add up to 100%. 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/9 = 9/18 + 6/18 + 2/18 = 17/18 Therefore, there has to be an 18th camel from somewhere to divide the 17 camels equally. Presumably this 18th camel is then returned to wherever it came from once the camels have been shared out? Posted by EvilPingu
Correct, the clue was in the question. The tribe elder owns a Camel, which he loans to the brothers, he then divides them up as requested and takes his own back.
Regarding the SCOOP Isildur1 is currently 1/3 in event 3 (H) having won event 2 (M). He is running like Thewy!
Regarding the question of how good are the Brits at poker? This year will be the year of the Brits in Vegas! (He said hoping he is talking about himself or one of the fellow Skypoker players!)
i have only just heard the sad news of barrys passing
i am still relatively new to the site and after my posting to one of the show threads a few months back he sent me a very kind pm with some lovely friendly advice..
a few weeks later he sent me another message with no prompting making sure i was ok. This was all the more remarkable as presumably he was not very well at the time and had more important things to worry about than me.
People paying to start a cash table oop might well be a losing strategy over time, but if it is a televised table on Sky I think you'll find that it is accepted as an entry fee to get onto the screen quicker - oh to be a tv w.h.o.r.e to quote TommyD
Changing a light bulb, now I'd say you need at least 6 players cos otherwise they'd be short-handed.... and wouldnt be able to reach Posted by Lambert180
Gotta be a 4th prize there Rich for my short-handed lightbulb joke
I think the broad range of subjects you cover in the poker school is extremely helpful. Looking forward to tonight's, as i grind away nicely every day and then end up losing when i'm CALLING all in. I discovered this when looking over my hand history and am looking forward to hearing the solution!
Great show. Phil V.
EDIT: Most annoying saying is when i'm talking about something and my fiance says 'yeah, probably'. 'Honey i just won an all in.' '....yeah probably.'. Clearly not listening to a word i say!
In tournaments id be happy to give this a try this, always been somehting ive been intersted in trying out.
How many online poker players does it take to change a lightbulb? One. But it does take five analyists to tell him how he did it all wrong but got there in the end.
Ask one of them 'Do both doors lead to heaven?'... if he says yes then he's lying and must be guarding hell. If he says no, then he's telling the truth and must be guarding heaven.
Great show so far guys.
With regard to the poker school... I know this is stating the obvious, but in cash it comes down to simply putting your opponent on a range of hands, if you are ahead of his range, then you call.
I.E. If you 3bet with JJ, and he 4bet shoves (preflop) and you know that he is willing to do this with any pocket pair and any rag ace, then it's an easy call
the question to any one guard is...
"if i were to ask the other guard which door led to heaven which door would he say?"
whatever the answer, walk through the opposite door.
Two, Greghogg and Dylan they would soon feed it and make it heavy. ? Hugs Annie xxx
the problem is that we don't know which guard is guarding which door. the truthful guard could be guarding either one.
A Bedouin Chief dies and leaves his 17 Camels to his 3 sons.
This is the sum total of his wealth.
Eldest son is to get 1/2 of the Camels
Second son is to get 1/3 of the Camels
Youngest son is to get 1/9 of the Camels
None of the Camels are pregnant.
None of the sons have any Camels of their own.
Only a wise tribe elder can solve this puzzle. (Tikay?)
How many poker players does it take to change a light bulb?
The answer is:-
One player and a deck of cards.
Start by getting rid of any jokers
make sure you put your heart into doing a diamond job
choose any spade to dig the hole
plant the bulb all in
then select a club to pack the soil
Keep the hooks together if you truly want jacks of all trades!
If in fact it's a heavy bulb you might need to change the plan to suit
The tribe elder owns a Camel, which he loans to the brothers,
he then divides them up as requested and takes his own back.
Regarding the SCOOP Isildur1 is currently 1/3 in event 3 (H) having won event 2 (M). He is running like Thewy!
Regarding the question of how good are the Brits at poker? This year will be the year of the Brits in Vegas! (He said hoping he is talking about himself or one of the fellow Skypoker players!)
6 max...