In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : You're doing it again - the man has no right of reply on here to your accusations. What sort of moderation do we have here? Posted by elsadog
Oh Elsa I've just noticed you've edited your first post to add an answer that was not present at first, of which I asked you in a subsequent post to respond to which you did.
Now I don't know of course if you are deliberately trying to make it look like I'm labouring a point you already answered for anyone who reads this thread later, but that is of course how it will appear.
Please continue this debate as the gentleman and intelligent person I know you are. Editing like that is poor etiquette and I find it rather distasteful personally. If you were unaware it would come off that way then I drop the point entirely.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : Then please allow me do demystify you. You claimed earlier to have spoken to him. Chatting on FB is not speaking to someone. Anyone can be anyone on FB. To speak to someone indicates a personal relationship and in this matter that claims the person is who they say they are on the previous thread can not be refuted. I reiterate, you did not, in my opinion, speak to him. Also, and I'm not just addressing you here Elsa, can everyone please continue this debate with respect and an open mind. I know I am and I request everyone on both sides does so. Posted by TommyD
As 1 of only 4 or 5 people posting on this thread, i would like to think that i ALWAYS treat people with respect, its a shame said respect doesnt work both ways.
There is no darker place than our own thoughts, the moonless midnight of the mind
Oh Elsa I've just noticed you've edited your first post to add an answer that was not present at first, of which I asked you in a subsequent post to respond to which you did. Now I don't know of course if you are deliberately trying to make it look like I'm labouring a point you already answered for anyone who reads this thread later, but that is of course how it will appear. Please continue this debate as the gentleman and intelligent person I know you are. Editing like that is poor etiquette and I find it rather distasteful personally. If you were unaware it would come off that way then I drop the point entirely. Posted by TommyD
Don't be ridiculous - I edited it immediately as I'd omitted to put it in the first time - then realised you hadn't seen it so reposted it for your benefit.
Your clutching at straws now Tommy
It's a strange job you do when you back check what I say yet allow criticism of someone in the full knowledge they can't answer back.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : As 1 of only 4 or 5 people posting on this thread, i would like to think that i ALWAYS treat people with respect, its a shame said respect doesnt work both ways. There is no darker place than our own thoughts, the moonless midnight of the mind Posted by JAEGERBOMB
You have been Jaeger. It was a general point for everyone who has been involved and will get involved in the morning.
If you or any one else feels I have responded without respect then pleae feel free to post that here or PM me. I honestly do strive to be completely respectful to everyone.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : You're completely missing the point I was making Elsa, but I guess we're never going to come to the same page over this. Posted by TommyD
*this is outrageous the poor man cant defend himself against these serious allegations*
Im sure that Ed can get over this sleight made on a little known blog and get on with his life and everyone will have forgotten by next week. You all need to step away from your keyboards and realsie this is petty stuff.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : Don't be ridiculous - I edited it immediately as I'd omitted to put it in the first time - then realised you hadn't seen it so reposted it for your benefit. Your clutching at straws now Tommy It's a strange job you do when you back check what I say yet allow criticism of someone in the full knowledge they can't answer back. Posted by elsadog
I wasn't back checking, just re reading a post from another member and I caught it on my way down.
And no I am not clutching at straws. It's a debate, not a fight, and I really do not mind which way it tips.
And I have no knowledge that anyone cannot answer back, I have no idea what accounts are disabled, blocked, banned, temp banned or what have you.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : You have been Jaeger. It was a general point for everyone who has been involved and will get involved in the morning. If you or any one else feels I have responded without respect then pleae feel free to post that here or PM me. I honestly do strive to be completely respectful to everyone. Posted by TommyD
Respect isn't being publicly critical of someone who can't answer back and neither is allowing it to go unchecked.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : As 1 of only 4 or 5 people posting on this thread, i would like to think that i ALWAYS treat people with respect, its a shame said respect doesnt work both ways. There is no darker place than our own thoughts, the moonless midnight of the mind Posted by JAEGERBOMB
Quote from you.
"Should be ashamed , very ashamed" very respectful.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : I wasn't back checking, just re reading a post from another member and I caught it on my way down. And no I am not clutching at straws. It's a debate, not a fight, and I really do not mind which way it tips. And I have no knowledge that anyone cannot answer back, I have no idea what accounts are disabled, blocked, banned, temp banned or what have you. Posted by TommyD
the lights are on but nobody is home, time for me to leave , for my bed is screaming my name, and the last time anything screamed my name that loud was last century.
Have to agree with Offshoot, getting a bit ridiculous. Complaining about something for the sake of it - we've seen it before from the same people.
The only reason I've posted is to make sure my point is made amongst some frankly ridiculous replies.
Going to step out of it for now. Please refer to my first post in this thread for any clearing up! If you want to follow the blog still just get twitter/follow me - @ndmpryce
anyway , the lights are on and nobodys home and my bed is calling my name...............the last time anything screamed my name that loud was last century sadly.
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : I think we're disagreeing on a technical point here. My personal opinion is that having a link to another site on a page does not bring the contents here unless you misrepresent it. If I claim a link is to some pictures of kittens and it's a link to naked ladies then that is wrong. Nick has always said it is a link to a blog and it is pretty much understood that a blog will always be personal opinion. And the fact you can comment there means the subject, in my view, stays there and should be discussed there. However I completely respect that you take a different view on this matter and my Mod opinion is fully supporting taking down the link until a decision is made on it. Posted by TommyD
In Response to Re: Nick Pryce, New Blog 30th May : As I said clutching at straws. Posted by elsadog
If you are implying that as a Mod I am lying when I say I do not know everyone who has bans, account removal etc then I am personally hurt by this. You overestimate my importance and power, I have no idea about any ban in this matter.
I am trying to be open minded here but you are missing points, interpreting points in a manner I really can't understand and giving me vague one line negative replies. Personally I've always liked and respected you, I just feel that while we are taking different points in a debate I am trying to see where you are coming from but you have very little interest in trying the same for me.
no offence nick i like reading your blog but basically what u put on there about ed alot of us didnt know and id rather not of known as i liked ed as analyst and a good 1 at that i do belive u should of kept it to yaself y would u want to talk about this to other people gives ed a bad name we all make mistakes right ? just an opinion i have nothing against u just thought could of been private and did it really need to be said
ya i liked michael jackson until the kiddies started telling their parents some dodgy stuff that was going on at neverland ranch. i wish they would have kept their mouths shut
its like michael jackosn i love hes music and i rmemeber him for hes music tbh i dont give 2 hoots about hes past each to there own just some things are best unsaid
its like michael jackosn i love hes music and i rmemeber him for hes music tbh i dont give 2 hoots about hes past each to there own just some things are best unsaid Posted by IDONKCALLU
its like michael jackosn i love hes music and i rmemeber him for hes music tbh i dont give 2 hoots about hes past each to there own just some things are best unsaid Posted by IDONKCALLU
its like michael jackosn i love hes music and i rmemeber him for hes music tbh i dont give 2 hoots about hes past each to there own just some things are best unsaid Posted by IDONKCALLU
This wins the prize for the worst reply ever mate lol
Now I don't know of course if you are deliberately trying to make it look like I'm labouring a point you already answered for anyone who reads this thread later, but that is of course how it will appear.
Please continue this debate as the gentleman and intelligent person I know you are. Editing like that is poor etiquette and I find it rather distasteful personally. If you were unaware it would come off that way then I drop the point entirely.
As 1 of only 4 or 5 people posting on this thread, i would like to think that i ALWAYS treat people with respect, its a shame said respect doesnt work both ways.
There is no darker place than our own thoughts, the moonless midnight of the mind
If you or any one else feels I have responded without respect then pleae feel free to post that here or PM me. I honestly do strive to be completely respectful to everyone.
*i cant take this any more im leaving*
*this is outrageous the poor man cant defend himself against these serious allegations*
Im sure that Ed can get over this sleight made on a little known blog and get on with his life and everyone will have forgotten by next week. You all need to step away from your keyboards and realsie this is petty stuff.
And no I am not clutching at straws. It's a debate, not a fight, and I really do not mind which way it tips.
And I have no knowledge that anyone cannot answer back, I have no idea what accounts are disabled, blocked, banned, temp banned or what have you.
"Should be ashamed , very ashamed" very respectful.
lol, in what way could this possibly be misconstrued as disrepctful, darling???
Night guys, keep it civil.
Night guys, keep it civil
never noticed this, thank you Tommy
I am trying to be open minded here but you are missing points, interpreting points in a manner I really can't understand and giving me vague one line negative replies. Personally I've always liked and respected you, I just feel that while we are taking different points in a debate I am trying to see where you are coming from but you have very little interest in trying the same for me.
This wins the prize for the worst reply ever mate lol