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i was initially banned for 3 months for foul and abusive language, which i regretted deeply. When it went over this time, i asked sky, why the delay? They decided to give me the chat ban for life, which i find astonishing. Since i`ve been unable to engage in conversation, my game has improved greatly. I`ve turned my graph upside down, and reaping the rewards. Still, it would be nice to have chat back..
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We are all over 18 ...and this is a poker site not play school!
I understand that if you write to Sky Poker as to why you feel you should not be banned they will, I believe look at it for you, this is just my opinion.
None of us know the circumstances of this, as to if, or whether, the Chat Ban duration was changed, or why, or if something else came to light.
So none of us can say it's fair, or unfair, as we don't know the facts.
If the Member has a problem with the Site, he has to go via Customer Care.
Sorry sky 3 months to life just dont add up
No one knows the true situation regarding this or anybody else's bans.
I deliberately stayed away from the MJ issue as I did not know the man, nor read any of his posts, as that particular incident happened before I got here and therefore I could not add anything constructive or offer any sort of support.
If Sky impose any sort of ban, it must be for a reason. By the same token, if that ban is increased, then they must have a reason for this too.
Personally, if more chat bans were introduced and Sky were seen to be having a tough stance on this, then maybe table badmouths may think again.
There have been several threads started recently questioning chat bans and people trying to gain support.
Ultimately, I feel this will start to create dissention within the forum and I have no wish for any of my friends here to end up with forum bans for questioning Sky's integrity or saying something they end up regretting.
hahahaha good song that was ...
Unfortunately, they will not.
However, I am more concerned that someone, friend or not, will end up saying something to upset a sky bigwig and end up with a ban themselves.
I still think questioning the integrity of the site you play on is not constructive in any way, shape or form.
If some one chooses to do this and ends up on the wrong end of one of the big boys, then they really would only have themselves to blame.
I for one, would hate to see that happen.
Surely if someone starts a thread we are entitled to air our opinions which in general is done in an adult manner.
I would not air something that may get me banned but I will put across an opinion if I think something is wrong as we live in a democracy and entitled to do so without recrimination.
All to often we see some people who have nothing to do with sky coming on here and telling us what we should do or say or not say. I have seen the phrase self moderators being mentioned lately.
Like I have said, yes, everyones opinion are their own and I see no reason for people not to air them on virtually any subject.
However, certain threads on similar subjects recently got very much out of hand and moderators had to step in to remove posts.
Yes, we do live in a democracy, however ultimately, we still have to live by the repercussions of what we post.
Certainly this thread has not got out of hand. But things can easily start to. If people are happy in what they post and can live with any punishment they get handed out for breaking rules, then it is not my place to stop them.
I still feel that without the full facts, I cannot give a valid opinion or comment but as this is a discussion forum, doubtless people will not agree with me.
And to be honest, if everyone did agree with me, it would make for a very dull place to be.
I apologise for bringing up the subject, i will speak to Sky, and appeal....cheers