1. The fact that they don't show Omaha hands on the show has nothing to do with the software, but down to Rich being confused everytime players were dealt four cards.
2. Tikay is actually only ten but is ageing backwards.
3. James Hartigan's favourite film is Titanic (1997, James Cameron)
4. Anna Fowler is a man.
5. Carlo Citrone is actually from Barcelona, but has been pretending to be from Newcastle for the last five years for a prop bet.
I heard that Orford said something vaguely sensible whilst Tikay was analyzing a hand on 865-- but it got hidden away in the out-takes and never spoken about again
I heard that Orford said something vaguely sensible whilst Tikay was analyzing a hand on 865-- but it got hidden away in the out-takes and never spoken about again Posted by oynutter
I heard Richard Orford was nominated for a BAFTA. At last recognised for his faultless performances as host on 865 Apparently when the award show took place he was sat in front of his computer waiting for a table to pop up. Tikay had to explain B.A.F.T.A was not the latest Sky on line poker tournament
I heard that Orford said something vaguely sensible whilst Tikay was analyzing a hand on 865-- but it got hidden away in the out-takes and never spoken about again Posted by oynutter
Yes, I remember it well. It was February 7th 2009, 124 minutes into the show.
In Response to Re: The Sky Poker Rumour Mill : I heard Richard Orford was nominated for a BAFTA. At last recognised for his faultless performances as host on 865 Apparently when the award show took place he was sat in front of his computer waiting for a table to pop up. Tikay had to explain B.A.F.T.A was not the latest Sky on line poker tournament Posted by DUNMIDOSH
Lol- if my performances are faultless then where does the expression 'I blame Orford' come from?
In Response to Re: The Sky Poker Rumour Mill : Lol- if my performances are faultless then where does the expression 'I blame Orford' come from? ;-) Posted by RICHORFORD
i don't know her maiden name but was it your mum 41 years ago?
In Response to Re: The Sky Poker Rumour Mill : Yes!! When England win The European Championships!! .....is'nt that John Terry wearing a great Big Fur Coat, Gloves & Hat....weird!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
In Response to Re: The Sky Poker Rumour Mill : Lol- if my performances are faultless then where does the expression 'I blame Orford' come from? ;-) Posted by RICHORFORD
1: Lisa Marie Long's mum was a huge Elvis fan and Lisa was last seen on a pilgrimage around Tupelo
2: Penguin 7 is so named because of the amount of chocolate biscuits he eats on an average coach journey
3: Dollie is actually a serial queue jumper in the Post Office on pension day and is under a Restraining Order that forbids him to go within half a mile of a soft mint
Sky are to introduce a seat tax.! Everyone that sits at a Table will have to pay 10p to sit down, 20p to stand up 30p to go to the loo, 40p to sit out or 60p to leave the game. If you win a hand you get 20p in the pound back. ;-)
Sky are to unveil a statue in memory of the 30p dym outside Buckingham palace. Spornybol to be reinstated with full military honours. A N.A.T,O air stike on area 51 . Someone will tell us his or her aces held up within the next 7 days.
With confidence in US live and on line poker at an all time low! a shortage of value accommodation in Vegas and tacky bracelets Carlo wouldn't be seen dead in. Sky Pokers Flagship event VLV is to be moved to a more exciting, economic and reliable location! Viva Skegness satellites are expected to begin April 1st 2013 It's rumoured
Logdon and me to finally admit that our photos here are the real us. There will not be a bad beat tale in bb and v ror 3 days. The queen as agreed to unveil the 30p dym statue.
Sky have hinted that after his last visit to Britain "The Pope" blessed Sky's New Building, he is solely responsible for the Miracle outs now occurring on the tables.?
Me ,logdon or bluereid to do a sensible post in the next 7 days. A BBC or Sky news "expert" to admit he or she as not got a clue about anything. The 30p dym statue outside buckingham palace to be pulled down in the same way as the one in Bagdad by a raging crowd of mods with the help of enraged mtt players.
I woke up and Sky Poker had been found guilty of Racis m on the grounds of colour! Management had kidnapped 30p DYM's the blue ribbon event of a micro player and won't give them back. is that taking the biscuit or what?
Samanfa25 has a wonderful sense of humour, is a lifelong pacifist, and would never resort to violence at an SPT. (She is also very intelligent and defo not a *****)
The rng to go before the leveson enquiry for hacking people off. Someone will have the bottle to post one in area 51. The 30p dyms to be brought back with a bottle of wine and 50 poker points to be given to the people coming back . lol.
James Hartigan has promised never to mention films again if everyone on the site sends him a tenner. Posted by 4EVERGREEN
that would be a terrible pity Sky are very lucky to have a gentleman of Mr. Hartigans calibre and i find myself watching his shows with the greater degree of interest that his insight commands he has reinvigorated my interest in films more times than i can remember and people would do well to follow his film reviews on the LBC website, particularly to maximise the worth of subscriptions to LoveFilm for example there has been only one occasion, ever, that i would dare venture to question Mr. Hartigans judgement and that is in his slightly over-enthusiastic appraisal of Black Swan i'm just splitting hairs here however and i'm probably wrong anyway as he is a cerebral titan it's a shame that all of his fellow presenters don't possess a fraction of his intelligence and wit, especially Orford in my opinion the best 865 show ever was the relatively recent episode that saw Mr. Hartigan presenting with Nick Wealthall as guest. genuinely funny, they should get Nick on with James again asap, ratings gold !!!! additionally my Nan describes Mr. Hartigan as a "handsome hound" and refuses to allow me to watch any 865 show that he isn't presenting because they are boring keep up the excellent work James and try not to get too depressed by the wearisome mediocrity of your colleagues or the banal and groundless criticism of your detractors as witnessed above ! more film reviews please !!!!!!!
In Response to Re: The Sky Poker Rumour Mill : that would be a terrible pity Sky are very lucky to have a gentleman of Mr. Hartigans calibre and i find myself watching his shows with the greater degree of interest that his insight commands he has reinvigorated my interest in films more times than i can remember and people would do well to follow his film reviews on the LBC website, particularly to maximise the worth of subscriptions to LoveFilm for example there has been only one occasion, ever, that i would dare venture to question Mr. Hartigans judgement and that is in his slightly over-enthusiastic appraisal of Black Swan i'm just splitting hairs here however and i'm probably wrong anyway as he is a cerebral titan it's a shame that all of his fellow presenters don't possess a fraction of his intelligence and wit, especially Orford in my opinion the best 865 show ever was the relatively recent episode that saw Mr. Hartigan presenting with Nick Wealthall as guest. genuinely funny, they should get Nick on with James again asap, ratings gold !!!! additionally my Nan describes Mr. Hartigan as a "handsome hound" and refuses to allow me to watch any 865 show that he isn't presenting because they are boring keep up the excellent work James and try not to get too depressed by the wearisome mediocrity of your colleagues or the banal and groundless criticism of your detractors as witnessed above ! more film reviews please !!!!!!! Posted by BLACK_MASS
Maybe you could get Barry Norman and Jonathan Ross to co host with James?
In Response to Re: The Sky Poker Rumour Mill: Maybe you could get Barry Norman and Jonathan Ross to co host with James? You would be in heaven lol. Posted by donkeyplop
No because: 1. They don't know as much about films as Mr. Hartigan 2. They don't know as much about poker as Mr. Hartigan 3. My Nan thinks that neither is a "handsome hound" as she does with Mr. Hartigan
Sky are giving £10 goodbye bonus to all 30p players. cough! cough! ;o)
With the 30p DYM Takeaway?
2. Tikay is actually only ten but is ageing backwards.
3. James Hartigan's favourite film is Titanic (1997, James Cameron)
4. Anna Fowler is a man.
5. Carlo Citrone is actually from Barcelona, but has been pretending to be from Newcastle for the last five years for a prop bet.
Apparently when the award show took place he was sat in front of his computer waiting for a table to pop up.
Tikay had to explain B.A.F.T.A was not the latest Sky on line poker tournament
When England win The European Championships!!
.....is'nt that John Terry wearing a great Big Fur Coat, Gloves & Hat....weird!!
They had a thread about it!
Wasn't it called
Everyone except Orford, obviously!
2: Sick Swans is a voluntary Vet
3: Mohican is actually Mo Hican, confusingly the twin brother of Mo Johnson ex Celtic, Rangers and Watford
2: Penguin 7 is so named because of the amount of chocolate biscuits he eats on an average coach journey
3: Dollie is actually a serial queue jumper in the Post Office on pension day and is under a Restraining Order that forbids him to go within half a mile of a soft mint
Sky are to introduce a seat tax.! Everyone that sits at a Table will have to pay 10p to sit down, 20p to stand up 30p to go to the loo, 40p to sit out or 60p to leave the game. If you win a hand you get 20p in the pound back. ;-)
in his spare time away from poker julian thew, yoyo, knits
a shortage of value accommodation in Vegas and tacky bracelets Carlo wouldn't be seen dead in.
Sky Pokers Flagship event VLV is to be moved to a more exciting, economic and reliable location!
Viva Skegness satellites are expected to begin April 1st 2013
It's rumoured
Management had kidnapped 30p DYM's the blue ribbon event of a micro player and won't give them back.
is that taking the biscuit or what?
2: Helen Chamberlain is to return to Sky Poker - as Tikay's Vegas coffee runner
3: Greghogg's shirts have been acknowledged as the inspiration behind this year's Milan fashion week
Sky are very lucky to have a gentleman of Mr. Hartigans calibre and i find myself watching his shows with the greater degree of interest that his insight commands
he has reinvigorated my interest in films more times than i can remember and people would do well to follow his film reviews on the LBC website, particularly to maximise the worth of subscriptions to LoveFilm for example
there has been only one occasion, ever, that i would dare venture to question Mr. Hartigans judgement and that is in his slightly over-enthusiastic appraisal of Black Swan
i'm just splitting hairs here however and i'm probably wrong anyway as he is a cerebral titan
it's a shame that all of his fellow presenters don't possess a fraction of his intelligence and wit, especially Orford
in my opinion the best 865 show ever was the relatively recent episode that saw Mr. Hartigan presenting with Nick Wealthall as guest.
genuinely funny, they should get Nick on with James again asap, ratings gold !!!!
additionally my Nan describes Mr. Hartigan as a "handsome hound" and refuses to allow me to watch any 865 show that he isn't presenting because they are boring
keep up the excellent work James and try not to get too depressed by the wearisome mediocrity of your colleagues or the banal and groundless criticism of your detractors as witnessed above !
more film reviews please !!!!!!!
Maybe you could get Barry Norman and Jonathan Ross to co host with James? You would be in heaven lol.
Posted by donkeyplop
No because:
1. They don't know as much about films as Mr. Hartigan
2. They don't know as much about poker as Mr. Hartigan
3. My Nan thinks that neither is a "handsome hound" as she does with Mr. Hartigan