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We understand that it's frustrating to get disconnected whilst playing in a tournament.
We also appreciate that missing even a single hand during a tournament can have a decisive detrimental effect. However we have a policy of refunding players only when the cause of disconnection is demonstrably our responsibility. This applies to instances such as our servers being inaccessible which would result in players being disconnected and then not being able to get back in.
We have taken another closer look at the incident. The fact that most players were able to play normally proves that the problem did not lie with our server. The games continued to run and other players had no problems staying connected.
We hope this explains the situation, and hope you continue to enjoy our games.
Please feel free to contact us should you require further assistance, or any advice on optimising your system environment to ensure a more stabilised connection to the site while playing.
Given the circumstances, not least the fact that I was on a cash table at the time and not even playing a tournament, this seems a somewhat inadequate response.
My question to the community is, have any other experienced similar problems recently as from the few conversations I've had since it happened it would suggest that this is not an isolated incident.
And... this is not sour grapes, in all honesety I didn't lose a huge amount in the hand as I'd have only split it anyway. I just don't like customer service treating me like I'm a chimp when I'm trying to flag a potential problem!
The personal touch huh
I was also told it is a problem at my end, and my internet was fullly connected at full performance. This is something that maybe needs looking at!
This has happened to me a lot in the last 2 or 3 weeks. It never happened before then (with the download version, at least).
Like the stock response says, it can be decisive. It's incredibly frustrating when you're trying to get into a pot, but cannot, and then the flop would have given you the nuts.
Even if you were only gonna win a small pot, it's better than losing your blind.
I have found this has only started since the new sky download and I know a lot of people have had problems. We do need all in protection on the site. but I think someone does need to look at this urgently with regard to these problems as I know I am not the only one.
I played the survivor earlier and couldn,t see my time bar or anyone elses throughout the tournament
I know some ppl will say contact CC, but i always get the same message posted in OP and often have to wait to long while waiting for a customer service rep
Getting disco'd here now and again too over the last week or so and never have done before. Seems to do it in fits and starts, ie it will be fine for an hour then I get maybe 20 mins of it happening then fine for a couple of hours etc etc.
Except it will be disconnected from 1/2 tables and timeout BUT plays as normal on all other tables.
Guess what - that's my internet connection too obviously. (I haven't rang to complain - I gave up a long time ago speaking to unhelpful and disbelieving numpties).
I see people getting disco'd out all the time lately which I've never seen before, plus lots saying it on here.
Frankly it's utterly pathetic of Sky to suggest it is everyone's connection at fault. Yes there may well be some but not what I'd guess at 90%+ of others!
Will anyone reply on here? Probably not.
Is anything being done to investigate it? Probably not.
If they want tables/times then apologies but as I've had it happen over 30 times tonight alone, I haven't actually got flipping time to write them all down whilst trying to multitable tyvm. YOU'RE the company with the servers which should be able to tell you what's happening. To simply say the servers are fine, it must be your ISP is disgraceful !!!!!
very annoying,had to log off and re-load.
also been having problems accessing site,sometimes takes 3 or 4 goes to load up.
never used to be a problem.
obvious 2 me sky are experiencing some problems atm.
if it ever costs me money,which fortunately 4 me it didn,t this time,i,d like to think that sky would be honest enough to admit that the problem was coming from their end,and reimburse me any lost money involved.
if not,i,d be leaving quicker than you could say "see ya"
Well after a number of emails backwards and forwards with customer services, I have got no further with this.
There was no problem at Sky's end so it was obviously my own fault, despite the fact I am 100% certain my internet connection was live the whole time whilst I was unable to re-connect and that I know for a fact of two others that got disconnected at exactly the same time.
It is with much regret that I will be withdrawing my kind donations from the cash tables on Sky for the forseeable future.
The good news is I'll still be donking of money in tournaments and at SPT's to you all.
never used to be a problem. same here dev,345 times to load cm menu to log on???
I'll report it again, but Sky will just tell me there is no problem at their end, I know for a FACT that my internet connection has not dropped, so serious question, is it a problem with the software? Is there a clash with other programs creating an issue?
Are other experiencing this too, tonight I know 3 of us on the same table had it at exactly the same time.
Cant be good for business can it?
It is clear now there def is a software problem as too many players going through same thing and anyone who has played on the site as long as me knows this is not something that has had lots of problems before.
My problems since the Sky software update which is steadly getting worse
No internet connection problems as all players have reported
1. Lobby loading problems just hanging not connecting up to 4 attempts before the download works
2. My cards hanging while multi not all the time but mainly peak times and not every day about 1/2 week. I then either miss my hand or have under a sec to act (if you have been at table with when this has happened I know it must have frustrating but I dont play like that sorry)
3. Last few days now having the site disconect while multi again eve times to the extent again for 2 nights running been deep in tornys and lost quite a few hands
I am sure now this shows if enough people are able to report the same ie I think there are logs they can cross check to confirm what we are saying stacks up then I assume something can be done urgently now. I sure we all agree we not only get a lot out the site but know Sky will want to sort this. To this effect I am sure someone from Sky will respond to these postings so we can be told timescale to get this fixed
must stop bluffing when they are not gonna fold, or calling when behind...
seriously tho, ye ive had problems and i will be calling customer care to advise
I'm not really this tight honest.
Irony is that I am reading a book on coping with tilt which is working on me, but does not mention disconnection tilt which affects me badly especially when I have the nuts or as good as and am folded.
Difficult to know where the blame lies on disconnection but can only say until very recently was not affected by disconnection problems so do not think it is my computer or ISP
This hand was the final straw for me. I've taken all my roll off this site now...
Just find it unplayable