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Drunk players with huge stacks and letting them tilt you.
At SPT Blackpool i was on a table with a chap who had got pretty lucky early and built up a healthy stack, as the day went on he was getting more and more drunk and playing crazier and crazier. At around level 6 or 7 when the blinds were 200/ 400 this guy had a stack of around 70000 . By this time we had antes and ofcourse he never put his in and we had to wait every time for the dealer to get his attention and also every time it was his turn to act he was busy talking or swearing and had to ask what had happened and so on.
I could feel myself getting more and more wound up with this and then for 15 mins he just went crazy , he was open raising to 20k maybe 5 hands in a row , jamming to everyones 3 or 4xBB raise , telling everyone they were **** and scared , banging on the table when winning. He had knocked maybe 2 or 3 people out like this with hands such as K7, Q10 .
I had a pretty healthy stack of 26000 and woke up with AK spades early position , i raised to 900 folds round to said guy who jams for 100000+. Without even thinking it through (stupid i know) i called he turned over 10 10 and the rest is history(i lost).
Thinking it through now i know i could have found some much better spots against this guy and i had let his behaviour and my anger at it destroy my tourney.
I often find when i play live, peoples behaviour at the table does get to me and i need to work on this .
What do other people do in this type of situation ? Put on your headphones and ignore it?Take some time out?
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You did have 65BB so no need to take the risk I guess, but against this idiot, it aint the end of the world calling, there's gonna be so many Ax and Kx hands that you're completely crushing, bearing in mind the way he was playing.
Best to just let him get on with it, I know alot of people that got ALOT of chips from him, you just gotta be patient and let him carry on being an idiot.
He came back on day 2 (sobered up by now) and didnt last very long.
I would really have hated to be on his table as like you Jonjo I struggle to know how to deal with this sort of player
Yep, I think anyone who was there knows the guy you're talking about, he was a complete lunatic!
In your spot jonjo, i would have snapped him off with AK, knowing how he's been playing you're beating a massive range of hands he's doing this with, just very ul mate.
A weird dynamic, becuase the poker player in me says, I really want to be on this guys table, because in theory he shoulkd be easy money, but at the same time I can imagine it was an absoulte nightmasre to paly against in a tournament that most of us were taking very seriously.
17 bounties playing like a lunatic speaks for itself, it was just his day. Strangely he seemed alot quieter when he came back for day two!
in my ( limited ) experience this a good situation ONLY when you realise ( no thought points required here ) that everybody else at the table wants the same thing . ( POSITION IS GOD HERE , AND PAIRS! 10's+ )
but it's like the normal thing too. you just want their chips with the minimal amount of risk, so nothing's changed right ?
so you accept you are tilting through plain greed ..... but that greed ( anticipation tilt ) is augmented by the notion that you love to ' play poker' and it's a 'cerebral game' and 'not dice'.
the fact is that it's all those things.
the reason the game is supposed to be exciting is because there is such a large amount of variance involved.
i think you need to readjust your thinking here. wild play is not only allowed but to be embraced and maybe understood ?
bad manners are a separate issue and nothing to do with the game. also drunkenness. good players can be drunk too.
when you think about it , it's helpful to play such people when they are predictable.
whether or not that they are ' better ' than you should not influence your thinking.
what is my hand strength ? what position am i in ? what's my stack ? what are their tendencies ? blah blah the the same boring stuff EVERY HAND, OVER AND OVER AGAIN !!!! you know right ?
don't worry about it man.
get it in good.
and try to be more machine than simperer.
Please don't get me wrong ,i am not complaning about his play at all , everyone can play how they want and to be honest i have posted before saying i want someone playing like that on my table. It was his behaviour that made me snap call which is why i was annoyed at myself. I agree i should be more of a machine and not let bad manners , time wasting and plain ignorance affect me.
I hardly ever tilt over someones play and now i need to learn not to tilt over their behaviour.
Some one above said i,d have hated to be on his table, but I was to his immediate left for the last level or 2 and kept getting shoved on. It was frustrating as i was so card dead, but managed to pick up KJ S UTG so with around 60k raised about 8 . It folded round to Steve (drunky if you wanna call him) and as expected he shoved with Q2 clubs which i snapp called - With 2 clubs on the flop i thought he,d done it to me as well but you can,t get that lucky all the time and i dbld up through him
I just wish we couold have had another level as by this time as i,d noticed him shoving after looking at only 1 card on several occasions
Looking back on one of the last hands of day 1 i picked up 99 with about 120k.( well above average) He shoved as usual with the same stack, but there had already been at least 1 raise before which put me to a decision and i made the fold - The others also folded. Wish i,d played it now , but at the end of the day surley these are players you want on your table ?
Ps - He came back on Sunday sober and played a lot better going out on AK vs CTBN,s Aces
He had just took Jen Mason out Jen Had AK he called with AQ and hit his Q I think.
I woke up with 99 and jamed it in and with no hesitation he called me with Q3 off - Q pops up on the turn and i'm out. It was a very amusing table to say the least but still a most enjoyable weekend.
I did take a bounty so Woop!!!! Woop!!!.
I had said guy on my table late on day one and it was how i got chip lead just had to wait for a big hand and be prepared to go all the way with it and hope it holds his luck like that cant last for every. you do want this kind of player on your table just got to except the fact he will win some of the time, and your be gone but there always another day where he be out early lol
Well done Keithy laaaad! You truely were goldenballz when hitting that K, making a better to pair in a massive pot.
I understand you don't want to base your tournament and your edge soley around him, however I think if your on his table you should take advantage of his willingness to donate chips.