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Tues night Live Show with Fowler, Jen Mason and special guest Rod Stirzaker ****official show thread
Awkward moment with QQs on Master Cash table.
Villain raises UTG 5x and I elect to 3bet to isolate pre-flop.
He calls. Flop comes K94 rainbow. He checks I bet 3/4s pot and he calls.
He checks the turn which is a 2 and I elect to check behind fearing the worst. (Is this a mistake?)
The river brings an inconsequential 7 and he bets £8 into nearly £11 and I elect to fold.
Is this too nitty?
Can I have the hand shown so I can have your expert opinion and a look at their hole cards please?
I discussed the hand with a poker buddy who also plays on the site and he thought I should have bet the turn and probably called the river bet if I had checked the turn. He thought that there were few hands in his range that could have had a King in them, given that a KJ or KQ likely would not have called the reraise and an AK probably would have 4bet preflop. He thinks pairs Jacks- 66 are most likely.
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I am still hungover.. that five hour train journey back to Folkestone yesterday was painful!
Giant not being able to reach the floor with his club was an advantage too! 
seriously... aint got a clue what picture u will be using as i don't remember much at all about Sunday, apart from playing with a balloon fashioned into a sword... well i was until Ebberdon decided to put the sword down his trousers...
Oh and beating Giant811, Tommyd and Tempusfuget at crazy golf! Although i managed to snap the club somehow, but as i run good, i got away with the £10 fine
All i know is it that the SPT weekend was a great laugh and great to see so many familar faces in Blackpool and meet some new ones too like borinloner and Fredsgirl!
Blackpool Rocks!
No, it's not an earthquake!
it's Hoggers taking his seat!
and in no particular order.................
1. Sitting next to Jen Mason. (All be it briefly just before Steve "The Head Crusher" binked v Jens AK all-in, if I remember correctly?
2. Taking a Bounty (Not as many as Steve "The Head Crusher" but they all count
3. Steve looking through his beer goggles at Anna and saying "You Look Much Better on TV than you do live" although i'm sure he meant to say it the other way round lol, and then Anna calmly leaning forward and saying "Can You Even See Me?" a classic comeback in an awkward situation if ever I heard one lol.
Anyway, it was very nice to meet you both and a brilliant weekend, have a great show.
Well, I suppose if Jimmy Carr can still be allowed on TV, then your career just might survive. You know what I'm talking about.
It was a good time at the SPT, apart from the Sunday evening when I had to put up with this strange woman wittering on about paper rounds, picking tomatoes and... God knows what else; I wasn't really listening. lol
I see you've got "Chat Box" on again tonight. That show was made for you, Anna. Shame it's only an hour long, eh? :P
I jest, I jest. Setting aside all of the hijinks I think it was a terrific tournament and many congratulations to Andrew1947 as well as the rest of the final table. Playing on through the England match can't have been beneficial to their concentration.
Good times were had. Sadly Jen ran off on Sunday before I could get a word in but it was particularly pleasing to speak with Giant811, GREGHOGG, The_Don90 and of course the lovely(ish) MissFowler. Shame you all won't be back for a year.
Have a great show ladies.
"GREGHOGG looks on in fear of what's about to happen with that pink balloon"
Or alternatively:
"Anna Fowler tries to deflect attention from her own scandalous behaviour by announcing a caption competition"
the photo proves it's now a Hog eats Dog scenario!
Let's get it right: I threatened to push you over and kick you in the shins. The details are important.
my caption guesses have greg saying...
"No, nothing for me thanks."
"No, nothing for me thanks. But my puppy would like a Lager and a Burger."
Have a good one...
'Where did all my chips go?', or, 'Did you eat my chips?' is about as far as would be proper...
For the caption, Hoggers is saying/sluuring "Do you want to be the next Spurs manager?"
Have a great show
After an amazing run in Brighton final tabling next to the glamorous Jen Mason
his Blackpool wish for a beautiful lady with great puppies was destined to failure!
Right time wrong table!
"What do you mean my card protector's too big! I'll have you know he's lost weight and much smaller than he was!!"
" Who Let The Hog's Out? "
I'm not coming across very well in tonights show. I don't think I'll be welcome at another SPT at this rate.