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Sunday Night Live on 865 with Rich and James ***official show thread***
hi guys have a great show.
The weirdest thing i have seen on a poker table is one time i had aces and went all in pre flop against a person who kept calling every hand with nothing and they called me with 9 5 and hit 2 pair.
i wasnt that happy with that but it happens.
looking forward to the show
lol_i_call aka Mel
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Hi all,
Sunday's show is hosted by myself, Richard Orford and, in the analyst role, James Hartigan
Here's your show...
7pm-8pm – Tonight on Sky Poker – Live coverage of some TV DYMs
8pm-9pm – Analyse My Play – James watches my play in some timed tournaments earlier this week
9pm-10pm – Poker School – Flopping a monster… sniggering at the back please.
10pm-11pm – Top Of Sky Poker – Live coverage from 8:45pm Lucky Sevens tournament
11pm-12pm – Sky Poker Highlights – Live coverage of the 10K Primo coverage
We have a seat into Thursday’s 12k Bounty Hunter (£33). To win it, simply come up with a good response to this question. It's an old standard, but I haven't done it in years so it's bound to bring up a whole new batch of answers from oldies and newbies alike...
What's the strangest/weirdest/quirkiest thing you've ever seen happen at a poker table?
It could be something in the play e.g. everyone got dealt pocket pairs and the worst pocket pair was the only one who hit a set.
Or, it could be something weird that happened around the table between the players, or in the chatbox.
Tell your stories and we'll relay them to the public. Best one wins!
Good luck and see you Sunday at 7!
By pure luck I made it to the bubble and was dealt AK. I raised, my opponent called and the flop came K,J.J I had my opponent covered but checked. Then my opponent shoved all in. As I had top pair I called the shove and disappointingly saw him reveal KK.
Being new to poker at the time, I convinced myself I'd lost I shook his hand and waited for the turn which proved to be a third jack and was halfway to the door before the river card a fourth jack appeared..
I was a complete novice at the time, and didn't know hand rankings, so when I saw my opponent scooping up the chips I was convinced it was over!
It was truly refreshing for me when my opponents on the table came rushing to bring me back from the reception area to bring me back to the table. Then took time to explain hand rankings.
It was that day I found out it was a game played by gentlemen.
I crashed out the next hand on a pair of queens but i'll never forget pickin up my £37.50 that day nor the kindness and cameraddery of the players.
Sorry not funny or wierd but true!
Hmm weirdest thing ive ever seen at a poker table, pretty hard considering ive seen some crazy things.
One ive seen which i think is very strange, i was at a major live event last year with my dad and uncle. I had busted right before the end of day one and went to rail dad who was the last one remaining. He explained his table draw to me, to his left was a young lady, to her left was her boyfriend, further along was her mother. 700runner tourny of which about 200 runners where left that day, guessing the odds on that table draw was pretty high.
"You said "Wow" in the chat box so I called to see what you were wowing about"
Hi gents,
I believe the following to be true but wasn't there so cant be 100% sure it happened. It seems a bit far fetched and kind of reminds me of those poker hands you see on tv where it is full house v quads v straight flush. Well the strangest thing is Richard Orford won a live side event!
There is obvious a large chance of me winning the seat for Thursday but for obvious reasons I will have to decline the seat!
Pretty weird experience last weekend, I got up early and decided to have a lazy day playing poker.
Was surpsied to be told in the chat box that my town was top story on the news for being flooded out. At that point I was so busy giving away money at the cash tables I hadn't turned on the TV or even opened the curtains soo was totally oblivious.
Our street was unaffected luckliy although I probably would have noticed when my laptop started floating round the living room.
Have a great show!
One of the weirdest things to happen to me was in a tournament in Brighton. Three of us got it all-in and we all had AK suited. I had the diamonds and won the pot with a flush on the river. Other two player weren’t vey happy. Very lucky.
Looking forward to the show tonight guys.
Not groveling when i say this James mate but i have been very impressed with your stint in the analysts chair so far and seriously looking forward to you analyzing Richs hands tonight for the lolzzz although seeing as Rich is the undisputed king of the timed tourney i have no doubt that you will find it very hard to find fault with his play ( but please try )
Have a good one guys.
Not quite on the topic, but last week you seemed very interested on how I got rid of the wife for the evening for £30. Unfortunately she came back too early, it doesn't last all night apparently, lol.
Anyway I'll begin.
Our wedding anniversary was the previous week, I was on nightshift, so I took her out on Saturday. The babysitter was her sister, she refuses to take any money.
Sunday arrived, i had already suggested to my mate that we watch the game in the local but he was too late to get back to me. Meanwhile my wife had mentioned going to the pictures, so I said I'd pay for her sister, who also drives so no taxi to pay for.
Ever the optimist, like most fans I suppose, I gave her extra expecting extra time and possibly penalties. England duly obliged and my wife and sister thoughtfully stayed out until the end.
Hope this explains. Have a great show, i'll be Sky plusing it as usual.
Some great stories- and a nice mix of things on the table, things off the table and in the case of the post above, things about the table itself!!!
Will defo read all these out- and someone will win a £33 BH seat remember!
We're live at 7!
Those DYMs (Double Your Money Sit and Goes) will be generated in the tournament lobby just before 7.
They will either a TV icon next to them or have words in the tournament description to the effect that they will be on TV.
If you want to be on the show tonight between 7 and 8 you know what to do! Look out for those DYMS just before 7.
2 of them have £5.50 buy-ins and 1 of them has an £11 buy-in.
Good luck and see you in a bit.
Great posts by the way, loving the stories and thanks to the newbies or relatively recent posters who are joining in on the thread. Good to have you on board!
Couple for you!!
Was playing for Sky in the APAT Team Champs a couple of years ago, was on a table with a guy from the Newcastle Poker Forum. Every time he moved all in he would place a horse mask on his head, no chance of any reads from him!!
Second one, Sian moves all in with 44 on a 4TJ board, gets a call from a lady with AA
Now we get the usual two idiots piping up "ooh I folded an ace" so there are no aces left (or so we think!)
ACE on the turn! Cue confusion!
Sian eliminated from tournament, deck was checked and there were two Ace of hearts, decision stood though!!
So do I get a fold? In a DYM I get a fold there much more than in any other form, regardless of how committed he was with the first raise, I also get looked up by AT, KQ, KJ, Mid pairs plenty.
Was amazed to see Jacks there, that would be the top of his range with that opening raise IMO.
Although with short effective stacks and 6 left its not a terrible shove imo... i just prefer to get my chips in first, unopened
Rich, youve not mentioned your winning streak of 13 in a row!