TV DYM COOLER, If you really squint your eyes Rich, I had QUADS, lol. AA44
Oppo raised 3x from early position, then called my 8.5xBB re-raise, range PP 7/7 to J/J or A/K, A/Qs, so pocket 9/9 is a possible, rainbow dry flop, just calling my 3/4 pot bet on the flop, suspect MP looking for extra outs, as a re-raise could have looked like an over pair to the flop, well disguised set, turn card brings in more outs for lower MP, so I jam to take it down, oppo's got set .
Where was that infamous Ace on the river when you want it? (Squint hard, 4, there it is)
The strangest thing to happenen at a table has to be what happened at this years wsop event 45 'The poker players championship'
In a hand of pot limit Omaha at the end of day 2, Deeb went all in for 68,800.After a minute or two, Yakovenko said, "All right, I'm all in."
But Yakovenko had more than the pot and wasn't exactly all in just yet, but he slid a couple of giant stacks forward.
Mosseri had a little under 400,000 in his stack and asked Yakovenko to count his stack. Yakovenko said to Mosseri that he actually had more than the pot, but Mosseri still wanted a count on Yakovenko's entire stack, using a few choice words. Yakovenko was said to have had 407,300.
Mosseri went into the tank, while Deeb stood up next to the table and watched. While Mosseri tanked for several minutes, a large crowd gathered around the table. It seemed as though every few seconds that passed, a new person showed up to watch what was going on. Everyone wanted to see what was going on and some were commenting on the action, which Yakovenko jumped in and asked people to stop doing. Deeb backed him up and silenced the spectators.
It was several long minutes in the tank for Mosseri. D'Agostino was pacing around behind the table telling people they weren't even going to get to play another hand because of how long this had been taking. D'Agostino was very short at the time and was looking to get some more hands in.
At one point when Mosseri was in the tank, he did some talking about his hand out loud, which Yakovenko wanted him to stop doing. Mosseri had announced his hand, saying, "I have aces and one suit," while plenty of other players were hovering around. Yakovenko took this as Mosseri "polling his friends" about his hand. There was also a point when Mosseri looked back at his cards and Greg Mueller leaned down to peak in from behind, which Yakovenko also requested be put to a stop.
Mosseri tanked for what most estimated at 10-15 minutes before Yakovenko finally called the clock on him. "Wow, this is the first time in my life anyone has called the clock on me," said Mosseri. Mosseri was given a minute to act on his hand by the floor staff and eventually said, "I call."
After Mosseri said he made the call, he turned his hand over, which was followed by Deeb turning his hand over and Yakovenko turning his over. Here's what was seen:
Mosseri: Ac As Jc 5c
Deeb: Jh Js 10c 7s
Yakovenko: Kc Ks 3d 3c
With all the cards turned up, the dealer quickly ran out the flop, turn and river with the Qs Jd 2d 10s 8s. Deeb had made a spade flush to more than triple up and win the main pot. For the side pot, Mosseri's aces held up and he was the winner of that one. But then, there was more controversy.
After the board ran out, Yakovenko said, "Wait a minute, he only said call," speaking of Mosseri's preflop action. Because Yakovenko had more than the pot when he raised, he wasn't actually all in. He stated that he only reraised the pot, which caused issue about whether or not everyone's money actually went in. It was clear that Deeb was all in, but the side pot between Mosseri and Yakovenko was in question due to Mosseri saying only, "I call."
The floor staff was called over again and the dealer informed him that the hands were prematurely tabled with action still pending between Mosseri and Yakovenko. It took another few minutes to get the story of the hand straight and figure out what was to happen.
The aftermath with all the hands tabled and the board in the middle of the felt
The pot was counted, to determine that Yakovenko's reraise was to 246,000. With Mosseri's stack at around 150,000 more than that, the first floor ruled that the turn and river would have to be rerun as the flop action hadn't been complete. Deeb flung his arms up in the air and couldn't believe the ruling. Neither could anyone watching or the players at the adjacent tables who could hear things.
Shouts of, "That is the worst ruling of all time," and "I can't believe that's the rule," and "Are you joking?" rang out within the tournament area. Deeb spoke up and said he wasn't accepting the ruling and that he wanted the ruling of World Series of Poker Tournament Director Jack Effel.
With the request coming from Shaun Deeb that he wanted an official ruling from World Series of Poker Tournament Director Jack Effel, the lead floor supervisor was called in and arrived on the scene within a few minutes to try and solve the issue as Effel was no longer in the building.
This floor first needed to hear things from the dealer upon arriving on the scene. By this time it had been over 20 minutes since it all began. The dealer ran through the actions to the floor, what had happened, what was said and how it ended. The floor then heard from the players again before making the final ruling.
The ruling was reversed in that it was deemed "accepted action" by all parties that all of the money was in the middle, even though Abe Mosseri had only said, "I call." Nikolai Yakovenko would have only committed about 60% of his stack by putting in the pot-sized reraise, but it was now ruled that he had to pay off Mosseri's entire lot.
There was a lot of back and forth between the players, even the ones not directly involved in the hand. All were trying to get the entire story straight and the pot set so play could move forward. Because of the time this had taken, which was around 30 minutes at this point, the players requested something be done about putting time back on the clock. Although the other tables in the tournament weren't directly involved in the hand, all tables had suffered because everyone was paying attention to the commotion rather than playing at a normal speed.
While the back and forth between Mosseri, Yakovenko and the floor was going on, Yakovenko had told the floor about Mosseri talking about his hand, showing them when he looked back at them and also about how he himself said to Mosseri that he reraised the pot, but was not actually all in.
Eventually, Mosseri said he didn't want Yakovenko to ever talk to him again and the two got quiet. Yakovenko now directed most of his attention to the floor because he was rather upset with the ruling and having to pay Mosseri's entire amount. Mosseri, on the other hand, was busy stacking up his new stack of over 600,000 in chips. Mosseri also added that he thought the players were all in and said he would have just left if he had lost the pot. Deeb was also busy stacking up his chips as he had more than tripled his stack.
It took a few minutes to actually sort out the pot and get it correct before play resumed at the table. The players seated at Table 360 did ask the floor if there was something they could do about the time they had missed. The floor went to work on that, if possible, while the dealer dealt the next hand.
Yakovenko was left with just under 15,000 in chips and got them all in on the next hand in a hand of Limit Hold'em. Yakvenko was eliminated, but that only brought up another issue.
With everything taking so long with the big hand, a table needed to be broken, but it was held up. The table was eventually broken and Phil Ivey took the seat once claimed by Yakovenko. The players at the table wanted more time because of the issue, but it had just been announced that there was only four hands left in the day and the clock was paused. Because Ivey had now joined the table, the floor said they couldn't play extra time as Ivey would be playing double because he came from an active table.
The table came up with a solution to finish out the four hands with Ivey, then remove him from the table and play an extra 15-20 minutes on their own. They believed it would be like they were "going back in time to fill the space". Problem was, Ivey said he wanted to be a part of it as he had missed some hands at the other table due to the slow play and the table not breaking because of the controversy that had happened. In the end, though, it was ruled that no time would be added and the players would simply finish their four hands for the night and then bag up their chips.
Is this a leak in my game??? Hand in primo i just really hated the bet size but should I be peeling here to improve or should I think I'm ahead?? It felt like bottom two or a bad T like JT QT.
the weierdest thing that i have seen was my first ever live game at my local pub where i hardly knew anyone and was dealt pocket kings 3 times in a row i thought i was going to get lycnhed !!
Flicking between the footie and the poker, hoping for something interesting. Flick over to hear James doing his best Tikay impression. Almost like watching two grumpy old men.
Now your talking about tells reminds me of the greatest live tell ive ever seen.
We where played £1/£1 at a friends house one day. Everyone bought in for between £60-£100. About 20 hands in, one player raises pre, gets 3 callers. Flop comes down Ac As Kh
The raiser stands up and declares hes adding £200 to his stack (covering the big stack in the hand) when someone else informs him he cant he starts going crazy argueing why he can. Eventually he gives up and bets half the pot. Everyone else folds, he flips over Ad Ah.
Ive seen some crazy tells but ive never seen anything like this before or since.
Glad my comment was taken in good humour. For what its worth pink ffloyds another brick in the wall is actually one of my favorite tunes. Probably due to my large hatred for some of my old school teachers lol.
Sorry guys I let you down! I was going nicely in my first primo but had some v unlucky connection problems at my end losing trip threes trip sixes and a straight in the end I had to shove on a pair of sevens before losing my connection again and lost to Andrew1947 Thanks for the opportunity I loved it and going out to the SPT winner has quite a bit of Kudos have a great show Richard
The weirdest thing I ever saw in poker was my first ever live tournament, it was held at a snookerhall which is very well known in th UK. We had to deal ourselvs and there was about 90 runners it was on the bubble and I was shorty. Two tables left and a player was caught cheating whilst dealing on the opposite table (Dealing from the bottom) However the very hand that he was caught the river busted a mid stack on the table conveniently the pot was won by this guys mate who was the biggest loud mouth ever. The people running this when it was brought to there attention allowed the bust to stnd but acknowledged that he may be cheating and said that he was no longer allowed to deal but could carry on playing as they could not prove he was cheating. I then bust expecting a min cash which was only like £20, so I go to the bar to collect my winnings and was told that as the other player who had busted had complained so much they had gven him the min cash prize as an apology and moved the bubble forward one so I technically bubbled. After laughing I asked for there manager and got a year membership and my min cash!! Kalie
firstly james have you ever seen the wrestling documentary beyond the mat? i am not a wrestling fan at all and saw it last week when bored was pleasantley surprised
re ladies events i dont have a strong view on them being around however i very much disagree with vicky coren naming the player involved. From what i can gather the man involved did not abuse anybody he just refused to discuss his reasoning behind it.
I cant see how a very expensive world series event attracts ladies to poker? how many players start off by playing such a high buy in event?
weirdest thing i have seen online was a few years ago on another site (before sky poker!)
the site which is no longer around ran a jackpot hand promotion which was $10k dollars for the winning hand and $1k for anybody who contributed to the pot and lost.
I was on the waiting list for the table as the hand was dealt and a massive pop up banner came up telling everybody this was the hand.....
On a ten handed table a player raised all in the next eight players FOLDED and the big blind called and they chopped the pot for a share of $10k.
I still have no idea how the others didnt notice the promotion and folded.
another funny story pub game we have a break every hour and got heads up the guy who i was playing was very drunk and we was on are 5 min break after 5 mins are up went back to play the heads up out and the guy was not to be seen so i won the tourney by blinding him out turned out he was in the mens toilets being sick lol
Hand ID #537167642 primo I'd very much like to know whether I played the hand correctly. My opponent had been aggro since gaining the chip lead on the table I raised to induce at least a call and had committed myself to shoving all in if he raised. Sadly my set up crashed before I made the shove but thats just poker but up to that point had I played the hand well or poorly? For the record I don't know why but I thought in my mind he had a pair of jacks
Great show as usual guys, played my first lucky 7s tonight for a nice 5th place finish, already looking forward to tuesdays one now. Also kinda cool seeing myself on the tv
it was at a snooker club (theme developing here james i was only playing there because poker in casinos was rarer then than a orford cash in an spt back is now
The story involves around a man known as "big dave" a heavy drinker who had heart problems and a hell of a gambler fearless to the extreme.... He somehow made a final table and continued to play despite suffering what later transpired to be a minor heart attack, he was nothing if not committed.
A few years later the same thing happened to him during a frame of league snooker he needed one colour to win and eventually won on the black before being carried away on a stretcher (he refused to conceed the frame) One of the funniest nights of my life with us his teamates imploring him to go in the waiting ambulance and him refusing in his drunken stupor determined to pot a colour despite barely being able to hold himself up let alone the cue.
Trouble with the £1 morning cinema, it makes the PicknMix seem even more expensive than normal! unless you smuggle in your own bag of wine gums of course !
Oppo raised 3x from early position, then called my 8.5xBB re-raise,
range PP 7/7 to J/J or A/K, A/Qs, so pocket 9/9 is a possible, rainbow dry flop,
just calling my 3/4 pot bet on the flop, suspect MP looking for extra outs,
as a re-raise could have looked like an over pair to the flop, well disguised set,
turn card brings in more outs for lower MP, so I jam to take it down, oppo's got set
Where was that infamous Ace on the river when you want it? (Squint hard, 4, there it is)
Hand History #537149554 (20:38 01/07/2012)
AK early doors is always a big leak in my game, I tend to overplay it. Is this another example of me overplaying it or was I just unlucky.
What should my bet sizing be here, should I just flat the raise pre?
Hand History #537160584
Quick hand id where i floped a monster and was counting the chips which i thought were coming my way ( or did they ? )
Hand id: 530903285 5k double stack 13/6/2012.
I was going nicely in my first primo but had some v unlucky connection problems at my end losing trip threes trip sixes and a straight in the end I had to shove on a pair of sevens before losing my connection again and lost to Andrew1947
Thanks for the opportunity I loved it and going out to the SPT winner has quite a bit of Kudos have a great show
I too would be lost without a dishwasher ( mine is called Alison
Although if she hears this i am certain i will be without one now
The weirdest thing I ever saw in poker was my first ever live tournament, it was held at a snookerhall which is very well known in th UK. We had to deal ourselvs and there was about 90 runners it was on the bubble and I was shorty. Two tables left and a player was caught cheating whilst dealing on the opposite table (Dealing from the bottom) However the very hand that he was caught the river busted a mid stack on the table conveniently the pot was won by this guys mate who was the biggest loud mouth ever. The people running this when it was brought to there attention allowed the bust to stnd but acknowledged that he may be cheating and said that he was no longer allowed to deal but could carry on playing as they could not prove he was cheating. I then bust expecting a min cash which was only like £20, so I go to the bar to collect my winnings and was told that as the other player who had busted had complained so much they had gven him the min cash prize as an apology and moved the bubble forward one so I technically bubbled. After laughing I asked for there manager and got a year membership and my min cash!!
Hand History #537221213 (22:49 01/07/2012)
I'd very much like to know whether I played the hand correctly.
My opponent had been aggro since gaining the chip lead on the table I raised to induce at least a call and had committed myself to shoving all in if he raised.
Sadly my set up crashed before I made the shove but thats just poker
but up to that point had I played the hand well or poorly?
For the record I don't know why but I thought in my mind he had a pair of jacks
top professionals, rich and james. great show
Congratulations to:
Who won free entry into Tuesday's (3rd July) 1k Lucky sevens @ 20:45
and also
Who won free entry into the Sky Sports Bounty Hunter on Thursday (5th July) @ 20:00
Good luck!