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Hello all
May I start by saying a big well done to the guys at sky poker for a great site. I’ve been playing on sky poker for about 8 months now and it really has been great. I’ve played on a lot of poker site’s in my time and this has been by far the best I think and like I’ve said I’ve played on a lot so I don’t make that statement lightly.
There’s some great tourney’s on here and I loved the bounty hunters whoever thought of the idea of putting half the buy in in the prize pool and half on your head (which go’s up the more you win) need’s a raise it adds a whole new element to the game that topped with the good clean graphics and the great player community as well as the very helpful service support It really is one of the top poker sites out there!!
However despite the massive amounts of praise of have for the site, and the community and all at the team I have to leave because I use a dongle. Since sky poker’s last update to the program every time I try to play a MTT or a STT all my hands keep getting timed out and it keeps telling me I’ve been disconnected. I’ve used a Dongle for the whole time I’ve been on sky poker and it’s never been a problem before. It really has become pointless playing I might as well be flushing money down the toilet!!!
At first I thought this problem might be down to my connection so I opened a game on another poker site and had no problems at all So then maybe it was the program so I uninstalled sky poker and then reinstalled it only to find out it made no difference so then I came on here to find out all dongle users were having this problem since sky’s pokers last update and one had been in contact with sky a number of times only to be told in the end “We at sky don’t support using a dongle to play poker with” Eeerrr O.k not the response I would have expected being as for the past 8 months I’ve been playing on here you have supported it and been more the happy to take your rake for each game I’ve played not that I’ve minded paying it like I’ve said you’ve offered a great service for the money. But I guess the average rake you get from a dongle player is not going to put your kids though collage. It does make me wonder if the bug had of affected the high rollers table’s maybe sky poker would have been a little more prompt to do something about it
What saddens me is your approach to the average joe I work hard but don’t earn a great wage hence why I have to use a dongle But I like to relax in the evening and play some poker on your site as I’m sure many of the other dongle users do But I, like them am now having to cash out my account and find other poker site’s to go and spend my money on because It has become apparent that the little man doesn’t mean anything to sky poker anymore as you feel you are too big to be bothered about our money as the cost of fixing the problem will exceed the loss of business by dongle users leaving the site which there already doing by the post’s on here
I don’t blame the team at sky poker at all Like I’ve said everything on here has been fantastic and I really don’t think I could pick a fault even if I sat there and thought about it but I do blame the person who thinks “We at sky don’t support using a dongle to play poker with” is an O.k answer to give. It’s people who give rash response’s like this that are normally being carried in their careers by everyone around them. Is this really the answer to loyal customers after the money we have paid in? I’m under no illusion that this is the work of one person but sadly they have let the whole team down at sky poker on what would otherwise be a 100% perfect service. Poor customer service like that reflects the team and sky as a brand and It’s a shame to let one bad apple ruin the bunch but then maybe if there enough of a dip in this quarters numbers because one person is big enough to turn away business towards other poker sites then maybe someone might make the connection and finally fire this public school person and sky can get back on track with being the great poker site it is.
Peace and love
I've had major problems with disconnections recently.
The site is great the shows are fantastic and the regulars are diamonds!
however customer services do not appreciate that losing tariffs in some 20 or so tournaments is frustrating.
being told there are no problems on the site then seeing several tournaments cancelled due to technical reasons is perplexing.
I have never cheated,abused or taken advantage while using the site but when I honestly experienced problems last week and informed CS while still well stacked in the primo I felt that I was treated like a piece of dirt.
totally in contrast to my experiences on the forum and when taking part in the shows.
If you feel strongly about your experiences go to the gambling commisssion web site contact us section and they will put you in contact with the relevant authority to investigate your grievance.
I found them very helpful.
This is such a great site and i'm sure the glitches will eventually be ironed out but until they are the recreational players are at a disadvantage and treated with contempt.
As this is probably my last post before I receive a forum ban for telling the truth.
I hope all the Guys out in Vegas perform over and above expected and bring back cherished memories along with big cashes!
Having followed Ryan last year I hope he makes the final table this year!
I'm not quite certain of the ins and outs but do you have Sky tv? I had this when i saw programmes and decided that i wanted to play. I researched the internet rates and saw that if i transferred to sky talk then i got a very reasonable rate or it may even have been free to play the poker on the tv using the clicker. If you have Sky then it may be worth looking into this as you seem to enjoy the site etc. Sorry i can't be more detailed but its over a year ago now. Maybe someone reading this on the forum or at sky can give you a better explanation. All the best...
Sorry to hear you are having problems and I hope you don't mind me giving you my honest opinion.........
Gaming online whilst using a Dongle for internet connection can be very hit and miss. Its ok for use if you want internet on the go, whilst on the train, bus, travelling etc.
As a gaming platform it is always going to be a bit cumbersome and whilst I appreciate that in the past you may well have been able to play using the dongle (probably not as fast as most on ADSL) I can only imagine that the more updates there are the slower it will get.
Much like in the past, as gaming technology moves on we also need better equipment and faster download speed to keep up with it. I remember the days of dial up connection and windows 4.1 lol.
As far as Sky Poker Customer Care is concerned this is my take on it....................
They have a list of common faults and resolutions based on what type of platform you are using ADSL, Internet explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox etc as these are the most commonly used.
When they say "Sky Poker Does Not Support The Dongle" they are NOT saying "we don't want your money" they are saying we do not recommend a dongle as a platform for playing Sky Poker and therefore, for this reason they are unable to help you resolve your problem. This is quite understandable in my opinion.
There are ways you may be able to improve your experience using the Dongle, such as turning off the "Icons" and "Card Animations" etc in the "Table Options".
There is something called "Ping Rates" this is the length of time it takes to send and receive data from one device to another. Ping Rates have always been a problem using the dongle method to connect to the internet and until the telecommunications companies improve on this, its probably a bit unfair to blame Sky Poker or its Customer Services for something they have NO control over.
Personally I would recommend using a faster broadband speed, however in the meantime, try changing a few things in your settings or even try the browser version instead of the download version to see if this helps.
Be careful you don't overplay with your dongle, you may go blind :-)
Nobody really still uses a Dongle.....
well ya dont say, if some people are giving you 100's of thousands a year, and others are giving your just a few thousands a year who you think there guna look after?
There really is too much neglect and ignorance when it comes to the "Older generation" and I think your point highlights the fact that it should be the duty of the children to protect and support their parents as they become less able.
I am glad that serious topics like this can be discussed and thank you for bringing it up.
I have only had one single disconnection from this site since I joined in Jan 2009, and that was due to a power cut at my house!
I run a fully wired and extremely good quality DSL (which I've monitored and tweeked for reliability as well as speed).
I load up Sky Poker (not the download because that times out consistenyl playing a whole 2 tables) and it plays normally on 7 tables for about an hour. Then it starts disco'ing me BUT - it only happens on say 2/3 tables and on about 50% of the time when it's my turn. At the same time all the other tables play 100% perfectly.
What's that all about!?!
And yep - all been happening since the update!