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I play a lot of Dym's and and i'm shocked by the 'chat' that i keep seeing.
Just played a game and every time one player lost a pot he wrote 'Fxxx Off'.
How can people get so upset over poker let alone a £3 Dym?
In another of my games a player was accused of being 'not so smart' and (how original' 'a bingo player'.
This clearly upset him as he commented that he just fancied a game of poker in his lunch break and didn't like the comments.
What do we achieve by abusing players in this sort of manner?
Surely we want players to get their money in bad as over the long run we will win.
Yes of course they will win sometimes but we want the players that we perceive ourselves having an edge over playing poker.
If they just fancy a game but get a lot of grief when they do log on to the tables then they will just stop playing, who can blame them.
I have in the past occasionally let myself down and made comments and immediately felt bad afterwasrds.
I'm determined not to do this anymore and it would be great if others could do the same.
Poker is a wonderful game and and should be enjoyed, let's not put people off from joining in.
It is only a minority i realise and in the main there is good 'banter' at the tables in most of my games, just a shame it can be spoiled by the few.
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i am getting slightly better at holding my tongue as i do realise that im going to win against these types of players in the long run.
its just the short term that angers me. when you have spent say 3 or 4 hours in a tourny only to get ko'd by an absolute shockingly bad play.
i dont think i'd be bothered about it so much in a dym as these are really short, really fast tournies. so no need to get so bothered about being sucked out on.
i doubt it will ever change tho. you will always get people like that (me included
good luck on the felts
There's a big difference between venting frustration and outright abuse in my opinion, and nobody should be subjected to abuse whilst trying to enjoy a game of poker, regardless of the situation.
i hate that sort of stuff.
i mean i ko'd someone before after sucking out(didnt play the hand bad, just got lucky)
and the guy was fuming and started calling me allsorts and then wished my kids would die. i was absolutely upset about this as i have a 2year old girl. i thought this was totally outrageous and so uncalled for.
i dont know how anyone can come out and say things like this ever. let alone after only getting ko'd from a $1 tournament. there are some horrible people out there.
good luck and hope you never have this sort of abuse aimed at you. no one should ever have to experience such things.
I know its only words etc etc but alot of players play the game for fun and to chill out and having someone cursing and swearing at you in chat for whatever reason is just not called for.
I also feel that criticism of another's play is both arrogant and ill-mannered and should not be tolerated.
Have you got a good reason why it should not be tolerated?
I agree abuse concerning Poker should not be tolerated!!!.When you have players who cannot tell the difference between,the lottery, bingo and poker, it's not their fault, be nice to them,in fact praise them,they are just having fun,after all Poker is just a fun game.
Do we all act on our best behaviour at football matches, or competitive sports in general?
Obv people can cross the line and ought to be penalised if they do so. But there is always going to be an accepted under-current of ego, bravado, testosterone, kneedling and psychology to the game.
Plus NLHE is a mentally challenging game and you almost have to be a robot not to react.
But this is all part of the draw of the game and I wouldnt have it any other way. Think long about your most satisfactory moments in poker and how they perhaps relate to owning certain player types..........
I would say that most people need to develop thicker skin, but seems the WSOP are pandering to this mentality over the last 2 years so what do I know........
5 years from now all players will be sat behind a screen with a HUD of stack size, bet size and VPIP %. The only verbal communication allowed (and demanded) being intentions of actions - in a likely stephen Hawkings esque synthesized voice.
I should add that I haven't been the recipient of such treatment and haven't been guilty of it, I just find arrogance and bad manners offensive on general principles and don't think it should ever be considered acceptable.
As I say, a personal view.
However, I have no intention of getting into a lengthy argument about it, life's too short and I have to go to work now anyway so this will be my last word on the subject.
Have a good night on the tables.
I play on here for a bit of fun after working hard all day. Last thing I want is some idiot swearing at me in the chat box because they lost two quid.
It's funny that the abusive players are happy to shout abuse and criticise other people's game, when they clearly don't have the ability to step themselves tilting which is an important part of the game.
Rest assured we do take appropriate action against people we spot being abusive as well as those reported to us. Please do help us by reporting anything you think goes too far to customer care.
Thank you
Sky Poker
Had to listen to two players rant at each following one say NH at showdown after hand played out AIPF (until I remembered there is a mute button).
Abuse is subjective and open to common sense.
But if people cant have thick skin or just click MUTE over a player, how do they expect to deal with prickly characters live?
Frustration and grudges/history is good for the game. Have to be clear what is abuse and what is standard. ABUSE needing consequences, but the rest....myeh.
Often people are abusing themselves or how unfortunate they are a board ran out certain ways, people often mistakenly believe the abuse is directed at a player/opponent. When often times its just at the poo situatiom.
this must makes so much sense to skypoker. simple logic...
abusive language /> ease to alert /> more alerts > more bans > less abuse > fewer players leave > more players join in
and all they need to do is have an abuse alert button that registers against a player's name. investigated. three abuses = 1 month ban. re-offenders = complete ban.
it is in skypoker's interest too
abuse button = increased revenues
totally agree. i am certain though that you don't believe that abuse is limited to that, surely? if it is you have a valid point.
yes, exactly.