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keep this fella mr hartigan reporting the poker results instead of analysing the play. its painful watching watching john and edward trying to sing, i feel for them they shouldnt be put in that position. such good shows on sky poker and such brilliant presenters/analysts, especially tikay n ed. dok hartigans wages n pay these guys double to work more often. watch the primo back and count how many times he contradicts himself, its unreal and very embarassing
If you can do a better job than James why are you not in the Sky Poker studios?
Why have you started another thread?
hes working on sky poker for money, if he was that gud he wudnt need to. n hes so arrogant. so card orientated, gimmie an ed giddings in swinging yorker neday.
It's all individual choice.
You obviously have one opinion. I question why, with one opinion, you chose to start more than one thread? I may have to read someone elses threads from now on, your repetitive posting doesn't suit me. Thank goodness there are lots of posts to choose from, a bit lilke the analysts on the show.... ;-)
And as for not being good so having to work for Sky poker. I don't know of one sucessful poker player who doesn't take a commentating job when its offered.
I have listened to Phil Helmuth, Chris Moneymaker, Greg Raymer, the Hendon Mob and many others, all of whom would be listed as sucesful players and they all pull up a chair and commentate for money.
So I'm not sure I understand your reasoning behind your comment.
I think, and I know, in one particular case, that it is done purely for the love of the game and also promotion of the sport he adores so much.
I think salaries are pretty irrelevant.
Does John MacEnroe commentate on the tennis to make up his meagre salary?
There is a presenter, I too am not particularly fond of, but that purely is because of the style, nothing else. I would never dream of trying to undermine that person here.
I also have characters in eastenders I don't like. It doesn't stop me watching and enjoying the show.
They offer different styles and opinions. If everyone had exactly the same idea on how to play a hand, then this game would become stale within weeks.
Keep up the good work guys. We all love you.
James however is a very good analyst. His advice is generally more advanced than the others and is more inline with the experts on Cardrunners. He is more critical of players but he is generally correct. His advice is taylored more to aggressive players which is his style and mine. Overall he is good addition to the sky team.
I don't think I've ever seen you so angry.
Well said though! Some things are not fit for the forum, and certainly critisising someone else's job is one of them.
I'm sure Dohhh has an employer that gives him critisism if it is justified. I don't think he would be too happy if his customers critisised him.
Remind me never to be a naughty girl.
And time to let this and the other thread drop to page 2 by lunchtime. I, for one won't post here, or on the other thread again.
I hope anyone who genuinely has respect for the hard work the presenters and analysts will do the same.
the geeks a good bloke......
Dohhhhh is of course entitled to have any opinion he wants about anything he wants, and that is a given. However, this is a forum, with specific rules in place, which anyone wanting to contribute to has to comply with. These include not posting anything offensive or abusive, and while there is always going to be grey areas, to call someones analysis "embarrasing" is in my mind abusive.
As wayne says, there are always going to be differing opinions in poker, and also different interpretations of analysis. Thats fine. In an adult manner, you can debate the issues that concern you most, or if you are not prepared to do so, you can simply say nothing, Just do it in the right way.
Oh, and to start two speparate threads on the issue is also going too far, so if the mods deem these threads ok, coulds they at least close down or remove one of them?
I get it wrong when i can see all the poket cards, the flop the turn the river, i wish i were clever!
OOO...was that a good point! ...Im so confused
Im a fish, well i think im a fish, you see, if ever i byin to a big tournament...i ameadiately suffer massive anxiety! Its awfull, Why do i get this awfull feeling, thoughts like beat here, i know im beat, oh my god whats the flop going to be, damm that turn card, oh my god and ace on the river, im beat here, i just know im beat...
Am i clever, right most on the time damm well beat!
This is why i suffer such anxiety i think.... ( GIDZ3.2pints-1 shot ) Was presenting sometime back....the hand was played to the river....GIDZ said ....right then we dont want to see a 5 ...or a daimond....a few seconds later...up pops the 5 of diamonds on the river.....two 5s had been folded 1 was live! ...leaving only 1 left in the pack! GIDZ spun round in his chair and was speechless....I just p!$$ed myself laughing....What would any pundit say under those circumstances ....
I think thats why i suffer so much anxiety!
Dont worry mate ....your points are as valuable as anyones...we all have differentways of analysing have a voice....and have the right to voice your thoughts and oppionions... will always get feedback ...from all those folk who think they are better that you...
I suffer in this way as most of the time ....they are ....thats what learning is about ....applaud these folk who share their poker wisdom ...i suck this stuff up all the time ....Ive learnt an awfull lot in the poker chat...and watching sky poker TV
And i get all this wisdom for free! ....
What do you mean telling DOHHHHH "DONT" ...are you the boss then ..."DONT" is a command....when did you have the right to COMMAND others thought patterns!
So i say to you ...DONT COMMAND OTHER FOLK .....Ok chap!
Thanks for coming back to the thread this morning. I think it was me who referred to your calling james "embarrasing" as abusive. That was my opinion, and maybe its wrong. Certainly, your post hasnt been deleted by the mods which indicates its ok, and i'm perfectly happy to admit i got it wrong if thats the case, and apologise.
But i do think that there was a better way of going about disagreeing with james' analysis, and putting it in the poker strategy section for debate is one idea.
By the same token, i would say that one thread would have been enough, as anyone who wants to comment can do so without the need for a second thread. in the forum, there is an issue with relatively new threads being lost to page 2 after a couple of hours because of the high number of new threads being posted.
Finally, as for ruffling feathers, that is a good thing. The forum is at its best when there are differing views being expressed, so even if i thought your opening post was unfair, debate is healthy. As I said at the start, thanks for coming back to the thread and posting again, as all too often, someone posts and then doesnt respond when others disagree.
n Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
When I replied on the other Thread, I was not aware that TWO seperate Threads have been started by the same Member to criticise the same Analyst.
I may be wrong, & merely reading betwen the lines, but my extra sensitive spidey senses suggest to me perhaps Dohhhhhhh is not overly fond of James. Which is, of course, is a different thing entirely. Or it may be an attempt to hide affection, in much the same way I abuse Orford, though really, I love him to bits.
We are Presenters & Analysts, we dispense so-called words of wisdom. Sometimes we get it wrong, we just do. I reckon I've probably got it wrong, oooh, 59,00 times.
PS - We DO need Smileys on this Forum, badly!
P.S, I have absolutely no problem with the presenter in question, in fact up until last saturday, the poker results show that he presents (cant remember the name) was my favourite show on sky poker. Master Cash is a brilliant idea, play cash 95% of the time and hope to get on screen this saturday, where no doubt alot of people will be awaiting my downfall after this/these posts. Show ya i can walk as well as talk