So, the fun on 861 begins at 7pm with Mr Lee casting his expert eye over some Master Cash hands.
At 8pm, we'd like to analyse YOUR play. Will you be entering the £10k Primo? Fancy having an hour of live TV devoted to YOU? Need some tips on how to play the early stages of a tournament? Well, nominate yourself as the star of the show. Please e-mail your details (, or post in this thread.
The Sky Poker School lesson at 9pm will be a beginner's guide to heads-up cash. Redmond is the perfect teacher for this subject, so pick his brains and ask those all-important questions. Your own thoughts and experiences (i.e. Hand IDs) are also welcome.
From 10pm, we'll focus on the Sunday night tournaments - with an hour of SPT Semi Final coverage, followed by 60 minutes of Primo highlights.
Finally, we'll run a competition throughout the show. There's a (£33) seat in next Thursday's £12k Bounty Hunter up for grabs as we play...
'Reds Sees Red'
As much as we all love poker, there's a few things about the game that make our blood boil: bad beats, slowrollers, old blokes with bleach-blonde hair who never play a hand.
We'd like to know what tilts you the most at the tables (live or on-line). And I want you to guess what makes Reds see red! If you guess correctly, you'll go into the draw to win the prize. You'll have until 11.30pm to enter via e-mail, Twitter, or this thread.
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
Building a stack through sensible play then pursuing a hand where my intuition tells me I should let it go early to avoid commitment but not having the discipline to fold because the hand looks so pretty!
I should imagine Redmond sees red when he witnesses un warranted disrespect and more likely, as he gives the impression he's a perfectionist. He probably gets hot under the collar when he fails to get maximum value from hands where his instinct tells him he's in front.
Hi James & Redmond have a Great Show,
Here's 2 hands from Mastercash 2
Hand ID 546391258 & Hand ID 546391543
With regards to tilt, it used to get to me pretty bad but you just have to realise it`s all part of the game.
Nowadays, if i bust out of a tournament it`s a quick expletive ( to myself ) and move on.
A question to Redmond regarding timed tournaments : I enjoy playing these, say for example you are chip leader with 5 minutes to go, is it bad etiquette to let the timebar run down before you make your decision or is it good tactics?
wasn't in the hand just intrested to see if the fold was good ?
it look like the hero wanted to herocall if down but the oppents line was super strong
is he ever bluffing here ?
So on the subject of tilt pff where should i start tilt is prob one of my biggest leaks i tilt so easierly =(
I got slowrolled on one of the big sites (stars). I flop a set of 44 and moved allin on a dry none str8ing broad on the river which i think was an ace. my oppentunt waited till his time bar of 100sec went down 1sec then called. turn over set of 8's that he got on the turn. needless to say i lost chat allowance that day.
guessing what tilts red :
is player overly chanting after the win a pot of him. saying thing like owned
hi mjbwhatever...
see how james didn't slow roll his reply there? within 6 minutes a response. others, less professional world-famous poker commentators, would have made you wait hours.
However I did notice something that got on my wick playing live the other day
Someone´s phone made a little chirp every time he got a new message
Which in his case was every 7 seconds - which works out as 1000 in 2 hours
After 10 mins I just couldn´t stand it anymore - "could you turn it down please" - "what, you can hear it - is it irritating you?" aaarrrrggghhhhhhhh
Anyway - I think Reds is pretty unflappable at the table - from a poker perspective - but I would hazard a guess there are a few things that can happen live that might have a similar impact on him. What you want a specific example - not easy having never played live with him? Guess a problem nose might do it - snort, snort, sniff, sniff, hurgh, snnzzzt et reprise. If he can cope with that he´s a better player than me. (and even if he can´t I guess the same holds).
She said she was goin to post the winners name in the thread after the show, but Iv been checking on the top of each hour and nothing has appeared....can I get it!
Am pretty calm and level-headed amongst abuse, beats, slowrolling and the like, but the one thing that really grinds my gears is self-congratulatory "BOOM", "GET IN" and "YESSSSS" (live or in the chat box), often when spiking a card on the river and leaving some poor soul out or short. Much more a fan of the self-deprecating poker player.
Think Jonathan Duhamel tilts Reds
Have a great show tonight chaps.
Would love some of my hands analysed, as I've often found the Primo the hardest MTT of the week and wonder if my play is terrible (I suspect this is the case).
Thanks, Dan
Aussie 09 has just come up with the new loyalty reward and is a regular contributor to the show.
it would be nice to follow his progress through the Primo.
Pretty sure he'll make it through to the my name is Gregg Hogg section or at least the time it takes Bolt to run 100m!
I would be surprised that a player of Redmond's calibre would ever go on tilt i will guess what annoys him is players playing live who dont follow the action (hoodies and headphones)and every time they enter a pot have to ask how much the bet is and slow down the action.