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cant explain this 4 betting with j q is oooober spewy against a guy who is up 2 and a half buy ins the other guy is thinking hes lucks in tonight just think its a really bad move against a big stack to make
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I've been playing superbad over the last couple of days so I'm going to take a while away from the tables.
I rarely play cash and I can't decide on my 4-bet here.
I've only been at the table for four or five orbits but the 3-better seemed to be the most aggressive, most sophisticated player at the table. She seems very much capable of exploiting this situation with a squeeze and I'm confident she's aware that I'm aggressive and would look to isolate and exploit the limper with a wide range. The other players in the hand seem pretty passive, though the button is quite new to the table and I've only seen them in one or two hands.
So it's basically about my £6.10, 4-bet size. I'd almost always make my 4-bets proportionally alot smaller than my 3-bets but is this just too small? I wouldn't expect it to ever be flatted (except with a big pair) given my stack size so it seems to do the job. I've been playing so badly that I'm just not sure if my head's on straight. Thoughts please.
I don't even drink. lol
At the time the thinking was that "Frankie's" range was pretty polarised. Obviously AA, KK, QQ, AK and perhaps JJ are in her 3-bet range but it seemed she'd be doing this alot of the time with junk hands too. Pairs below JJ are likely to call the raise as are suited connectors, etc.
I should probably wait until I've seen the player in alot more hands before making a move such as this. I don't think I'd really seen enough of her to know if she could be 3-betting light. At least I didn't call.
it's a miracle if you ever get 3 bet light at NL10 from the blinds )
So the consensus seems to be: Don't do this! Levelling myself = Bad
If I could take that advice a little more regularly I'd be a rich man by now. I'd have at least dozens of pounds to my name.
Ta for the input folks. A few weeks away from the tables will do me reet.
Perhaps you're thinking of a chap called SadLoner... or something similar.