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FOLDED KK - it was a BRILLIANT FEELING - but now I realise it was wrong - I think!!!!



  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!!:
    So the ones who called it a bad fold are having a laugh at the others? A scenario for you. A goalkeeper in a penalty shootout faces 5 penalties. First 4 are scored to his left. 5th one he dives to his right and saves it. Would you say that was wrong he should have dived to the left even though he saved it? Under those circumstances it was the correct move and so it was with Imber under those specific circumstances. Give him credit for that please.
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    don't worry about my feelings dagg - i'm busy taking notes - as a punter i have been to loads of race meetings where people only back favourites and then complain when they lose - rather than realise there is no such thing as a certainty!!!
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!!:
    ive seen this in a cash game as well 2 players get it all in ljamesl with ks lays them down and this morning in a dym, 1 player shoves aq next calls with aces player3 on the bubble folds ks lol as much as u want proved the right fold every time.
    Posted by CHILLIE
    To be fair, cash is a completely different kettle of fish because you're not playing for 2 hours with an end goal of probably 20- 30 times what you paid to get in. And DYMs are even more so a different kettle of fish with regards to bubble play because there's only 1 flat payout.
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!!:
    So the ones who called it a bad fold are having a laugh at the others? A scenario for you. A goalkeeper in a penalty shootout faces 5 penalties. First 4 are scored to his left. 5th one he dives to his right and saves it. Would you say that was wrong he should have dived to the left even though he saved it? Under those circumstances it was the correct move and so it was with Imber under those specific circumstances. Give him credit for that please.
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    I don't know if it was good or bad, but I'm pretty sure those saying it was bad are referring to the specific circumstance that Imber was in.
  • edited August 2012
    managed to post the hand now - sorry don't know how to post colour and suits version - but it shows you what I did and how i stood at the time. My recollection was slightly wrong as my first bet was a call to the UTG bet - but other facts seem about right!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited August 2012
    Think your read was not right anyway, the first shover had the aces - you was calling the first shover ?
    the 2nd shover was your concern as they have a mega stack and they had 55

    Apolgises if I read it incoorect, post the HH - easyier reading

    shove and re shove doesn't mean it's AA always obviously

    your going to be ahead the majority so it's a snap call me thinks

    edit: just seen HH, raise inintal min raise and snap any shove behind
    when oppo iso shoves with 55, makes KK an easy snap

  • edited August 2012

    As played you're so under-repped, you look like dead money and UTG will expect you to fold almost always to his shove, thus his range becomes alot wider, and therefore the call is much easier for you!

    If you snap call his shove, it's actually a very well played hand.

  • edited August 2012

    Yeah, having seen the hand now - I would call.
  • edited August 2012
    having looked at the hand history again - i concede that the big stack was probably (or almost definitely) trying to shut me out with a weaker pair or similar - and therefore I probably did over-react. Mind you I am happy to learn - and do not regret that i would have cleaned up with the straight!!
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!!:
    never folding KK here )
    Posted by rancid
    i couldn't fold if he showed me!!!
  • edited August 2012
    As rancid stated, imbers read was wrong. The player who he thought had AA re-isolated with 55. 

    FWIW I am not trying to have a 'laugh' at someone or slating someone on there play for the sake of it. Imber has obviously put this hand up to get peoples thoughts and advice. The reason I'm making such a point as to why this is such a shocking fold is so imber does not think this is a correct move and repeat it in the future. This is why people should stop giving him credit for what was a very bad fold. 

  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!! : thanx for that chillie - if it's good enough for ljamesl it's good enough for me!!
    Posted by imber
    That was a totally different situation tbh. If I remember rightly they all had deep stacks.

    Late on in an MTT I could never fold K/K in your spot.

    I may think about it if the min cash meant a huge difference to my bankroll.
  • edited August 2012
    why do a trap then fold when it works... total lols

    anyone remember a mastercash hand where ljamesl folded KK pre flop and his opponent actually had KK too?
    was quite a long time ago in the old format on a saturday night.
  • edited August 2012
    imber poker clinic tonight post it on the show :) 
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!!:
    imber poker clinic tonight post it on the show :) 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    doesn't it have to be a TV table to post?
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - WHAT A BRILLIANT FEELING!!!!!! : doesn't it have to be a TV table to post?
    Posted by imber
    Yes lol, ignore Donk :p
  • edited August 2012
    super_nova Small blind  £0.15 £0.15 £38.62
    xxxBig blind  £0.30 £0.45 £67.51
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    DOHHHHHHH Raise  £0.90 £1.35 £30.37
    elbows7 Call  £0.90 £2.25 £42.18
    nugget1000 Call  £0.90 £3.15 £21.29
    andybeth Fold     
    super_nova Fold     
    xxxRaise  £2.40 £5.55 £65.11
    DOHHHHHHH Raise  £4.80 £10.35 £25.57
    elbows7 Fold     
    nugget1000 Call  £4.80 £15.15 £16.49
    xxx All-in  £65.11 £80.26 £0.00
    DOHHHHHHH Fold     
    nugget1000 All-in  £16.49 £96.75 £0.00
    xxx Unmatched bet  £45.62 £51.13 £45.62
    • A
    • A
    nugget1000 Show
    • 10
    • J
    • 9
    • J
    • 9
    • 4
    • 2
  • edited August 2012
    OMG another nl30 nit
  • edited August 2012
    If yer can't beat em, Join em! ;)
  • edited August 2012
    easy fold he had aces innit says that on ya post :)
  • edited August 2012
    small 4 bet for info WHAT !
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - it was a BRILLIANT FEELING - but now I realise it was wrong - I think!!!!:
    small 4 bet for info WHAT !
    Posted by rancid
    Think he'd peel Queens and AK and only ever 5b aces.

    Easier to fold when there's a good chance the shorty is getting it in and I can see if I'm right or not though. 

  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - it was a BRILLIANT FEELING - but now I realise it was wrong - I think!!!!:
    In Response to Re: FOLDED KK - it was a BRILLIANT FEELING - but now I realise it was wrong - I think!!!! : Think he'd peel Queens and AK and only ever 5b aces. Easier to fold when there's a good chance the shorty is getting it in and I can see if I'm right or not though. 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    The guy on my left sholder likes it, but the guy on my right shoulder doesn't like it.

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