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Can i get away from this??
Hand History #558754097 (22:49 31/08/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceraivimSmall blind 1000.001000.0044923.00bloodboyBig blind 2000.003000.0015284.00 Your hole cards10A joker48Call 2000.005000.0084057.25smarrRaise 4000.009000.00100701.50DoubleAAAFold raivimFold bloodboyFold joker48Call 2000.0011000.0082057.25Flop A10Q joker48Bet 11000.0022000.0071057.25smarrAll-in 100701.50122701.500.00joker48All-in 71057.25193758.750.00smarrUnmatched bet 18644.25175114.5018644.25joker48ShowKJ smarrShow10A Turn 8 River 5 joker48WinStraight to the Ace175114.50 175114.5
0 ·
It's hard to get off on the flop, but definitely don't shove the flop because you're making it really hard for you to ever get called by a hand you're beating.
i have been min raising alot of hands and lifting them, im min raising here to get the call as i have been doing it alot.
Is this bad thinking?
I agree, that you're probably not gonna be able to fold, but you still shouldnt shove, because sometimes he will have hands you can get more value from. Like if he makes this bet with KQ and you shove, he probably folds and you miss out on stacking him.
Even if we get flatted, our villian will more than likely check the turn, so we can get to the river with the pot around 50k, so even if our villian value bets the river 30k we have only lost 54k from our 100k stack thus leaving ourselves with 23bbs.
-Note; If villian fires the turn after we raised the flop I think we can suck it up and walk away from this hand.
let's take a look at our villians range;
TT, KJ, QT, J9s which makes us a 40-60 outsider
You could add in additional hands such as KQ, AJ etc but do you really think that this player is spewy enough to stack off with those holdings? I was on the table and our villian was a cautious player. If we're up against a spewtard then your play is fine as we get villian to stack off with KQ and we're also called by J9s.
Interested to see what you think of my analysis.
I think that min raising will not get him to fold so I prefer either the call or more preferable a bigger preflop raise. Once we get to the flop however and they bet into you I think it is better to just call trying to extract value from other hands that you have beaten, such as AK, AJ, and A9-A2, QT that are just trying to take the pot down. By jamming you fold out all of these hands and any random bluffs and are only able to be called by a flopped set (AA and TT unlikely because of your cards, so only likely is QQ) or the flopped straight. As it is the chips probably go in at some point in the hand in this situation but the way the money goes in I think you lose value from the more times that you are winning compared to when you are beaten.
When we shove what do you expect to call you that we have beat apart from QT and J9s and he won't be showing up with J9s given the fact that he limped EP?
Raising this flop is fine as we will in most cases get a free river card and have controlled the pot. If we just call then villian gets another 2 bets out of us.
@ NColley - So given you flat the flop, then what do we do on the turn as we have got no info as to where we are. Sorry but flatting this flop is just bahhh.
You flat the flop because it allows him to keep betting with his weaker hands. I think if he has KJ here, you're going bust and that's the end of it, but you wanna get the most of the times he has other hands.
The hands that beat us are set Ts, Qs, KJ, AQ and villian will hardly ever show up with QQ and AK here.
We fold out; 22-99, JJ, A2-A9, KQ, KT and possibly J9s.
Hands that call us that we have beat; QT, J9s (AJ debatable), (AK villian hardly ever shows up with this)
Workout the number of combinations that beat us and that we have beat that calls us and then tell me if you still think that shoving this flop is +EV.
So please can you post what hands will call our flop shove for 50bbs aside from QT and possibly AJ?
Edit - I forgot to mention that villian will hardly ever show up with KK and will not call a shove regardless.
I just wasn't sure about the hands you say call when we do shove. Fair point that I missed J9 was OESD, but yeah I still think we can raise the flop (without shoving) and keep in weaker hands than ours, especially when alot of bad players don't realise that calling the raise is gonna leave them virtually committed with a hand that can only be 2nd best.
I am a fish though, so don't give my comments much weight lol.
So for those of you that think that the shove is fine, please can you post what hands that we beat call us for 50bbs.