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Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.
Here's the first of this week's three questions. Please vote as you see fit, but the key thing is, please tell us WHAT you Voted for, and WHY.
Even if you have only just started playing, give it a go, & maybe it will help others help you. And don't worry - nobody will mock or berate you if you give a reasoning which is out of line.
We want lots of answers, & lots of debate about those answers. We will go through the play of these hands on the Show, too.
OK, first one.
Perfect Flop for our hand - but should we Pass?
10 seater Cash-table, £0.05 - £0.10, relevant stacks are....
Cut-Off - £14.00
SB - £11.25
BB £17.00
We are in Cut-off with Ah Kd.
We RAISE to £0.40, & the SB & BB BOTH Call.
SB has been Tight-Passive, BB has been Tight Aggressive.
Flop = Kh, 6s, 9s
SB leads out for £1
BB now Re-Raises to £3!
Do we......
a) Call
b) Raise
c) Fold
Use the Voting Options above, please.
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The BB is a TAG player, and has already raised to £3. If i raise I commit my whole stack with one pair, and there are no obvious re draws, so my hand isn't going to improve, therefore not much point calling imo.
When the TAG raises I don't think one pair is good enough here, so I'd pass
There is absolutely no way you're folding here. Would these 2 tight players have called your PF raise with K6 or K9? No.
If they have 66 or 99 (discarding kk for obvious reasons) then you're just going to have to pay them off.
Raise and shove.
BB can also be on weird Ks but I think its more likely that he has a spade draw.
I voted for call. Ship it on any non spade turn. Fold on a spade turn. If we raise here the spade draws come anyway at a 35pc shot. If the turn is a blank, ie 3d, then we reduce their equity greatly and with 110bb behind then they can't really call for the draw. Also the call disguises the strength of our hand and lots of worse Ks will ship it in too on a blank turn.
If we flat call the flop, and the SB ships and the BB then calls the AI then we fold.
BTW raising in this spot is so so bad. We are only getting called here by bigger hands OTF or spade draws. A KQ/KJ/KT can easily fold to a flop 4bet so we get no value at all from hands we are beating, apart from spade draws in which case they are coming along now because their raises have priced themseleves in.
I will always argue, that if youre gonna play AK in that position, n the flop comes A/K high, you have to assume u r winning! If ur losing, then hard lines. hes called u pre with a nonsense hand! Just have to work hard to get it back! re raise all in for me! cnt really see an argument for any other play!
If I get a caller and the board pairs (no flush) I'm all in because I don't think they've raised preflop with any 6 or 9 in there hand ...any rag on the turn, same bet continuation ...
If a spade comes, and one player was chasing a flush then I'm unlucky ... The thing is If ive raised preflop and hit one of the two cards A or K that I was looking for against two players,
what hole cards did they have pocket pairs maybe ...but ive got the odds with that flop so I'm committed to the pot ....ready to re-load if ive got unlucky that's the 'Swings' or (variance)
Stretcher bearer player coming
Both are tight so both might have a hand, personally I am pushing and thinking if he has AA good luck to him, obviously both don't and I am sure if they did they would come over the top, I think my AK is good with at worst a split pot, don't think the tight player would raise on a draw so I am thinking I am winning at that point, raise all in would be my choice.
Of course, you can only do this if you're playing within your bankroll and are prepared to re-load when (as often happens) it all goes horribly, horribly wrong!!!
If he's really a TAG why is he calling 4*bb pf OOP?
Anyway, I guess that we fold here.
I can't think of any hand that the TAG would make that move with that doesn't make our AK marginal at best. He might have a set or even AsKs (in which case we're drawing dead to a split). If he really is a TAG, he can't have a worse K than us or he wouldn't make that play either pre or post flop.
Also, the SB is still to act (again) and must have a good part of the flop if he has bet out (since you have said that he is a passive player) so we're up against too tight opponents who have both shown a big interest in the flop.
Therefore, much as it goes against the grain to fold TPTK, we fold and try to find a better opportunity.
As far as they're concerned my raising range pre is wide as they are both tight and i may just be stealing their blinds - which they would have had done many times due to their images.
Post flop the SB bet stinks of a draw - either 7,8 or having 4 to the flush.
This is where the extra thought comes in - I know that the SB is Tight Passive and Im assuming that the BB does too. So, his range could be with 2 pair / set BUT ALSO he may be using the stack to bully the 'wide range raiser from pre flop and the tight player who's betting like a draw.
All that being said - how many cards are going to help me vs 2 pair if that's what the BB has? The spade A or K may well be helping the flusher so my outs are restricted more.
FOLD and let them battle it out - need better than 1 pair to battle 2 opponents.
And I wonder how many people who originally scoffed at the notion of flat-calling are now having second thoughts after reading Scotty's Post?......Scotty learnt his poker not from Harrington, but from the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy I fancy, he's so left-field, but he DOES make you think......
Keep the feedback coming.
If SB flat's and the turn bricks and then SB leads, i'd probably fold to anything 1/2 pot />. If he leads less and the BB folds, I ship. If less and the BB raises, I fold. If less and the BB calls, I ship. If the SB checks, and the BB leads I probably ship also.
I think "I get it in on any non-spade turn" is a little broad, especially in a MW pot /w the described villains.
I disagree that they won't try and get it in with hands like KTss/78ss. The stacks are still 110bb turn, assuming that SB flats, giving the BB tonnes of FE plus tonnes of outs should he get called. Great spot to ship those kinda hands IMO, esp as we have played it tricky and a player at these levels won't put us on AK.
great guy tho, you could tell he was a fine player, obviously 300nl is like play chips to him.
hope to play him again tho, and maybe when he is less drunk and less spewy cos it would be a challenge!