Early exits as we reach the end of level 3 271 James Reid 272 Anthony Antonio 273 Mark Wilson 274 David Evans 275 Anthony Mackay 276 Mark Lint 277 Jav Javed 278 George Devine 279 Leonard Ebdon Posted by SPT
any chance of sky alias' ?
May be difficult, I know but more people would know who was whom as they exit
The stream is an interesting one Two simultaneous motherboard failures on the two laptops carrying the firewires/software to run the stream Trips to PC World undertaken, many furrowings of brows, and of course much frustration If need be we will abandon and do the weekend on here. Not ideal, but better than nothing Posted by SPT
The chances of this happening are about the same as Glitterbabe playing to his golf handicapp.
The stream is an interesting one Two simultaneous motherboard failures on the two laptops carrying the firewires/software to run the stream Trips to PC World undertaken, many furrowings of brows, and of course much frustration If need be we will abandon and do the weekend on here. Not ideal, but better than nothing Posted by SPT
Wouldn,t hold my breath there - is it cancelled for both days or is there any chance it might be up by tommorow and for the FT?
Not looking good for tomorrow, sorry... Nothing worse than not being able to turn a laptop on, but when you are told it's the mother board on both pc's and then told it's about a billion to one chance then it is even more frustrating.
We tried in vain to get it up and running, and spent half the day going around pc shops to try to resolve the issues. But alas tecchnology has the better of us and is real pain.
Myself and Peekey will be running round for chip counts in the not too distant, so if you want any feel free to ask.
Once again big appologies from myself, but technology has a funny way of biting ya in the bum, and today has certainly been the most frustrating day of all..
As I type there are 254 out of the 286 still in the comp.
Not looking good for tomorrow, sorry... Nothing worse than not being able to turn a laptop on, but when you are told it's the mother board on both pc's and then told it's about a billion to one chance then it is even more frustrating. We tried in vain to get it up and running, and spent half the day going around pc shops to try to resolve the issues. But alas tecchnology has the better of us and is real pain. Myself and Peekey will be running round for chip counts in the not too distant, so if you want any feel free to ask. Once again big appologies from myself, but technology has a funny way of biting ya in the bum, and today has certainly been the most frustrating day of all.. As I type there are 254 out of the 286 still in the comp. Posted by TheTower68
Gliterbabe, back from his hols it seems Posted by SPT
Nah, its just the time he spends looking for his golf balls on the course. Mind you, he gets his monies worth covering every inch of most courses he plays.
Just lost 30k pot against @jamielouise88 I had 66, 226 flop J turn J river, Jamie had JJ #mbn :-)
Unfortunately the real world doesn't deal in Sky aliases, the systems here obviously record real names for bust outs and seat draws
I will put alisaes up if I know them
Kevcoke 56k,
Lyonsbob 90k
eberdon 56K
SuperSnedd 32k
DaveyZZ 43K
Best of luck to you guys.
150-300 ra 25
Average 32,300
265 of 286 remain
Two simultaneous motherboard failures on the two laptops carrying the firewires/software to run the stream
Trips to PC World undertaken, many furrowings of brows, and of course much frustration
If need be we will abandon and do the weekend on here. Not ideal, but better than nothing
We will stay on here for written updates and pictures, with the stream team helping
Apologies, the guys have spent several hours trying to sort this, to no avail.
then got his last chips in with A-K, but ran into K-K
We'll ramp up these updates when the number of tables is fewer, and let you know who has chips etc etc
All bow. (OK, I'll bow)
An update on Dazlers chip stack would be nice, please.