Mariusz80 who won the first event of this year's tour last October The first event of the 2012-13 tour has been announced today for Oct 14-15 Six Max at DTD, £200 buy in £30,000 GTD Satellites for that start this coming Wednesday Posted by SPT
Mariusz80 who won the first event of this year's tour last October The first event of the 2012-13 tour has been announced today for Oct 14-15 Six Max at DTD, £200 buy in £30,000 GTD Satellites for that start this coming Wednesday Posted by SPT
Sunday/Monday?? or is that meant to read 13th/14th?
Played in various live events all around the UK now and attending my 4th SPT event I still have yet to experience better! There just seems to be more of a friendly festival atmosphere at the sky events than your regular casino events with the big time charlies and motor mouths... love that the majority playing are decent resepectful people.
Well done Sky & DTD.... AGAIN!! I'll be back on my birthday weekend 13-14th October!!
Good luck to everyone still left in! & Thanks all!
Mariusz80 who won the first event of this year's tour last October
The first event of the 2012-13 tour has been announced today for Oct 14-15 Six Max at DTD, £200 buy in £30,000 GTD
Satellites for that start this coming Wednesday
HITMAN RV 225,000
Flopped set of nines versus flopped nut flush draw
Mistri hit his flush on the turn
Hitman his full house on the river
190,000 pot
In Response to Re: SPT Grand Final: LIVE!:
One day a small slip up won't be picked up on by the Stoke on Trent populace..;_)
black = 100
red 500
green 1000
purple 5000
Gavin Crosland 63,000
Blinds 500-1000
Average 52,000
164 of 286 left
He is?
He retired earlier this year, and now plays a lot of poker in Luton/Home Counties
Played the DTD £500,000 last weekend
910 runners
finished second for £63,000
Might as well play this week then...
not QUITE as loud as Sam, but seems to be just as prolifica chip getter
He's on over 250,000 with avere 60,000
Other big stacks are David Harvey, Fraser Bellamy
136 paid
in Level 11
Playing 15 levels tonight. I have my Horlicks ready
Andrew final tabled at SPT Blackpool pre-Vegas