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Velocity tourney what do we do here?
no reads IDONKCALLUSmall blind 50.0050.005865.00diggerboyBig blind 100.00150.005300.00 Your hole cardsAJ fozzaFold smiffy88Raise 200.00350.005315.00IDONKCALLURaise 500.00850.005365.00diggerboyFold smiffy88Call 350.001200.004965.00Flop 5A5 IDONKCALLUBet 600.001800.004765.00smiffy88All-in 4965.006765.000.00
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How long u been on table and whats your image from his pov? Have you been busy nicking pots?
It's a pretty easy call for me.
But yeah I think GT is probably the number 1 poster on the clinic for best advice and one of the few who gives his advice on virtually every single thread in the clinic. It's laughable that you'd question someone's ability because they don't play on a particular site.
GT's points where that, you're surely 3betting to get called by worse so you don't want him to fold. If you're not 3betting to get called by worse and you're doing it as a bluff, then you might aswell do it with 72o.
im just mad for the banter
Read this this lot through and i think the Cold War had less rhetoric. GT, imo, is a good analyst of hands and i take note when he and others contribute. I don't agree sometimes but i state my case so that i can get a reply which will further my understanding. Treat it as a melting pot of ideas. Take the advice with good grace. Yes, state your case but be grateful for their attention otherwise people won't post mate.
What happened to the Plan to change attitude a bit...(BBV, REMEMBER?)
By the way, those one liners Dohhhhh....brilliant! They make me laugh out loud. Pay your scriptwriter more fella.
PS Cya today in The Boogie Woogie League, eh?
PPs Don't think i'll comment on the hand....because i don't know the best way to play it....