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If you want to attract people who 8 table 30 hours a week, you have to feed them. There are many names for this food but a lot are quite disrespectful, I will refer to this food as a net depositor (ND).
Some pros sit at heads up tables waiting for a ND all to their selves rather than having to share one between 5 other regs on a 6 max table.
Surly Sky it is more profitable for you to keep 5 regs who spend thousands a month on rake happy by having the ND on a 6 max table as the pros all create rake by playing each other; as well as creating rake playing the ND. Rather than keeping 1 hu player happy who hardly spends any money on rake.
My suggestion is get rid of hu tables this will create a lot more 6 max tables running at 100nl and above. I also believe we would be able to get 2/5 and 5/10 running every night of the week. Rather than a large ND just playing one pro at high stakes on a hu table. This would then increase liquidity on the site. The site will grow, all the 6 max pros who spend silly amount of money on rake will spend an even larger number on rake. It will also attract new 6 max players to the site. The only people who lose out are the hu players who hardly spend anything on rake.
It would affect me as from time to time I do like to sit at hu tables. However, I believe it is best for the site if a ND is shared between the people who spend the most on rake. Also before anyone says "Heads up is the purist form of the game". That is absolute garbage they are sat their waiting for a ND all to their selves. I have no problem with this they are just trying to earn a crust just like everyone else in the country. I just believe the site will be much better off without heads up tables.
Also it looks completely stupid the lobby at the minute with around 80 tables at 100nl+ but only 6 tables actually playing.
Other suggestion could be annonymous tables, I hate them hope they never come to Sky, If Sky introduced them I think I would leave.
Ultimatly it is better for nearly everyone if a ND is shared between 5 rather than 1.
As for bh lol. Got no problem bum hunting as lets be honest we only play on sky for the ratio of Pros to ND. Although these days cant imagine its much better than other sites. Bring back 2009 10+ tables of 200nl every night 4 fish per table on sky. That damn download has cost me tens of thousands! (not exaggerating)
Another thing Sky, Why cant people play though TV anymore?
it would benefit sky as more rake, it will benefit skys most valuable customers which are more than just a handful
I dont think its proper poker (no dynamic can be created), increased chance of collusion/cheating, less skill involved, less fun as cant chat and get to know other players,
you think sky's so special that a decent pro who makes their money doing what you described would just change their profitable game plan and start playing 6max, sharing his profit with others?
he'd just leave and play elsewhere
If u still not sure what I am saying pm me. Only really applies to 100nl and above cash probably reason why you dont get it.
I do agree the biggest problem with getting rid of hu tables is obviously not having option to play them anymore.
However, it is definitly much better for ND to be shared between 5 regs than just kept to 1.
The biggest reason I started this thread is there is less and less people spending money therefore less tables going at 100nl plus. I just thought this would help the majority of people including skys income out.
The thread point is noted. Not an easy problem to solve, it bedevils all Online Poker Sites.
A possible solution has been identified, & may be trialled within the next few weeks.
I think "ND" is fine as a generic term. It certainly beats all of the needless & dreadful terms that we often see applied to poker players who are deemed to be of lesser ability.
How or why anoyone would refer to a player who they deem "not good" in terms that relate to mental illness is something everyone in poker should be thoroughly ashamed of, & work jointly to eradicate.
Only priority club members can bum hunt heads up.
Reduces tables in lobby
Keeps people who fund this site happy
ND still got option of heads up play
Only people who are affected are the hu leaches who take the ND sky attract without paying tons of rake like 6 max regs do.
On the original post, exceptionally tricky to work. Some recreational or ND players just want to play HU, they want to take on one person and it's part of their fun so I think totally eradicating the HU tables isn't the way to go.
I kind of favour reducing HU spawning (at present they spawn if one person is seated I think) and making them spawn when two are seated. However this could well lead to the table blocking issues and squabbling AJS has identified earlier.
Not perfect but the devil in me would like to see the 'sit out' button removed from the HU tables. Not great when you need a pee and probably unworkable, but would lead to interesting moments. In other words if you don't post within the time limit, you get kicked.
On anonymous tables, I hate the idea and I don't think this will help either HU or 6 Max play at all. I don't scour the site looking for NDs but for me playing 5 blank faces is not poker.
Completely agree with Sim that rake races are one of the best workable solutions at present.
The problem with online poker is sites arnt doing enough to attract ND to the site. eg all skys promotions are geared to high volume profitable players.
However, for rake to be paid or for a reg to earn money someone has to be spending money. This is so simple but I believe is oftern overlooked.
You don't see it though, as it is very specifically targeted & marketed. Such promotions would be a complete waste of money if targeted at the existing player-base!