James, I think you've hedged by using the phrase 'all time' as it implies he is not, and I hate using this phrase, 'at the top of his powers' right now If you really want to light the blue touch paper, how about suggesting that on the back of the last two World Series in Vegas, the WSOPE Main Event win this week, being right up there in the 'Player of the Year standings in 2011 and having a very good chance of winning that title this year, Phil Hellmuth is the current best tournament poker player in the world. Personally I think he has had a renascence in recent times, really improved his all round poker game and is one of the best live tournament players out there right now. I also think that many of the 'Poker Brat' antics relate to how many television cameras are on him at the time. I wouldn't say the best of all time, but then again I wouldn't call anyone that, it's just too subjective and the poker landscape changes on a near monthly basis. Posted by TommyD
Thanks for the last hour it was fun, and yes that is how i play i am all over the place so no-one knows how i play the problem with that it I DONT KNOW HOW I PLAY EITHER lol.
Aces was nice and helped my stack, dropped a few now but will try to be on here ltr
Hi James, I don't think it is up for debate the Phil Hellmuth is a top poker player, but i think the problem is his demeanour and reputation. The poker brat image took over and a lot of people just view him as a joke, with his over the top entrances and well documented outbursts at other players. Is he the greatest poker player NO. Will he be remembered YES but i feel his poker achievements will not be the first sentence spoken, but his persona.
in my opinion,from russia with love was the best bond film because everything that happend could happen (not all the silly computer helped stunts)also the fight with robert shaw was very realistic,how many sovereigns were in the brief case
A couple of players who deserve a mention are Sam Holden, last Brit standing in Main Event 2 years running plus a third place in last UKIPT. Sam Trickett, been a top MTT player for last couple of years as well as a cash king.
The guy on the beach who looks bemused as he sees Bond’s Lotus Esprit come out of the water in The Spy Who Loved Me, also appears in Moonraker & For Your Eyes Only. His real name is Victor Tourjanski and he is not an actor, he is an Assistant Director.
Did anyone see the At the races phone in quiz the other day relating to Real Ale. You had to name the number of real ales for sale at a particular race course.
could you mention that tomorrow night is Forum DTD night, the most popular night of the week with the Community Regulars £5.50 for upto 5 hrs play.....although last week was over 5hrs for some lol.
As always everyone is welcome and the usual T&Cs apply, and that is......ENJOY THE FUN N BANTER
id 572213280. Still very much learning the game with regards to pot odds. I shove to try and get a call from maybe an overpair or weaker set. Did I somehow price the draw in to call? I honestly would of folded in my opponents spot but like I said, still learning.
James Bond trivia.....he isnt REAL!
After his Vegas exploits, how is Tikay not on your list?
Because:... he likes to tell everyone he is, when he's not tilting,
..................... and he can back it up with results.
What famous actress read Casino Royale for Radio Four's Book at Bedtime (this was some years ago) and which Bond film did she appear in?
Alright James, you should get this one:
What's the (prominent) connection between your beloved San Francisco 49ers and one of the Pierce Brosnan James Bond movies?
Well done sir
I don't think it is up for debate the Phil Hellmuth is a top poker player, but i think the problem is his demeanour and reputation. The poker brat image took over and a lot of people just view him as a joke, with his over the top entrances and well documented outbursts at other players.
Is he the greatest poker player NO. Will he be remembered YES but i feel his poker achievements will not be the first sentence spoken, but his persona.
Question for james: What is James Bond's starsign???
Jen, I admit it was a ridic question but James is that good that in order to try and stump him I typed random James Bond facts into google
Here is an interesting hand (i think) from the 2k BH
I won this last night so going for the double....not looking good now!!! should I have folded???
HAND ID 572224643
EDIT: I AM OUT AK<K4..............the joy of bounty hunters!!!
Did anyone see the At the races phone in quiz the other day relating to Real Ale. You had to name the number of real ales for sale at a particular race course.
the possible answers were
A Over 2
B Over 20
C Over 200
Classic !
p.s. ivey and nagreanu have to have a mention as all round tourny players
nagreanu is especially leathal in europe same as mercier does anyone know why that is?
is europe easier to play than usa?
p.s. ivey and nagreanu have to have a mention as all round tourny players
nagreanu is especially leathal in europe same as mercier does anyone know why that is?
is europe easier to play than usa?