Sorry it's a bit late folks, and I was a bit late getting online, so rules being rules, I was too late to enter myself but here are the guesses. Obviously the competition is now closed, so good luck all and GL Ryan.
Ok so with around 20/30 mins to go I was down at least 60 quid. Was a weird session. Started off so well with binking QQ v Evilpingus KK when 250bb deep and winning som nice pots...was probably up 50 or so within 30 mins of sitting down.
Then I got owned so hard by Rancid and at the same time ran so so bad. Had AQ v AK on a AA2 when 200bb deep, had 88 v AA on an AT8 when the villain just limp/called my ISO pre lol....looking thru the hands this was probably my biggest cooler of a session in months lol.
So I made a LOSS of 9.53 while also making 304 C4Ps. Which means the winners are Dohhhhh and Chris1963. Let me know if Friday is ok for you to play this main event entry please...
I was 12 tabling throughout and couldn't understand as it seems a bit low. Think that the lack of the happy hour tonight as they are on the PLO tables contributed, so when the boost for the lower tier comes in on Wednesday things will get going quicker again and also when the standard 50pcs come back too
Any news on this free entry at all?
Just seen my name in the lobby, apologies.