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Tues Night Live Show with Fowler and Rutter ****official show thread***** 7pm CH861
Hi folks,
Hope you are all well!?
for those of you planning on just watching the show tonight whilst you play, how about getting involved also... there is a UKOPS semi sat seat up for grabs tonight, courtesy of another picture caption competition. You can get involved, one of 3 ways:
email: skyopen@bskyb.comtwitter: #skypokertvforum
We also really love to hear about your latest wins on the site, so feel free to brag away .... If you are new to SkyPoker let us give you a shout out, if you have already got your seats for UKOPS, your seat for SPT Luton, let us know...
Tonight's show will be brought to you by myself and Mr Stuart Rutter, poker expert extraordinaire! We will be live from 7pm on CH861 as usual, and we will be bringing you this:
7pm – 8pm – TONIGHT ON SKY POKER Live Master Cash coverage. 8pm – 9pm – Ask the Expert Ask the Expert – Please send in your questions, hand requests for Stuart, the more the merrier...
9pm – 10pm - Sky Poker School Playing heads up Cash - get questions in if you have them, plus hand IDs
10pm – 11pm – Sky Poker Highlights We will be taking a look at almost live coverage from the 6k Open. Good Luck to those of you playing. 11pm – Midnight – Master Cash Live action from the Master Cash tables. As many tables and hands as possible will be shown. Jump on those tables! Look forward to seeing you on the tables tonight, and don't forget to get those hand ids in and questions for Stuart, Also, if you want to... tell us your POKER we are always looking to imrove let's put them to Stuart tonight.....I would say mine is bad concentration and conviction i.e following my belief in my hand through to the end! In life it's chocolate, photography coffee table books and cushions!
A xxx
0 ·
If you've got a hand that you'd like Stuart to analyse then please post the hand ID and where the hand is from on this thread..... Remember we can only show hands from tables/tournaments with a TV symbol!
Hand History #575884667 (21:42 17/10/2012)
UKops Semi should I have bet in the first place? should I have carried on when the chip leader shoved?
18 left chasing 9 UKOPs places
What would you have done Stuart?
Caption - Tikay is trying to get the hot-o-meter hand ranking to work.
______________________________ (Caption pending approval)
My sarcasm is sure to win the competition.
will be able to watch all the live shows tonight as boyfriend at home watching footie :-). my poker weakness is that sometimes i dont believe that the agro better has it and call... not good.
i think the caption should read- hang on till i work out the odds here...
onwards and upwards :-)
Thanks for the request, where is the hand from?
Caption comp: Tk reading one of his favourite books on his kindle at the poker table… Peep peep said Thomas as he came in to the station, and saw James………………………………..
my poker weakness(es)... winning one hand with a bluff and then thinking i can do no wrong haha. Also, really bad at not believing what hand my opponent has....
hand ID from tonights mini-open #578089835
was i a bit rash to go all-in?? should i fold and wait for a better spot or due to my short stack size, should i always be shoving???....
(never mind haha. just as i sent this hand ID in, i heard you announce the end of anymore hand requests! very bad timing on my part haha)
enjoy the rest of the show!
Players at the table discuss whether they need to call an ambulance or just give him a nudge
Good evening Anna and Stuart. I trust you're both keeping well.
What is my biggest weakness? I use humour to hide my deep-seated emotional pain...
Oh, my biggest Poker weakness!! - I don't pay enough attention.
...Which funnily enough is also my biggest weakness at the table. I watch the TV, listen to music and generally ignore what's happening at the table. Then I do something dumb and lose all my chips. That's not how they teach it in the poker books.
My second biggest poker weakness is that I'm completely useless.
Have a good show, or the remaining couple of hours of it at least.
I posted that on behalf of my girlfriend Emma (Llamas on Sky) so if it wins, can you please give the seat to her
Tony Kendall falls ill at the poker table after discovering that Richard Orford has a Hendon Mob flag.
(I know, it's a feeble effort at humour. I'm as disappointed with myself as you are)