Recently got back into online poker after chatting with a friend, and watching a bit of late night 861 - just in time for UKOPS! I placed third in a satellite of around 130 runners to win a seat for tonight's main event, played a few other tournaments this week and had a great time without really cashing much. And now my first post on the forums.
To contribute to the FUN,
I have taken up poker to make a bit of cash since being crudely sacked for no reason my job running a coconut shy. Think I have a case for FUNfair dismissal....
Recently got back into online poker after chatting with a friend, and watching a bit of late night 861 - just in time for UKOPS! I placed third in a satellite of around 130 runners to win a seat for tonight's main event, played a few other tournaments this week and had a great time without really cashing much. And now my first post on the forums. To contribute to the FUN, I have taken up poker to make a bit of cash since being crudely sacked for no reason my job running a coconut shy. Think I have a case for FUNfair dismissal.... Hmmm... Back to the tables perhaps. Looking forward to the show tonight. Posted by bbMike
You may be able to take them to a Employment triFUNal
In Response to Re: The official FUNday Night Show Thread (FUNdry Prizes on offer) : funeral is actually an anagram of real fun - brilliant - lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by imber
In Response to Re: The official FUNday Night Show Thread (FUNdry Prizes on offer) : funeral is actually an anagram of real fun - brilliant - lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by imber
with apologies to the beatles Here comes the FUN (do do do do) Here comes the FUN, and I say, Pocket Aces! Pocket Aces, its been a long and grinding session Pocket Aces, its seems like years since I had you Here comes the FUN Here comes the FUN, and I say I'm all in Pocket Aces, the boards come three unsuited rags Pocket Aces, there's no way I'm losing here Here comes the FUN Here comes the FUN, and i say I'm busted! FUN FUN FUN, playing online FUN FUN FUN, playing online Posted by memfno
Fun Is:- The time it takes to realise you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world! The place where Days and Hours only seem to last seconds! A tool so sharp it cuts into your heart and leaves memories forever! It's always genuine and never artificial! It has to be taken in, or with, the right spirits! And, is only cruel if it's poked at! None of us could survive without it! If you're sat in front of the telly, remote in hand. You're only 3 button pushes away from it! Channel 861, the home of Funtertainment!!! Posted by cleansweep
I was hoping we could gets lots more of this - it's funtastic - but many people are struggling to access the Forum this afternoon, as the "COMMUNITY" Tab seems to have fallen off.
Those that are here already know this, but if you have friends who cannot access the Community, then perhaps you could suggest to them that....
I was hoping we could gets lots more of this - it's funtastic - but many people are struggling to access the Forum this afternoon, as the "COMMUNITY" Tab seems to have fallen off. Those that are here already know this, but if you have friends who cannot access the Community, then perhaps you could suggest to them that.... Open the HOME PAGE, which is HERE Look bottom right to where it says "create your profile", & click that. Posted by Tikay10
You can also access The Community by going to "My Profile" and clicking on a "Recent Activity" GPC post.
Tonight we are not going to hear any of this "Sunday Grind " nonsense. Grind? Poker is not a grind , Poker is supposed to be FUN! So, aside from following the £50,000 Guaranteed UKOPS 8 MAIN, & hopefully taking phone-calls from a few of you who are playing it, we are determined to turn Sunday evening into FUNday evening. We shall be giving out a few Prizes on the Show for the best "FUN" based Posts on this thread. What prizes? Dunno yet, but Dan the Producer usually gives away about £50 worth, & I'll add at least that much from my budget, so there will up at least £100 of Free Tourney Entries up for grabs. How to get your hands on some of those prizes? Easy..... Posted by Tikay10
Tikay will be awarding some free seats to best contributions etc tomorrow get posting!
I think UKOPS is fun especially as i took down 1st place in the £55 rebuy on Wednesday for £6 Grand. The most fun moment was whent i took it down started screaming in the livingroom and woke my dad up out of his bed he didnt know what was going on!
Qualified through last nights freeroll for the main event tonight, big shoutout to MissHoolie who when I got discconected with 4 players left ran down the clock to give me a chance to get back, very kind of her.
Is poker fun, haven't played for almost 2 years having been beaten into submission with all those so called badbeats. But time is ultimately the only thing we have and using time to play this is very low on my agenda.
The distinction between enjoyment and fun is difficult to articulate but real, fun being a more spontaneous, playful, or active event. The perception of time is shortened when one is "having fun"
Evening FUNki & RedFUNk,
FUNsically, FUNker FUNdermentally beFUNdle's FUNsters FUN; FUNctional FUNds FUNd FUNny FUNgi's FUNky FUNker.
A FUN tongue twister?
Hope I'm in the Main & Mini..........
Love Sue
Fun Is:-
The time it takes to realise you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world!
The place where Days and Hours only seem to last seconds!
A tool so sharp it cuts into your heart and leaves memories forever!
It's always genuine and never artificial!
It has to be taken in, or with, the right spirits!
And, is only cruel if it's poked at!
None of us could survive without it!
If you're sat in front of the telly, remote in hand.
You're only 3 button pushes away from it!
Channel 861, the home of Funtertainment!!!
I was hoping we could gets lots more of this - it's funtastic - but many people are struggling to access the Forum this afternoon, as the "COMMUNITY" Tab seems to have fallen off.
Those that are here already know this, but if you have friends who cannot access the Community, then perhaps you could suggest to them that....
Open the HOME PAGE, which isHERE
Look bottom right to where it says "create your profile", & click that.
I thought the "FUNfair dismissal" was one of the best yet.
Any more for any more?
You can also e-Mail the Show, ""
Or Tweet us at @Sky_Poker/\~UKOPShttp/www\ (sorry, I forgot our Twitter handle).
Have a great show, chuffed to see best presenter and best analyst on tonight (in the same chair). Love you really Tikay.
FUN things about UKOPS
Afundance of satellites.
Funomenal prize pools
A great commerardery and affunity with the other players
...but, by far, the funnest thing about UKOPS - tonight's ME Fungsten Bracelet.
GL to all in the Main tonight; may you run like Usain
Dan (dtm75)
I think UKOPS is fun especially as i took down 1st place in the £55 rebuy on Wednesday for £6 Grand. The most fun moment was whent i took it down started screaming in the livingroom and woke my dad up out of his bed he didnt know what was going on!
Good Luck to her in the side event.
Well im out, lasted a long time
...bit of a cooler but was it a stupid all in from me??
Hand History #582762410
Hand ID 582765390