Hi rich and ryan. I have made a cup of tea, made a sandwich went to the toilet. Most awkward thing is when im the only person in the house and im on about 6 tables and the doorbell rings and i dont want to answer it but know i have to! Then i find it was a stranger at the door collecting money for charity and there having a conversation with me and i have to keep asking them to repeat what there saying as im standing at the front door holding the laptop making decisions and zoned out from the conversation! Another thing i find annoying but i cant say anything as i dont want to be rude is if theres a visiter in the house and they come into the room and there asking me loads of random subjects other than poker and i just want to concentrate!
What have you proven you can do at the same time as playing a game on Sky Poker?
Pilot a time machine!
We've all done it. We sit by the computer at 8pm to play the main event. Time passes so quickly that before we know it, we're out! left contemplating why we didn't see our exit hand coming! Happens every time for me! what seems like moments, is actually hours into the future by the time I finish.
What I can't understand is :- When you explain to the Girlfriend that you forgot to pick her up from work because you were engrossed in Sky poker! Seconds turn into months before she forgives you!
I have an admirable aptitude for working my day job in an admin office while playing on sky poker, demonstrating initiative bordering on gross misconduct when fabricating office crises to explain my absence from meetings when i run deeper in a bounty hunter than Ihad dare to hope for.
I generally don't spend half as much time concentrating on the tables as I should. I do all sorts, browsing the forum and facebook, watching tv/films, playing the Xbox, doing housework, getting food/drink, now doing my xmas shopping, and I used to solve my rubiks cube over and over again while playing.
As well as watching and playing i can also update and produce 5 threads on reality TV show markets incl my latest favourite : Who killed Derek Branning? (Eastenders) Your old m8 is favourite for one - Denise Van Outen In Strictly - Have you been watching and how do think she,ll do? Looking forward to the show - Have a good one guys Paul Ps - just counting up and on the hour i,ll also have cards for about 14-16 free bingo games over different sites Posted by MP33
Also tried cooking tea but several burnt pizzas later ive given up on that one
I generally don't spend half as much time concentrating on the tables as I should. I do all sorts, browsing the forum and facebook, watching tv/films, playing the Xbox, doing housework, getting food/drink, now doing my xmas shopping, and I used to solve my rubiks cube over and over again while playing. Posted by Lambert180
I usually get ready for a night out whilst playing poker (and listening to music) on the laptop
normally consists of - bath (obv the laptop was outside the bath and i had to attach a cheap mouse with the laptop sat on the clothes basket as i didnt trust myself with the laptop touchpad with wet hands. Bath followed by a shave and then straightening my hair, ironing my clothes. Pretty easy for me tho as Im a nit and I only play like 5 hands an hour
Hi all. I have done a few things while playing poker, mainly cooking and drinking. One of the funniest ones was playing the Primo, mimi Primo and hitsquad donk a fun while watching the England game and talking to you, Richard and James while you analysed my play in the primo. What made it fun was my eldest was still up watching the football with me and, while I was talking to you said "shush Daddy, I'm trying to listen to you on the telly!" I won the donk and came 7th in the Primo.
I was also multi tasking the last time I won the main event but you won't be able to read out what I was doing as you can't read it out on air and I will get banned! Needless to say it involved a Dutch lady and if you want to know more then you will have to ask at SPT Luton
Credit to you for a brave effort at tackling my name earlier, one that is rarely pronounced correctly, and is often turned into Burst! I'm not entirely sure of the correct pronounciation myself, but have gone with "byoost" for the 35 years Ive had it. However, if you think your effort is better, I'm more than happy to go with it from now on.
Great analysis tonight gents, I'm thoroughly enjoying it!
Hi Rich i am enjoying the show as always,i have a play my hand request it possibly could be a good hand to show at a later date with my hole cards covered.
The hand was from tonight's mini main @20.33 hand id 591237917.
Hi Rich i am enjoying the show as always,i have a play my hand request it possibly could be a good hand to show at a later date with my hole cards covered. The hand was from tonight's mini main @20.33 hand id 591237917. Posted by Spikelad
We'll try and show your hand in the poker clinic on Thursday at 8pm!
Advice on this hand please?? I have flopped the massive nuts and to be honest i just didnt know what to do with it I realise my bet was too small, which looked suspect. But i felt checking would look strong aswell. Maybe i am just never getting paid. But should i ever check this hand?? Hand History #591274662 in tonights 4K bh
Advice on this hand please?? I have flopped the massive nuts and to be honest i just didnt know what to do with it I realise my bet was too small, which looked suspect. But i felt checking would look strong aswell. Maybe i am just never getting paid. But should i ever check this hand?? Hand History #591274662 Posted by smarr
I'm really really good at taking phone calls while playing on Sky Poker Posted by scotty77
poker75757 Hi still sitting enjoying a great show. On Sunday while playing the £30k super roller i could hear the door knocking so i answered with laptop in hand and there was a sky rep. I explained i did not wish to b rude and told him we had the top package on sky and showed him i was playing poker. He then said well ok can i watch so he sat and watched @ the table and sold me sky multiroom.
So i have proven I can play poker, answer the door and sign up to sky multiroom oh yes and make him a coffee.
Well if im not multi-tabling on sky poker and only playing a couple
I would be usually helping with my daughter homework in a evening or just reading poker books/listening to music or cooking tea/putting the kids to tea
Enjoying the Show and have even worked out a leak in my MTT play whilst watching tonight Regards Nigel
i have done many things while playing poker on skypoker - eat, drink and even breathe (unless it's an all in!)
the strangest thing was trying to deal with my distraught daughter on the phone after she had just been dumped. i had made one of my very rare final tables and had to try and be the sympathetic dad at the same time... not easy especially when i was outdrawn on the river!
got a queston related to cash tables, when playing on a cash table and its folded around to the button the button would raise it up but wanted to know how different it there are 2 big blinds (ie somebody has just joined table and posted big blind) how should i play the button different in this case as they havent limped
Hi rich and ryan. I have made a cup of tea, made a sandwich went to the toilet. Most awkward thing is when im the only person in the house and im on about 6 tables and the doorbell rings and i dont want to answer it but know i have to! Then i find it was a stranger at the door collecting money for charity and there having a conversation with me and i have to keep asking them to repeat what there saying as im standing at the front door holding the laptop making decisions and zoned out from the conversation! Another thing i find annoying but i cant say anything as i dont want to be rude is if theres a visiter in the house and they come into the room and there asking me loads of random subjects other than poker and i just want to concentrate!
Pilot a time machine!
We've all done it.
We sit by the computer at 8pm to play the main event. Time passes so quickly that before we know it, we're out! left contemplating why we didn't see our exit hand coming!
Happens every time for me! what seems like moments, is actually hours into the future by the time I finish.
What I can't understand is :-
When you explain to the Girlfriend that you forgot to pick her up from work because you were engrossed in Sky poker!
Seconds turn into months before she forgives you!
Good evening gentlemen
I have an admirable aptitude for working my day job in an admin office while playing on sky poker, demonstrating initiative bordering on gross misconduct when fabricating office crises to explain my absence from meetings when i run deeper in a bounty hunter than Ihad dare to hope for.
Ray Buist
Also tried cooking tea but several burnt pizzas later ive given up on that one
Question for Rylan
Whats your thought on overbetting the pot on the river. Do you think it is a good strategy? Do you do it? Is it done enough?
Hi guys
Great show as usual,bit of topic, but seeing as though were talking poker just saw this random saying on twitter.and its so apt in poker terms.
“When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience”
Credit to you for a brave effort at tackling my name earlier, one that is rarely pronounced correctly, and is often turned into Burst! I'm not entirely sure of the correct pronounciation myself, but have gone with "byoost" for the 35 years Ive had it. However, if you think your effort is better, I'm more than happy to go with it from now on.
Great analysis tonight gents, I'm thoroughly enjoying it!
The hand was from tonight's mini main @20.33 hand id 591237917.
I realise my bet was too small, which looked suspect. But i felt checking would look strong aswell. Maybe i am just never getting paid. But should i ever check this hand??
Hand History #591274662
in tonights 4K bh
Hi still sitting enjoying a great show. On Sunday while playing the £30k super roller i could hear the door knocking so i answered with laptop in hand and there was a sky rep. I explained i did not wish to b rude and told him we had the top package on sky and showed him i was playing poker. He then said well ok can i watch so he sat and watched @ the table and sold me sky multiroom.
Well if im not multi-tabling on sky poker and only playing a couple
I would be usually helping with my daughter homework in a evening
or just reading poker books/listening to music or cooking tea/putting the kids to tea
Enjoying the Show and have even worked out a leak in my MTT play whilst watching tonight
hi rich,
been a good show.
one of the best things i do while playing is cuddling up to boyfriend. its not a great multi-tasking story but it sure is the nicest way to play.
onwards and upwards :-))
hey guys been a good show
got a queston related to cash tables, when playing on a cash table and its folded around to the button the button would raise it up but wanted to know how different it there are 2 big blinds (ie somebody has just joined table and posted big blind) how should i play the button different in this case as they havent limped