think sky should look at changing the structure a little bit to boost the numbers,33 took part tuesday which i feel only half will play thursday,those who are in with a chance of making sundays final will take about playing 2 tourneys on tuesday,one at 8.30 and the other straight after at 8.35.then the same again can then take the best 2 scores from the 4 tourneys to make the final.this would also give players a chance to qualify who can only play on one of the nights which will boost the prize pool.
Thanks a lot for your feedback on this. As we said, it's a new format and something we're more than happy to tweak.
For this week, I'm going to make the following tweaks and see how that works. As Giant811 says in another thread, it's about getting some TV coverage as well as a Community-focused format, which is why I think it will work best on Tuesday/Thursday...
* Two tournaments each night - 8.30pm and 8.45pm
* £3 buy-in each - split £2-£1 with 30p in fees
* Best two results from the four legs count for the Sunday final standings.
(So basically pretty much as mkgunner says above!)
Joe is just setting these up now for you. We're going to keep them passworded too, with the passwords for this week as follows:
Tuesday: snowmen - same password for both Tuesday tourneys
Thursday: colddeck - same password for both Thursday tourneys
They should be up in the lobby in the next hour or so.
think sky should look at changing the structure a little bit to boost the numbers,33 took part tuesday which i feel only half will play thursday,those who are in with a chance of making sundays final will take about playing 2 tourneys on tuesday,one at 8.30 and the other straight after at 8.35.then the same again can then take the best 2 scores from the 4 tourneys to make the final.this would also give players a chance to qualify who can only play on one of the nights which will boost the prize pool.