Hey guys,
So last night on the show a couple of people mentioned that they were disappointed by the lack of the normal Sit and Go action on the site, Now this is obviously because of the popularity of the DYM format.
And as the last few weeks there has been some great contributions from the forum on many different subjects I thought it would be nice to open it up to you guys.
The reason why I think that getting some decent Sit and Go traffic is important is because a lot of people want to play a quick 'MTT' esq game and to some people Timed tournies and DYMs don't appeal so would fill a gap in the market IMO.
So all ideas really are welcome and Sky Poker will definatly keep an eye on this thread!
Here's a couple I have:
Sit and Go (standard only) championship leaderboard. Similar to the Kings of Cash promo with different tiers. Could have cash or maybe prizes for the top 5/10 players for the month.
To try and differentiate between Sit and Go's and DYMs. Maybe have a look at how the lobby could be sorted. Possibly give DYMs their own blue tab alongside Cash Games/Sit and Go/Tournies.
I'm sure you guys have better ideas tho so keep them coming.....
Could sky maybe double the poker points you get on these for a limited time? im not sure how viable this is as i dont know the amounts sky is making and wether this would cost them to much to do but thought it might be worth thinking about.
really bad idea i know
or shut down MTT's for a day so we have no choice but to play the sit and go's
lets take a 12 man s+g as an example, i believe 3 players get payed (correct me if im wrong) the top 3 players could be awarded points with the last payed player getting 1 point, 2nd getting 2, and 1st getting either 3 or 4 (depends if u want to give an extra bonus to winner but either would work)
same if it was a 6 player and only 2 were being payed.. 1 point for 2nd and 2/3 for 1st
add the points up at the end of the month and split the stakes up again like in the kings for cash and give top 5/10 in each group a prize
The idea of awarding points for victories and then payout at the end of the week/month is pretty much the same of the Battle Of The Planets promotion on Pokerstars but that's okay. It really is the obvious promotion to have.
I struggle to think of any other possible promotion, however I do think that any reward system should be:
i) Paid out weekly. This would encourage more casual players to have a go rather than isolating it purely to SNG grinders as would probably happen in a monthly payout system.
ii) Paid out on the basis of performance over blocks of x number of games, rather than over total number of games played (This suggestion really is a total rip-off of BOTP). It rewards performance and removes the possibility of people winning the promotion by nitting up, breaking even in their play but playing such massive volume that they inevitably get the most points. This encourages creative poker and makes the game more interesting for recreational players. Again, it allows recreational players to have a chance of winning.
30 or 32 player sit and go's are months and months away form even being thought about in my opinion
I tried 1 of the 2 min blinds.I started on the button 3 players were using there full time bar all the time by the time the blinds reached me they were 200/100 & you only start with 1000 chips.So not my type of game.
For me as a rec 5min blind levels are the lowest worth playing.So any promo is not going to make me play more if all the games are aimed at turbo players.
My idea is why not run some kind of league again just for the STG maybe over the first few months of the new year at the end of it the top players in high middle and micro stakes get to play a live STG to be shown on Sky Poker channel and then winner can get a nice trophy and some prizes.
By doing this it should work for sky as can also be used as promo meterial and gives sky another USP to other sites and for the players they get something different and something to look forward to.
I'd also quite like it if second wasn't rewarded at all, and only first places count. The problem with that would be that it would show no favour to full-ring tables and would naturally benefit 6-max play. If that were deemed unreasonable, then a league points system would be the natural alternative.
As for rewards, I think that having a weekly payout is desirable. I would favour an additional system of weekly freeroll SNG's for the best couple of players in each band:
High stakes player A
High stakes player B
Mid stakes player A
Mid stakes player B
Low stakes player A
Low stakes player B
This structure would seem to favour the lower stakes players as their ROI would obviously be higher, however if run in conjuction with a reward system for league position in each band, the freeroll would be a bonus for the higher stakes players, while being a significant carrot for the low stakes players. The Top Of The Posts payout structure would be a good starting point for the freeroll.
A combination of straightforward league payouts and freerolls would seem to do more to encourage traffic. However, if one were to be chosen over the other, then I would suggest a straight payout system would be best.
For the reasons I stated earlier, I must emphasise that I think it's critical that the system pays out weekly and rewards performance over a set block of games, rather than rewarding participation as the old Sit and Go Champ promotion did.
There is little point in trying to appeal to high volume SNG players in my opinion. These players will already be grinding high volume on Stars and trying to draw them away is going to be very tricky. Any promotion on Sky will live or die by how it appeals to recreational players, mainly those already playing DYM's but not finding them stimulating enough to play a large (by recreational standards) volume of games.
By being 'clever' and cross promoting SNGs, within the "Tournament" tab, when they are say, 70% full, or permanently pinning a couple to the top of the tournament lobby, I think they could fill rapidly. Know a lot of people who pop straight onto the tournament lobby and sign up for the next £3.30 BH or £2.20 f/o, that's at the top of the list.
See attached (really bad photoshopped - sorry) image to illustrate point.
This is the first time i have made a post on the forum.
I use to play a lot of sit and go on another site until they joined ongame. Every so often they ran promo of sit and go with bounties on the head of the site pro's. There were 5 or 6 pro on the site and for a week or so they all played sit and go and there was a $25 bonus for knocking out the relevant pro, some sit and go's had 2 or 3 pro's sat so if you won and knocked them all out you earned a decent payout.
I think this would be ideal with bounties on the heads of say "yoyo, lolufold, scotty77, tikay and all the presenters.
hope this makes sense
I go eleswhere to play S&G's due to this problem. I would keep a promo simple. Either on the lines of "win 3 on trot and double your prize money " or play x games to win a big tourney entry or freerollor a Xmas cracker. Always best to keep it simple.
In Response to Re: ***Sit and Go*** Discussion to boost liquidity:
Sit and Go (standard only) championship leaderboard. Similar to the Kings of Cash promo with different tiers. Could have cash or maybe prizes for the top 5/10 players for the month.
6 max
1-2 place get paid
SNG lobby is just a headache to navigate
Other sites have also found that people really like the middling ground, so tournament format but a couple of tables, but not enough tables that it takes too long. Many 180 man SNGs, 90 man SNGs etc run constantly for small to medium buyins on other sites. obviously I would assume with the liquidity and playerpool 180 would or even 90 would be way too high a number to have any volume of these games running. 18 man sngs maybe keeping with what seems to always be 6 handed tables?
Unfortunately sky would not have the player base to fill a 9 or ten seated format people would get fed up and dereg
I like this ^^^
It is an interesting question. As a recreatioal player and relatively who plays low volume, i want to compare myself to others as a way of seeing progress. I find that the number of types of games is more of a put-off than attraction. I've found a couple i like and i've got strategies for them. Yes, maybe others will be introduced in time. You just can't see the wood for the trees.
May i say that the loss of the league tables was a big mistake in my opinion as it enabled players to 'see' improvement. There doesn't seem to have been any reason whatsoever for it thought the fact that it doesn't create monet literally may be a part. The recreational player is not a grinder by defn but sees the site as being totally weighted towards them. Yes, it is a business but if that 'wall' of volume has to be climbed at least let small volume players be involved in some type of league where here is a chance of appearing on a board. Yhough this has little to do with stt's why not have league board of various things eg successive dym's , highest roi's in mtt's for different levels aetc Top 20 results in a month say with five prizes to best roi's and a min number of games to qualify. You may find that it converts players to the 'grind' and so promotes more action.
After all we say average but mathematically there are three types of average ie mean(usual one),median(midde one when placed in order), mode(most common value) so there could be small scale leagues with different statistical goals.
I understand that sky poker bring out promotions to increase volume but i do feel that, in general, the low volume user, feels ignored and will not try to get involved. This is losing potential long term players.
For low volume players, how about 18 man T's with payment for Ft. say money back 6,5,4 then step ups for 1,2,3. The length of these T's and blind levels etc need others to sort out but as long as its not a donk fest and there's a feeling of acheivement for one, reaching the FT and taking it down then i think it would appeal to someone for £3.30-£5.50. The rational would be one third come out the other side instead of 50% in dym's which can be formulaic.
I'm not sure what will come from this thread but its good to see SKY trying....
Put a mini jackpot on them. I know some other 'not so great' sites do this but it would definitely encourage people to play them. Ones I used to do were 12 runners, $2.40 (I think) and if you won 4 in a row, you got $2,000. I once won 3 in a row, then took a bad beat 3 handed in my 4th one ...sigh. But yeah it definitely made me wanna play them more.
Just say £2.20 10-seaters, win 4 in a row and get £75. Not gonna happen that often and even if it means they run 10 times per day more than they do now that's £20 per day of rake, and it wont get won everyday, no way
Many of the forum regs play forum sng usually 10 seater £2 games late night / early morning at weekends and a table is picked and linked posted up elsewhere. Thi usually fills up quite quickly but you inevetably get a couple of interlopers. Where as this is not a problem the game usually has a certain amount of banter attached to it which outsiders feel left out from or possibly feel that they are being colluded against.
Make it possible like the team mtt's that a person can start a game and add a password to it to reserve the game for those that want in and dont mind/enjoy the banter. This is also known on some other sites as a "home game" or "freinds game".