This is brand new to Sky Poker and follows on from a suggestion / vote done on the Sky Poker forum.......
It gives the Community its own tournament which Channel 861 has said it will support when possible.
There are two Legs to the Forum Special on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Each of them are £5.50. They will show up in the lobby as £2.50 + £3 fees.
WHAT??!!! £3 Fees??!!!!
Steady on, there's a twist 
£2.50 + £3 should actually be more like £2.50 + £2.50 + 50p.
£2.50 will go into that night's prizepool (either the Tuesday or Thursday), with the other £2.50 going into the kitty for Sunday night's final. The final will be for 6 players, those with the lowest combined scores of their finish positions on the Tuesday and Thursday put into the Sunday final.
I will post the table with the current standings as near to the end of the tourny as possible
Say you get 100 runners on both nights - that's a total of £500 (200 x £2.50) going into the Sunday final, with all six players earning a slice of that prizepool. That obviously sits on top of any money they would have won in the two qualifying legs. Can't be too bad for £11, right?
Channel 861 will aim to pop into this tournament and give you a bit of exposure on Sky Poker TV too.
This Tues/Thurs/Sun tournament format will be for the Community. This thread will be run by myself and Sky_Dave. The tourneys will be passworded too, with the details going out on this thread. That way the tournament stays as another way for Community players to get their play aired on 861.
Right then the 2nd tourney will take place tonight at 8.30 and the password will be.... chilly
good luck to each and everyone of you and let's make this badboy work
you can go HERE to reg now
GL all and thanks for orgainsing Chris and Sky
Can you check the description........
DescriptionForum Special Leg 1. £2.50 will contribute towards todays prizepool whilst £2.50 from fees will contribute to the Forum Special Final on Sunday at 8:30pm. The first leg was last Tuesday at 8:30pm. Check the community for details and password!
...although I really think someone else should be organising it. You know, someone who has experience of arranging tournaments on Sky, not this "scouse_red" character. What's he ever done on this forum?
The only problem is that players have to be able to play on three nights to get the value which may reduce numbers. My only thought is if it was one night with a monthly final then it may attract a lot more runners.
Hope it goes well & you get the runners.
We obviously need to see how it goes but just a thought....would an option be to have it Monday to Saturday with the best 2 results counting?
Anyway, I am in, good luck all!
think sky should look at changing the structure a little bit to boost the numbers,33 took part tuesday which i feel only half will play thursday,those who are in with a chance of making sundays final will take about playing 2 tourneys on tuesday,one at 8.30 and the other straight after at 8.35.then the same again can then take the best 2 scores from the 4 tourneys to make the final.this would also give players a chance to qualify who can only play on one of the nights which will boost the prize pool.